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Underground living and grow of the Future


earthship with greenhouse

earthship with greenhouse





Nice find, anyone got pic's like this??


Tons of info on Earthships and Earth Sheltered housing on the net. There is an excellent documentry call Garbage Warrior, you should check it out. I've always been a fan of self sustainable homes.


was NAD welcome to the Sustainable Living and growing blog. brought the movie Garbage Warrior but they didn't show how exactly to build it, wish there was a part 2


Sorcerer's Apprentice
A friend of mine's father built something like this back in the 80's. It was a single story home built into the side of a hill. Entire house was on a slight angle so as you entered the hill, you'd be going deeper into the ground as well. There was a fireplace at the bottom of the slope and the heat radiated up through all the rooms of the house as it followed its' course. Pretty smart.

Sorry, no pics.


On the earthship site it said that you can finance an earthship with 10k$. Anybody look into that?


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
fuckin cool stuff...

I am half tempted to start searching for some cheap land somewhere...

Im sure most of you guys heard of the tennessee underground grow tunnel home, well those guys did something similar to alot of these homes here... they bought a piece of land with a cave on it as well as a ton of trees on the property. The guys chopped down and milled all of the wood from the trees and built a log cabin on top of the cave. Inside of the cave they set up one big ass grow. They eventually were busted and the house was burnt down. If you have been livng on cloud 9 for the last decade and havent heard of this, then google search it, or even search it on ICMAG...

anyways, I am very interested in living "off the grid"... its def. something I WILL do at some point in my life..

this thread makes me wonder where the hell "NOKUY" has been... this thread would be right up that guys alley...



Damn hippies. They built part of their house/wall out of tires and grout. What kind of ghetto construction is that?

The rest is cool. I've seen a couple others too, one that's got a door in the side of a hill and a couple windows and nothing else. I've also seen those abandoned missile bases, some people buy them and turn them into homes/huge garages.



You will not be forgotten
awesome thread you have going here sito007, a while back i saw the first house you posted up on a program on the travel channel... very cool stuff.

I also was curious and interested about the water system... everything else i have seen is pretty self explanatory ...

i would be very interested in seeing more pictures / explanation on keeping the underground homes completely sealed and water proof ...

anyways good stuff... has my wheels turning on gettin this goin on some property :joint:
Nobody mentioned the monolithic dome as the possible design for an underground shelter. All you need is a large round window in every dome at the top and you will always have plenty of day light, so its not like you will live like a troglodyte, lol. Plus you can build your house on flat land, and then just bury it to the desired level, making a hill; this way you retain the insulating/protective properties of earth cover AND remain above water table.
I've seen an above-ground monolithic dome house in person and it was pretty swanky.
Check out http://www.williamlishman.com/underground.htm


Active member
I looked into the Earth-ships and the rain harvesting there doing with there roofs would be nowhere near enough for me id need a well or a separate roof of a couple thousand square feet. I like the earth sheltering for the constant year round temperature more than anything.


A Book " Water from the Sky "

A Book " Water from the Sky "

Step by step the book outlines how to solve the problem of water shortage through catching, storing, using, reusing and treating water.


I haven't read the book but hopeful it will explain in detail .I would especially like to find out how to build one of theses systems



catch water from the sky (rain & snow melt) and uses it four times. Water is heated from the sun, biodiesel and/or natural gas. Earthships can have city water as backup. Earthships do not pollute underground water aquifers.



Water is caught from the roof. The roof must be a potable surface. From the roof, the water is channeled through silt catches into cisterns. Cisterns are sized to the local climate and are best buried and completely protected from the sun. The cisterns gravity feed a Water Organizing Module with a pump and filter. The pump pushes the water into a pressure tank to supply code required water pressure. The filters clean the water for consumption and cleaning.

Use & Re-use

Water is used in a conventional way such as bathing or washing dishes, except for the toilet. The water is used and cleaned a second time in interior botanical cells. The flush toilet is the third use of the water. After the toilet, the water is contained and treated, and used a fourth time in exterior botanical cells.

Hot Water

Water is heated with the sun and natural gas. The sun heats the water and the natural gas water-heater only turns on if the water is not hot enough. This is called "gas-on-demand" water heating.

Hot Water Recirculation panel

The hot water recirculation system is a water saving set-up designed so when you turn a timer switch at a fixture the water that has cooled in the hot water lines is returned to the cisterns while replacing it with hot water. In order for the hot water system to work the plumbing for it must be done during the rough in as well as the electrical. This is shown on the construction drawings available from Earthship Biotecture. The kit includes the hot water recirculation panel and required number of timer switches for your home. For more information on this hot water recirculation panel, please send an email to [email protected]s e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 575-751-0462.


Active member
Yheah I don't get enough rain in my area, I calculated it awhile back with rain harvesting calculator that you type in the amount of rainfall you get in your area and the square-foot of your roof

Here this will help you calculate.

Average Water Use Per Day


If I have a 1000 square foot roof and get 20" of rainfall a year I only can capture 12500 Gallons a year which would only last just me about 125 days if using about 100 gallons a day. So I really need nearly 3000 square feet of roof to capture enough just for myself not including anybody living with me. This doesn't include melting snow but better safe then sorry.