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BESO- when LOVE POTION#2 'kisses' C99....


ICMag Donor
Well here we go with some of Mosca's Beso Beans...

Thank you Mosca, you are a true Gem in the Rough...;)

Lets start off with Mosca's perfect description and some lineage info;

New release—Lemony goodness all the way is what you get when Cinderella 99 touches the Love Potion #2. “Love Potion #2 is the strain GW Pharma paid thousands to a Canadian breeder for a strain that was very high in the terpenoid Limonene (responsible for the lemon scent/taste) so they can use it for Sativex.”

Expect Long Sativa colas that finish in 60-70 days.

I am really, really looking so, so forward 2 growing this strain.
I'm growing this with my fingers & toes tightly crossed that it will help with a medical condition I have called 'Trigerminal Nueralgia'...This extremely painful condition is also known in laymans terms as 'Suicidal Migraines'.
This condition effects the main nerve in your face called the 'Trigerminal' nerve.
It is basically responsible for all the feeling in your face. There is 3 main causes to this condition and they could be early onset of MS or a tumour that is placing pressure on the Trigerminal Nerve or a group of blood cells that are usually alongside the nerve are actually too close or ontop, hence putting pressure on the nerve. When this nerve has too much pressure or gets damaged, it causes the nerve too constantly(and I mean constantly) misfire pain signals causing severe migraines that can last for weeks to months at a time, during these bouts any wind or touching of the face, (no matter how gentle) doubles you over in severe pain. Even a feather stings like you would not imagine(unless you have TN).
It is known to be one of the most painful conditions to mankind. Hence why it is often labelled as suicidal migraines. Normal Advil, panadol and even codiene DOES NOT work AT ALL for TN(I was upto 10-12daily with NO EFFECT). My doc prescibed me Tegretol and Valpro which are epileptic drugs(anticonvulsants) and they did NOTHING aswell, except for make me feel like a zombie during the day. And being a mum and a wife, I didn't want to feel like this and definetly not for the rest of my damn life. I'm up to month 9 now with constant & persistant migraines(only go away when sleeping and thats when I can get sleep). Doctor is not 100% sure what my underlying cause for the TN is but suspects that it may have something to do with when I was younger and learning Muay Thai Kick Boxing(had a bad habit of practising at home with my sister with no head gear or mouth gaurd) Apparently even a decent blow to the face can damage this TNerve...unfortunetly I've had a few of them, so it does make sense if thats the reason. All other possible causes have been cleared or assessed.

I have only been diagnosed 4 months ago so am still trialing meds from doc too find right one and researching/learning about it all. At the moment DEPTRAM seems to be working as I have been migraine free on and off since I started it a week ago.
But apparently it is very common for meds to work for a while and then stop working with this condition..
I do know that I am not alone and that TN is quite common. Also, who has not had a headache or migraine before??! They alone can be pretty painful and debilitating too many.
A lot of us here on IC are searching for that ultimate pain reliever strain or migraine reliever. I have come close,...

This Sativex that they are trialing is used for alot of chronic pain conditions such as MS and cancer. I was really stoked when I read up on Beso and that the Love potion #2 can be used with SATIVEX due too it's potency in the terpenoid limonene.
So I thought and am hoping this documented test grow will benefit quite a few here on IC and that is why I am pointing out the medical side of things. :booked:


~100% GH Cocotek coco...

~House & Garden coco A&B
~Organic liquid sea kelp (with over 80 micro elements/vitamins/fulvic acids)
~House & Garden Budxl
~Canna PK13/14
~And the occasional flush with Unsulphared black strap

~144wtts T5 fluro's

~Currently running 2x600wtts *Sunmaster hps but we have full intentions on expanding our 2 flower rooms to just 1 big flower room(2000wtts). We are being held off from doing this as we know we have a property inspection coming up any day now. As soon as we clear that, then we will get too work on it...

~Carbon filter with 565cfm extraction fan(but when room expands, will be running 2...)
~Truncheon TDS/EC meter.
~Ph pen EUTECH.
~Ocsilating fans.
~Aircon/heater @ 12000btu

I probably forgot something but can't think of anything else at the moment.

Popped 7 of them on Wednesday, all cracked with in 18 hrs(no soaking but had light scuffing and then placed on moist medical guaze on heat mat @ 25c degrees).

Planted into 225ml foam cups after 30 hrs...

So...7 lil' Beso's sitting in a cup...but one said 'fuck it I'm not comin up' (YET, only been in new homes for approx 12 hrs-pics of them below).............:whistling:





Flying High:witch:


Looking good mel, good to see them peeking out of the soil for you. Sorry to hear about the med condition, my dad suffers from cluster migraines, so I can kind of relate to what you are saying. I really hope you are able to find a pheno in here that is able to help you out:comfort:

Good luck, it will be nice to be growing Beso along side with you and evlme2, take care and good karma:biggrin: Tagged.


ICMag Donor
Seismic- cool, I did not know you were doing it too, the more the merrier, thanks for stopping by. Have to scribe to yours ASAP...I feel priviledged too be growing along side Evlme2 and yourself...I better do a damn good job then,lol;)

Thanks Evlme2 and right back at ya;)

Stay safe all:)


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
G'day all i was just watering some of my plants and noticed that little Beso #7 is poking its head out of the coco so that's a 100% Germination Rate from the seeds started(nice Mosca)

Your Off to a good start Hun if you need any help let me know
Good luck


ICMag Donor
I already knew that Hun...heehee...thanks;)

Buddle, welcome and thanks buddy.. I'm sure it will be!:)


f*ck, it says i've given out too much reputation in 24 hours LOL.. so I give you +K next time I can lol


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
G'day all, Mellomel has been suffering from a bad migraine the last couple days and getting on the computer makes it worse
Beso's good mel will try for an update 2morrow
get well Mel


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi all just a quick update
Mel is in hospital and has been there for over a week she is ok but it might be a couple weeks b4 she is back and posting fulltime

The Beso's are going ok i did loose 1 from what looked like a ph problem but none of the others were effected
They are on their second set of true leaves and have had their first feed od H+G a+b @ 0.2ec ph 6.0
I will take pics but time is tight ATM, trying to get Mel a wireless internet connection so she can get online from Hos.

Peace all and get well soon Honey

mosca negra

Shaun- please give Mel our best and let her know we are all thinking of her! Positive Karma to Mel...




New member
Would like to say I just read your last grow and wow, some real nice results :D Just want to say all the best for this one and i know ill be following :D

And get well soon :)



Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Thanks all for the good Vibes for Mel she will be back soon
The Beso's have had their second feed of 0.4ec ph 6.0 and are growing well

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