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Redspaghetti's house of love :D

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love machine
ICMag Donor
what's up sexy spaghetti?
Hi ya lola :D just growing some good ole herbs for meself ya?

vermiculite, perlite, good medium! used to use 60% perlite, 40% vermiculite and made it into over a dozen magazines and half a dozen books with that medium!
I love these medium, they are so easy to work with it just a pain in the butt that you have to soak them before you open the bag.
nice and healthy im tagging along for the ride
Thank you :smokey:
Tag! Your it!

Jesus Christ you stoners are on top of shit! Why am I always last guy to the party.
Hey ya HS!! glad to see you here bro, i need to get my stuff together and make that trip!!!!!
Peace, :joint:

Lookin' KILLER bro :D Best wishes!
thanks Big D!
I'll be watchin!
nice collection of strains u got there red goodluck looks fuckin great so far cantt wait for some bud shots
peace stoney
Me neither, these are some old strains that i ran before, they gave some good good ole bud, im trying to learn and get these strains dialed !

well smack my willy and paint me pink................

NICE lineUP of topnotch gear......LUV the tomato cagez......
they really do ROCK.........

so I'll be float'in in&out of this one from time to time to see the
killer scene......................and be seen.............:smokey:


look'in good so far......REDspag............
Good to see you here yortbogey!!!!!!!


love machine
ICMag Donor
Red!!! Sweet
top tier- nothing less, ever
tagged up red!! send the hood to the kitchen,I'm broke too!!
That sound good uncle!!! I wont be using hoods anymore, i think? i m loving the vertical idea!!!
Taggin in :biggrin:
Teresa, you are one of my biggest inspiration for indoor growing and them buckets! ;)

subscribe .looks to be a promising show redspaghetti ,love the shot from the top of the shower.are those hempy buckets or something similar?
keepem green-n-girlie
Yes they are hempy bucket, mums getting 100% perlite treatment and i will soon mix vermiculite with new ones.

looking good. got another shower? or do you have to get in with the girls?
I have 2.5 bathroom here, i have 1.5 extra right now and i might use it for these sexay girls too, i can shower when i get to work or friends house ?? :D


love machine
ICMag Donor
Moved these little cutie last night and they didnt look so good, check them again this morning and they seem to like the new home :D all GPD's, 70% perlite 30% vermiculite

Dragged this tent out last night

And this one is up too

Darkness hours are over, let there be light :D
Brand new bulb MH, let see how these ladies do, i have a few GPD's with them right now because i still need to complete the other tent
GPD's mooching some light :D

Little Boom Box when working ya?

More update sooonn



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
liking the way things are coming along red,esp like the cfl rig! did an electician make that? LOL j/k stoner are a clever lot arent they!!


love machine
ICMag Donor
I have a superb high tech electrician with me to set this up...
JK lol my knowledge about electricity is very poor, i am trying to keep it as simple possible.

I love those CFL rigg like just a few bucks at lowe's or HD

On a serious note, i am more creative when im high :D



ol sparkey taging in. ;)

Nice looking plants, just one question tho....when you water them what do you do, just turn the shower on? LOL j/k


love machine
ICMag Donor
rocking the airflow :dance: the cfl cluster is schweet.

You're such a sweetie! :huggg:

ol sparkey taging in. ;)

Nice looking plants, just one question tho....when you water them what do you do, just turn the shower on? LOL j/k

Hey you just gave me a great idea !!!! LOL

you should see the flower box i built out of crap i had laying around and 16 bucks!!
Any pics uncle?

Feel free to post pics, tell jokes and laugh here, its a house of love after all ;)


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Sup Red? I'm gonna be in here lurking. Clones are looking nice.

Funny, i cant give away the SAME Sun System hood!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey Red,

Your tent room looks like mine. two tents on hard wood floors. Your walls are the same color in there too. Classy I must say!
What size are your tents?


love machine
ICMag Donor
serious you guys can send those hoods to me!!


heres the page my build is on,check it out!!:tumbleweed:

Pm'ed ;)

i was going to comment on the money counting machine too haha
LOL i didnt even notice it when i took that pic, just bunch old junks that need to be move

I am on it red! My favourite part so far the money counting machine next to the boom box.ahaha

Hey Red,

Your tent room looks like mine. two tents on hard wood floors. Classy I must say!
What size are your tents?
These are my old tent i bought sometime ago, one is 4x4x6.5
and the other one is 4.5x4.5x7

I might put panda films on the floor later well thats another story hehe
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