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Paint Your DreamStrain
Introducing, a new way to go about bokashi, RejuvelaKashi. I'm going to be making Rejuvelac, fermenting newspapers with it, and using the fermented newspapers and other wastestuffs to make bokashi. If you haven't seen the newspaper method, check right hnah: http://bokashicomposting.com/ Also, if you haven't made Rejuvelac: http://www.sproutpeople.com/cookery/rejuvelac.html

Advantages of RejuvelaKashi:

- Making Rejuvelac is a lot quicker than making the ricewash/milk serum
- No milk! (Vegans will suck me off good for this one)
- So cheap

So here's my progress cross your fingers.

Finished, foamyshit Rejuvelac pictured below. I don't really keep track of time but I let it go like a day longer, I think I have a higher ratio of wheat berries to water than usually recommended as well. It smells like some funk.



I made the "serum" with 4 cups Rejuvelac and 1/2 cup molasses. The original recipe calls for 1 part milk-made serum, 1 part molasses, 1 part water, but I removed the water as I figured the milk serum's a good deal more concentrated. Here's the newspapers soaking in Rejuvelac/Molasses mixture. Soak it all up, you priceslash-informing bastard.


After a good soak and a good drain, the Rejuvelac/Molasses ridden papers are bagged as airtight as possible and ready to be put in a dark, cool spot to ferment for about 2 weeks. See you then.



i was thinking of doing this to make a enzyme rich water solution to help my compost and soil recycling.i planed on using wheat grass,alfalfa seeds or buckwheat, can i use those seeds to do what your doing?
what are you going to do after two weeks of fermenting the newspaper?
thanks for sharing


Paint Your DreamStrain
i was thinking of doing this to make a enzyme rich water solution to help my compost and soil recycling.i planed on using wheat grass,alfalfa seeds or buckwheat, can i use those seeds to do what your doing?
The wheatgrass seeds yes, though wheatgrass is recommended to be grown from hard wheat berries and rejuvelac is recommended to be made from soft wheat berries. I dunno why. The rejuvelac page I provided says you can use any grain (kamut, barley, rye etc).

what are you going to do after two weeks of fermenting the newspaper?

After the newspaper is enriched with the bacteria you dry it out and layer it between thin layers of plantwaste in a bucket or bin and seal it off and let it ferment. Then you feed the bokashi to your worms or compost.

I might add that I've never tried making any form of bokashi before, so I guess I won't even know for sure whether or not my project is a hit, as I'll have nothing to compare it to. Ah well le's bone. :dance013:


Paint Your DreamStrain
The bag is puffed to its limit, its like an omega balloon pillow... like one of those inflated balloons of plastic that people use for shipping. Quite amazing to see. I wonder if it'll pop if I don't let the air out... it can't be that air tight can it?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
cool stuff, rejuvelac is awesome stuff. i love adding it to compost tea brews and plant extracts. as well as just using it by itself on plants. now theres even another use! keep us updated and show us how it goes.


Paint Your DreamStrain
cool stuff, rejuvelac is awesome stuff. i love adding it to compost tea brews and plant extracts. as well as just using it by itself on plants. now theres even another use! keep us updated and show us how it goes.

Word, I've added some to a tea in the past and it foamed like mad... I added a small amount and the next day it seemed like the whole tea turned to Rejuvelac. I also like to drink some myself on some Ann Wigmore.

Lil update on the newspaper, it's giving off the same smell that I've gotten in the past from making my own wine (Damn that wine was harsh but it got me trashed on a whole 'nother level. Shit was borderline dangerous). So far so good.
awesome thread canna. This is the heart of pseudo organics. Pseudo do it yourself!

I notice you are including colored ink. Are all the old warnings now moot? I was warned that the rules are strict, but not well enforced.

One thing about newspaper: there is less of it around! Bran is easier and cheaper for me. 13 bucks for 50 lbs.


Paint Your DreamStrain
Update time. My hands smell like awnyawn (Onion for those that don't catch on to the Doug Heffernan tongue).

It's been about two weeks so time to put shit into action. I lined the bottom of my lil bin with shredded newspaper, then put down my first RejuvelaKashi newspaper. The guide I read said he dries the paper, but I don't see why that's necessary for immediate use.


For the first layer I put down a thin sheet of whole wheat flour, since dude recommended the bin be started off with high carbohydrate waste.

Of course, another fortified newspaper goes on top of that, then more waste, then more newspaper, and so on.


This layer is mint, kale stem, banana peel, radicchio, orange peel, avocado peel, sweet potato, eggshells, and apple, all blended to mush in the Vitamix.


Here's a lovely sweet potato dominant layer with some chunks of Kombucha culture mixed in. For those that don't know what Kombucha is, to put it shortly, it's a probiotic elixir made from green tea and sugar. There's also a little homemade saltless sauerkraut with dulse flakes, garlic, and bella mushrooms mixed in.


Right hnah we have banana peel red onion applesauce.


Top it off with my last paper. After every paper you add you mash it down as tight as you can.


Top that off with a sheet of trash bag to help keep out oxygen.


Then you lid a bitch up.


Sideview of my pride and joy. I have plenty of paper left that I will hang to dry. I don't think the guide mentioned what the ferment times are from here, but I take it it'll be another two weeks or so? It does say to add waste at the end of every day... I wonder how I harvest the bokashi that's ready under the newly added waste? We'll see how things pan out.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
very nice, if you want to exclude all the air out with the bad but let it allow to vent. you can fill it with a little water. it will spread and seal it well but gas bubbles( if there is any) will easily push out.

mad librettist

Active member
how well enforced are ink regulations at the facilities that make your newspaper? if they are breaking the rules it can be nasty stuff.

edit: that's only of concern with coloured ink


Active member
Very Cool CannaExists! I almost got the munchies when I was reading the descriptions of your food ingredient additions.. and I just ate lol! I'm assuming this is a form of propogating your own beneficial bacteria and microbes? Pretty neat, I'm tuning in :)


Paint Your DreamStrain
very nice, if you want to exclude all the air out with the bad but let it allow to vent. you can fill it with a little water. it will spread and seal it well but gas bubbles( if there is any) will easily push out.

Thanks for the tip.

how well enforced are ink regulations at the facilities that make your newspaper? if they are breaking the rules it can be nasty stuff.

edit: that's only of concern with coloured ink

I called them and they said their shit is soy-based, no heavy metals. I think that's becoming the norm, but it's always good to make sure.

Very Cool CannaExists! I almost got the munchies when I was reading the descriptions of your food ingredient additions.. and I just ate lol! I'm assuming this is a form of propogating your own beneficial bacteria and microbes? Pretty neat, I'm tuning in :)

lol. Yep yep, I'm attempting to make a simple, cheap version of the bokashi everybody raves about. It's supposed to be great for compost and wormbins.