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How have children affected your hobbie?


donut engineer
Hey all,

As my live-in girlfriend quickly approaches the baby-crazy age, the question comes up almost daily of "when" we'll be introducing a new child into our lives.

This has me worried for selfish reasons, mostly my growing and smoking. I don't want the child to know I grow or smoke, so I imagine both will go away once baby comes.

Anyway, just wondering how having kids has affected your lifestyle?


Active member
hard to answer

hard to answer

My child is just turning 3 . Up till now It has been no problem just keeeping things low key from her but now she has asked "whats that daddy" and "daddy what are you doing" . These are both questions that came about because I thought she was in bed.I thought I knew how I would handle it but am finding it more and more difficult. I am of the opinion to not make a big deal of what weed is but at the same time I dont want it right out there in the open around her ( not for 15 yrs or so). I have watched some good freinds with there children and they pretty much just relax with them and basically the kids just know it as an everyday part of life and nothing to freak out about. Now on the selfish part , I dont think you are being selfish . You might just not be ready to take that step of comittment yet . But I can tell you that our child has brought alot to our lives we were missing and I wouldnt trade it for anything !


A foot without a sock...
We have a pretty good discussion going in the "Father's Love" group...

Not that I think that the info isn't valiableto everyone, just addresses this issue specifically from a Father's perspective. :)


Active member
for a while, they follow you everywhere, and after about 14 years they tell you to go fuck yourself!


2 sons here... they think i am so square it makes me laugh!!

i have never openly lied to them, but they have no idea what i am up to.

the grow is not accessible to them...they are not allowed near it, but they do not know it is there.

eliminate all evidence of what you do.

cover the smell...

keep everything nice and clean.

the baby will change both of your lives...for the better.

best of luck to you and the young lady.:huggg:


Waited till he turned 18 before I got my hands dirty so to speak. I just had a good connect and always kept it on the way down low. Now he is out, I am ok with the risk I take and Mom is as well. I just wasn't willing to take a chance of letting the blue meanies screw with my family. I would not go quietly.

It's a real personal decision and I don't judge however you deal with it, just the fact you are aware and thinking about it to me means you're acting like good Dad.

Now no guilt and I am enjoying my hobby.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
The trick to being a succesful outlaw is not to reproduce..justified outlaw or not..

Depends on what your goals are i guess..


At first, I closed down my small 2 x 400w grow when the oldest of 2 started asking questions.
Then, as the years went by I found that it was more undesireable to buy from dealers inferior product.
So now that they are both smart teenagers it is a challenge to make it stealthy enough that they don't suspect a thing.
At some point I hope to tell them when they are old enough to understand. I hope this happens on my terms.


The Voice of Reason
Been raising my son while doing my thing for 14 years now... Never been dishonest with him about it, he's known I grow since about 8... He knows his mother and I toke... he'll stand in the next room and chat with me while I trim... He has friends at school that toke, but he doesn't yet... he's still planing on waiting until his brain is more completely developed before he tries it... One of his friends told him he smelled like herb one day, he feigned ignorance and came home demanding febreeze...
I have 2 daughters. I don't hide anything from them.

If I hide my cannabis use and act like I have something to be ashamed of how will I teach my children that there is nothing wrong with it.

Future generations must know the truth.


Freedom Fighter
I have 2 daughters. I don't hide anything from them.

If I hide my cannabis use and act like I have something to be ashamed of how will I teach my children that there is nothing wrong with it.

Future generations must know the truth.

That is exactly how I feel-- I do not hide it from anybody--(Well..except maybe my wife's Grandpa!! He hates it-- lol)


Well-known member
my boys are both in their early teens. they have never SEEN me smoke, but they ask the odd question now & then.."what the heck is that smell? " i always laugh & tell them the dog farted or something, but it is like Santa Claus. aint sure they buy that shit anymore. i'm known in my own home as "the geezer" & "the old hippy" if that tells you anything, LOL! my WIFE is paranoid as hell about it, but me? life is too short to worry.:dance013: i would NOT let them know you grow, though. THAT is not cool, too much chance of sharing a "secret" with a buddy at school.


Yea im gonna go with armedoldhippy on this one, whatever you do keep your growing and smoking habits separate from your kids, smoke and tend to your garden when the kids wont find out your doing it. If you cant do that i would advice either not having kids or stop smoking and growing. And take it up again when this shit gets legalized(if ever).


Active member
Hello all,

Well, I have 5 kids ages 32/27/25/17/17 and they grewup knowing I smoked pot. But they never saw me untill they were in their late teens... I smoke in my home office only and up till a few years ago, always locked the door.

Now, the twins are fully aware that I smoke pot and I and MrsMinds_I are ok.

I treat it like alcohol and tobacco...when you are old enough to buy either tehn its your own business.

In the mean time, do not smoke/drink or do drugs of any manner. OK, so I am a hypocrite...I do however stress that I strongly disapprove of powders and pills and have told them stories from my youth and fallen and lost friends because of powders and pills.

So, with that said, the question of smoking in front of your kids is a matter you will have to decide with your wife which course to take.

As a sidenote, the freedom I now feel about not having to hide my foyble is far more pleasant.

Also, with a changing point of view about mj may make your quandry moot sooner or later.



cant stop wont stop
i couldnt imagine trying to hide a grow in your own home from a teenager. especially if they have a hunch that you maybe tokin'