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BC's Trainwreck pc grow

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey b00m... I hope you didn't take any offence to the Aussie thing...I got in trouble from my Australian friends here if I DIDN'T call them Aussie's!!
Thanks for the info on the movie..If I can't find it anywhere, I'll surely find it on the net!!


Grow like nobody is watching
A good one to watch is "We're just doing our job". Filmed in Nimbin, the craziest town in Oz :tongue: It's on google video.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Nah No Offense here bro, just another stoned response from me. :biggrin: :biggrin:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Cool..Thanks b00m!!
I gotta find that movie...its funny, some growers buy whole subdivisions or cul-de-sacs just for growing herb!! I've had the joy of cleaning up a house once that was left..you could'nt imagine...
The batteries need to be re-charged in my camera so I can't post a pic yet..she isn't growing too tall yet but I have a feeling its going to happen soon...I'm itching to start playing with her!!
I've decided to go with Pureblend grow and bloom plus all those other goodies....I have read that TW likes its nutes and is a heavy feeder..
Does that sound right?
Don't know if any of you have grown this variety..
Let me know..
Thanks everyone..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey everyone..
I started LST last night so lets all hope for a monster load of nummy buds!!
thanks to Scrub for info on her feeding habits..she likes lots of food so thats what she will get!!
Its only day 13 so I need to do some more studying on LST just to be careful...luckily for me I am on the best site in the world for all the info I need...
So far so good..I'llpost pics when she's awake..
Thanks everyone and I hope to hear from you all!!!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah feed her if she is the Arcadian cut ,did you say it's clone or seed? She is one of my fav clone when crossed with PK lol peace out Headband707

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks headband 707!!
Its a fem seed,and its from the Arcadia line so I'm really excited..
Yeah, Pk is my all time fave..where do I get those seeds? Now that would be fun to grow for sure!!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
They have a clone floating around here and it is as dank as hell , so much so that no one wants to grow it lol lol..but she is definately my all time fav. good luck with yours peace out Headband707

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
yeah, pk clones are evrywhere in our wonderful province!Funny no one was even bothered to make seeds early on, now its too late..My fave for sure..got some cheese today..can't wait to try it..
Thanks headband 707

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey everyone..
Day 14...sheesh..Fed her lightly with PureBlend Grow and tied her a little more over...side shoots are really popping out where extra light is getting..she's going to be a bush..I can feel it..
Should I move her farther away from the lights??To get more stretch?
Let me know..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks headband 707!! Close it is
Thanks #1cheeseduds!!Nice to hear from you
Hey Scrub!! Thanks!!You are right..I am getting way ahead of myself huh..sheesh..
Since it is close, I have noticed many side shoots..
Thanks all

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey everyone..
time for an update..
LST is starting to show its wonders now..lots of side shoots coming up..sheesh..it won't be long before I have to switch to 12/12...
Its day 15 in veg and you can see the shoots coming up and they are reaching for light..I'll tie those down and the planter is going to be full..I guess another week or so in veg but we'll see how things go..sure is fun though!!!

Let me know what you think everyone...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
That's looking right on track bro, keep it up.
Peace and Buds.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub!! I'm happy with how she's coming along too...
Thanks b00m!!
Do you think its good to cut a few of those big leaves(maybe 1) to get more light to those shoots??
See the big leaf beside the shoot? That one..
I have'nt yet, I just want to know..its still young but its a dilemna..
love to get feedback..


Don't trim big leaves unless they're sick...all that green leafy material = plant energy.

If you trim anything, trim the tiniest and newest shoots to encourage the plant to focus on the existing ones.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks kcbudz31!!You are right bro..thanks
I really have begun to tie her down now..she's growing like crazy but only now, its sideways!!Shoots popping out everywhere...that Pureblend is amazing..
the main stem is almost sideways now which I need and want..
let me know what you all think...
thank you everyone