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1000 Watts, 13 Lucky Lady Ladies & Earth Juice



Sounds like a good time to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I have had this growing for a few weeks. Let me tell you what I have going on...

I have 13 Raspberry Indica Hybrids from the "Boys In The Hills"
1000 Watt HPS - 5' x 5' x 7' DIY Grow Tent - 8" Ecoplus Fan for cooling light/exhaust - oscillating fan 24/7 - passive intake for right now. I am going to be adding more to this setup over time...

I was originally going to only run 7 so I put those under the 1000 HPS right away and they were a little small so I vegged them for about 3 more weeks....they were already about 2 weeks old from rooted clones...so about 5-6 weeks total veg time....The day after I decided to click over to 12/12 - I added 6 more of the same strain I had vegging under a T5 - I put those in 3 gallon containers just before I put them in with the other ladies...

I have been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil mixed with some FF Happy Frog...

During the Clone to Veg cycle I only used Earth Juice Catalyst and EJ Verde Grow Powder and one batch of organic tea a buddy made for me...I think the nutrients in the soil and the minimal nutrients I gave them has gotten them along good so far.

During the flowering cycle I plan on using "jmansweed nute study" to put together my nutrient schedule...I have done a lot of research and I am definitely going to run the full Earth Juice line.
EJ Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, Meta K, Micro and HiBrix

I just changed over to 12/12 on 1/20/2010 - I have made a batch of Earth Juice Bloom Tea and I am going to water the ladies with that today.

I'll have some more pictures up in a few...Thanks everyone for checking this out, ANY INPUT IS APPRECIATED!!!!!!!!!

This picture was around 1/1/10

This picture was from 1/23/10


This picture was just before I changed the lights to 12/12 and I had not added the 6 other plants...I needed to get that canopy filled in and I had extra plants thankfully!!!

These were all from this morning, just before the light turned on:

Hey Bob, This is great looking grow, your having great success. I like to see others using organic techniques also. Keep us updated on those photos through flower. I just switched the ladies I have in soil to 12/12 so we should have harvest around the same time. Thanks so much for sharing my friend.


That looks great Bob! Nice canopy - nice color - and all organic. You look like you have everything under control.

That's cool you'll be refering to my Earth Juice schedule. It justifies all the work when I hear about growers implimented some of the ideas in my study - thank you. I'm interested how things go.

I don't want to state the obvious - but your soil will change things in reference to my schedule. Keep in mind also that the 6 additional ladies transplanted right before 12/12 will have more reserves of nutrients in the soil than the others - for the simple fact they have not been growing in it as long. Those 6 may require slightly different feeding regiments throughout the grow.

Everything looks really good right now imo. I wouldn't consider additives with-out neccesity yet. Maybe after analyzing this grow, you can determine what stages of growth could use a boost next time. Or what microbial life you may want to feed more. My best advice is to really moniter how things react this grow. EJ takes some time to perfect but once you do - you will reap the rewards.

I'd be happy to help out in any way Bob - so pm me or just ask away - I'll subscribe to the Journal.

thanks - Jman


Hey Bob, This is great looking grow, your having great success. I like to see others using organic techniques also. Keep us updated on those photos through flower. I just switched the ladies I have in soil to 12/12 so we should have harvest around the same time. Thanks so much for sharing my friend.

Thanks for the good words!! I'm really excited about the organics!!

That looks great Bob! Nice canopy - nice color - and all organic. You look like you have everything under control.

That's cool you'll be refering to my Earth Juice schedule. It justifies all the work when I hear about growers implimented some of the ideas in my study - thank you. I'm interested how things go.

I don't want to state the obvious - but your soil will change things in reference to my schedule. Keep in mind also that the 6 additional ladies transplanted right before 12/12 will have more reserves of nutrients in the soil than the others - for the simple fact they have not been growing in it as long. Those 6 may require slightly different feeding regiments throughout the grow.

Everything looks really good right now imo. I wouldn't consider additives with-out neccesity yet. Maybe after analyzing this grow, you can determine what stages of growth could use a boost next time. Or what microbial life you may want to feed more. My best advice is to really moniter how things react this grow. EJ takes some time to perfect but once you do - you will reap the rewards.

I'd be happy to help out in any way Bob - so pm me or just ask away - I'll subscribe to the Journal.

thanks - Jman

Jman - I will keep you posted on this!! I am excited to see how this strain reacts to the EJ - It already has such a sweet smell and taste no matter how it's grown!!!
I'll make sure to alter the feeding for the 6 new girls...
I think I will be changing over to Promix or Sunshine Mix #4 for more control of the nutes for the next round...


I made up a batch of the first week of bloom food...I mixed everything together and used an air stone to bubble it for 36 hours until tonight. I watered until I got good run off from each plant. We will see when they need water again and decide what level nutes to give them.


These are from 1/29 - We are about 9 days into flowering...I am noticing the nodes are getting really tight already and lots of pre-flowers!!! They seem to have grown from yesterday's feeding :)



I think I need to thin out the growth below the canopy. What do you all think?


yep I would thin them out a bit... the undergrowth produces a lot of larf. Looks really nice, l'll be watching for sure.


Thanks Jman & Legal for stopping by!!
Here is a picture of the girls saying goooood morning! haaha

This is day 11 of flower and they are really starting to show it!!!


Bob, they look better every time I stop in - Hows under that canopy look? Did you trim some of that soon to be larf out?

Only 11 days in - I'm excited for you!............


Looking great Bob, gonna mark this thread and keep an eye on your progress.