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MG def or nute burn? w/pic



And so you know if your plants are already dealing with shock (either having slowed growth or stopped growth), flushing can hurt them because of reducing available oxygen to the roots and cutting the supply of nutrients for a short time.

What would a flush take...10 minutes? Deprived of O2 and nutrients isn't an issue in a flush time frame.

What I observed looked like a burn.
Really...I've never seen a burn look like that. Plus he's only fed one mild feeding.



Tex, you crack me up. First time I ever saw anyone quote their own post! lol

...and why are you so insistant that he has nutrient salt build-up? He's only fed once.

A mystery to me...

You are assuming the guy he got the clone from did not feed it, and you are assuming this is a new container for the clone. As far as we know that is the same container the guy that gifted him the clone, rooted the clone in.

I make no assumptions, just observations.

Also check out this link for future infirmary questions. It helps diagnose a problem easier.
Look I quoted myself again, specifically for the link I posted. from the link : "How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?"

When i posted the link, I was expecting him to read that link and post ALL of his info instead of nitpicking and asking all the questions that would have been covered.


The clone came in a rockwool cube quite well rooted, Because this problem occured 5-6 days after the first feed i assumed it was nute burn and have flushed now I have an ec pen it might help, EC going in was 0.24 runoff was 0.51 so is that a nute burn or salt build up? (I was watering every 4-5 days untill i saw here to water every 2 days because of salt build up)
I've also noticed my Thrips are back when i watered a few came to the top of the coco so i will get some pyrethrim and use my pestoff spray tomorrow before it worsens.

Thanks for your input ppl i appreicate it.


Generally an increase at your runoff is due to excessive salts/minerals.

Make up some fert at an EC of 1.0 and a PH of 5.8 run that for 24hr's and see if the EC goes UP or Down.
If the EC goes down, then your feed is too weak if the EC goes up then you are overfeeding.....but I doubt that at this stage.

Say the EC goes down by 0.3 then the new fert that you will make up would be an EC 1.3, same if it went down by 0.5 your next fert EC should be 1.5.

So you are using the initial EC of 1.0 as a bench mark, if it goes down 0.5 your meter is telling you that your fert at EC 1.0 was too weak by 0.5 if it goes the other way by 0.5 your meter is telling you that you are too strong by 0.5.


Plus this is coco, not soil, so there's minimal risk with a flush. (not that there is with soil either)

And along those lines. since it is coco, Chr0nicxs, the runoff ec isn't too valid. (due to the high CEC of coco)


Generally an increase at your runoff is due to excessive salts/minerals.

Make up some fert at an EC of 1.0 and a PH of 5.8 run that for 24hr's and see if the EC goes UP or Down.
If the EC goes down, then your feed is too weak if the EC goes up then you are overfeeding.....but I doubt that at this stage.

Say the EC goes down by 0.3 then the new fert that you will make up would be an EC 1.3, same if it went down by 0.5 your next fert EC should be 1.5.

So you are using the initial EC of 1.0 as a bench mark, if it goes down 0.5 your meter is telling you that your fert at EC 1.0 was too weak by 0.5 if it goes the other way by 0.5 your meter is telling you that you are too strong by 0.5.

Thanks for this, When I next feed I will do this. I hand water in 6.5l pots so dont have a hydro system to do this but can I just water with EC 1.0 and PH 5.8 the test the runoff strait after?
How comes the EC runoff isnt valid in coco EvilTwin?
If this was nutrient burn and i did a EC 1.0 feed would this be a big problem?

Kryp Keeper

The clone came in a rockwool cube quite well rooted, Because this problem occured 5-6 days after the first feed i assumed it was nute burn and have flushed now I have an ec pen it might help, EC going in was 0.24 runoff was 0.51 so is that a nute burn or salt build up? (I was watering every 4-5 days untill i saw here to water every 2 days because of salt build up)
I've also noticed my Thrips are back when i watered a few came to the top of the coco so i will get some pyrethrim and use my pestoff spray tomorrow before it worsens.

Thanks for your input ppl i appreicate it.

Get some spinosad for thrips!!!


How comes the EC runoff isnt valid in coco EvilTwin?

Sorry I missed this question...

This was new information to me, but I read fairly recently that runoff in coco can't be counted on for diagnostic purposes.

Coco holds lots of very specific nutrients. Cations (the positively charged ones). It's because the coco surface has lots of negatively charged binding sites.

So when you water to runoff, you don't know if the change in EC/ppm or ph was caused by salt build-up or nutrients released from storage. I don't understand all the chmistry, but if you want an education on coco, go over to the coco section here. Those Dudes know their medium.


My opinion is not to foliar spray under that light, it looks like a light burn. Take your plant out from the light, then spray and wait until dry before putting back under.
Peace, Good Luck. Nugs
Flushing won't hurt a thing, flush it out, then start your nutes at 1/4 strength and slowly work up. Also work a teaspoon of dolomite lime into the top of the medium to buffer out, work your Cal/Mg as a back-up.