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Knowingly fathering another man's child


why the f is she having this guys baby if your her true love??? sounds like she needs someone to help pay the bills.... seen it plenty in my town.


Your in your early 20"s, are you fu#$%ng MAD as a cut snake!

SHIT mate you dont know what love even is I reckon. I have 3 kids (all mine) under 6, you are taking on a HUGE mess for yourself mate!

Come on mate, she was just banging this bloke 4 weeks ago! Where were you? How did you happen to hook up with her again?

Stay friends & trust me you will find another "True Love" mate, SH@T you have a good 60+ years left in you!

Thats IMHO, Good luck!


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Don´t really believe in that kind of blind love biut every kid deserves a good dad.
And you sound like a sensible and balanced guy so go for it Farmer.
I wish you well
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Ok, this might seem like a strange question, but how old are you? Earlier you mention that this girl and you used to be tight "when you were kids", which makes it sound like you might be old enough to understand the responsibility of the situation you'd be getting involved in. However, the part about 'the guy is 7 years olders and has a better car and a cooler job' sounds like, for lack of a better phrase, some dumb shit a 21 year old might say. If you are ~21, you sort of still are a kid...this isn't an insult, or a bad thing, but a fact or life, and probably something to be cherished.

There are a lot of implications of raising this child that have nothing to do with the law. I have a very close friend who was screwing some fat, ugly trailer park woman 15 years ago, she gets pregnant, he does his best to be there for the kid even as woman gets increasingly repulsive, and she was no looker to begin with. He eventually finds out that it wasn't even his kid because she was sleeping with some other trailer trash at the time as well, but at this point (a few years in), he loves the kid whole-heartedly. This is admirable, but the problem is that, when the relationship with the fat ugly chick became too unstable, the fat ugly chick began using the child and her powers over the child under the law to hurt him. She would do things like randomly move a few hours away, denying him any contact with the kid he raised for 12 years, raising her in a generally deplorable manner in a trailer park environment (not that all TPs are bad, but this woman was/is human garbage).

Also, the fact that she screwed this guy around New Years Eve, but now she wants to be with you forever even though it's not even February yet...um, yeah. And you mention having your heart broken a bunch...was she the one (or one of the ones) who already broke your heart once? If you decide to go through with this, I hope your instincts are leading you in the right direction, but I would think VERY long and VERY hard about this if I were you.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Oldest game in mankinds history - I love you, but I'm fucking another guy that I don't love, but I'm preggo with his kid, but he is a bastard (but I still fuck him, cause he's good in the sack), but you'll look after both me and the kid, right??? (until ex comes back and I gotta get some more of that hot sausage).

Save yourself some heartache - get a dog instead...




FarmerJoe you gotz to be disparate as fuck bro . make that bitch get a abortion if she not to far in prego stage. if not imo i would just have her as a fuck and notting else. the father is always going to be in the picture and she is going to always have a love for that guy even if you and her are married, meaning if she wants to have a fuck on the side thats the person she is going to open her legs too. Woman are more horny than guys they are just more sneaky about shit. dont make yourself look like a chump bro. if i was your pops or brother or cuzzing i would have fuck you up for even thinking about hooking up with used goods.

Listen to yourself and soul its telling you dont step off the cliff , save your money and time and get a woman that you and her have no ties.

bro from past experience don't do it. YOU ARE GOING INTO THIS MESS BLIND, you just love that pussy and the way she sucks dick. sorry if im blunt but fuck bro,,

the worst thing you could do is have a kid with her and later separate , then your kid will grow up and ppl call your kid bastard or the bitch gets with a another guy and has more kids and the guy treats your kid like shit.

"true love" bla bla bla , you sound sad .save your time for something that's worth your LIFE. As you can see from the response from others , you are taking on a sinking ship, if you do go on with this and later loss it all, remember these words dum fuckface chump good luck and don't say we didn't warn you or nobody knew what you went through.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Don't Be A Schmuck
Farmer Joe

she chose you for reasons that are obvious. In the wild a new alpha male mate would kill her offspring so as to raise only his own, only a beta male would allow somebody else's offspring to exist.......

you getting any of this yet?

she will never have the respect for you that you hope and think you're gonna garner by stepping up to the plate, DO NOT sign the birth certificate as your signature is irrevocable and the courts have FORCED non-dads to continue child support on kids PROVEN not to be theirs, but because they signed on 'being the dad' guess what? they are!



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
FarmerJoe: That girl is about to own your ass homeboy. You are about to get played worse than a board game.

This will be on those decisions that's going to change the course of your life FOREVER and not in a good way IMO.

I'm not trying to be a dick, but it sounds like you have "sucker" written on your forehead.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

equality in a relationship, balance in a relationship is what makes it strong, so ask
yourself, 'if you came to this girl w/anothers womans child would she be willing to
raise it as her own with you?' OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!

cut and run, you sound as desperate as Yummybud to get some, man up, grow up,
and knock up your own lady, talk about getting sloppy seconds for christs sake.......



Obviously i dont know you or the girl, but my answer would be "FUCK NO!"
If she had already had a kid they fair enough, but to start going out with a girl that has one in the oven? Not a chance! Do you want to go through 9 months of stress & worry over something thats not yours? I know people who have gone out with people who already have kids & go on to have kids of their own. & my mate says he loves all the kids the same, but could you put up with people in the street you dont know who talk to pregnant women & ask when its born & go on like its yours?
It does seem you love her, but could you go through life knowing the child is not yours? Imagine helping her through it all only for at the last second to have the real dad turn up at the hospital to see his child born. What if that momment brought them back together? That could snd you over the edge.
I do have massive respect for you as not many people would would even consider it, i know if the ex-love of my life turned up preggers & wanted me back i would turn hert down.
Good luck whatever you choose to do.
one love.


Well-known member
if she feels the same for you then as long as the baby is healthy and you can give (him her)a happy loving home it dont matter whos child it is, it will always think of you as its father .i say go for it but then again im single already raised my son by myself from 6 to 21 no help from anywhere .just do what makes ya hppy and fuck everybody else that dont understand your actions


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
They even make warning signs for this kind of stuff.

The Beta Male cleaning up what's left of his life.

I can understand adopting or getting married to some girl with kids, but in this situation, with your mentality, you about to used up and ditched aside.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Idk....you have a 50% chance of being happy and a 50% chance of regretting a mistake. But, this I can say....if you end up being a father figure (with no pressure of formal labels) to this kid, just a good man in his life.....you will have done something precious. You also have to reach the end of your life and look back on it with as little regret as possible...so I would not make any decision until your gut makes it for you. I wouldn't listen to your gut for at least a few months though.... Don't label what you 2 are...just live and see where you are when it's time to see where you are.
We're in our young 20's, have known each other for probably 5-6 years, really well. I don't think I can get as close to anyone else as I have to her. In the time we were dating other people I never felt even remotely close to any woman as I do to her. I still remember our first kiss like it was yesterday.

This is where you made all the sense in the world.


You have absolutely no idea what your getting yourself into. This is infatuation at it's finest, she's known you since you guys were young so your mind thinks "she knows me like no one else so she's the one for me". You've got so much time to go out and meet other girls, you don't want to throw your life away.

As time passes on, you're going to be happy you walked away and she'll always be miserable. Your making a gigantic mistake because your young and your thinking with the wrong head. DON'T DO IT - IT WILL NOT WORK
No one's going to mention trying to get this other guy to pay child support to make this whole thing a bit smoother? It IS his kid whether or not it works out with you and this girl. Even if he is a shitty father to his own kids, money talks and I would think he'd be more legally responsible for the kid than you.We don't want you paying an 18 year bill if things go south.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

here's my prediction FJ, she's going to leave you one day, and she'll leave you
with her kid. you'll be standing there in your fucking beta apron, your dog walks
out on you and even your dad disowns you. you'll grow paranoid as you swear
you can hear the name 'beta boy' whispered and snickered wherever you go.......



Andinismo Hierbatero
what does the guy who impregnated your woman have to say about this anyway?

I could not stand looking at my woman if she were preggers with another man's baby, I'm not perfect at all... so I would not do it.


She was bangin this guy 4 WEEKS AGO.......AND YOUR BOTH IN YOUR EARLY 20'S.



They people who say go ahead think your some older guy dating some girl with kids........totally different.