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can a tourist get a medical marijuana card in CA?


New member
Hello everyone!
At first i want to apologize for my really bad english.
I soffer from insomnia since i was 14. I'm used to use marijuana to get asleep since i'm 16 also if it's illegal in my country.
This summer i'm going to spend 2 months in California and i'd like to know if i can smoke marijuana legally by getting a medical marijuana card, is it possible?
thank you for your answers!!


Patient Grower
No. You have to be a state resident. Since you're a foreign national you'd have to get cleared through INS and then establish residency in CA.


New member
Thank you for your answer Pythagllio, that's what i'd like to know. I'll have to buy some sleeping pills so, but I prefer the natural remedy for insomnia XD.
Thank you!


Thank you for your answer Pythagllio, that's what i'd like to know. I'll have to buy some sleeping pills so, but I prefer the natural remedy for insomnia XD.
Thank you!

Marijuana is decriminalized in California, so the worst you'll be doing is paying a fine unless you're planning on buying a lot, growing, or selling.

I wouldn't be worried.


New member
thank you xfargox, I already know that the posses of a small amount of marijuana in CA is punishable by paying a small fine but I don't want to have troubles with police. I'm not in my country and I want to respect laws.
to be the bearer of bad news to some
and maybe good to others
if you have a California address and a passport
you can get a med card
you can even do that in colorado
i got mine before i had a state id
as long as u have a valid address and id and hopefully a valid reasoning
youll be able to get one...


Patient Grower
thank you xfargox, I already know that the posses of a small amount of marijuana in CA is punishable by paying a small fine but I don't want to have troubles with police. I'm not in my country and I want to respect laws.

Whereabouts in CA are you headed? If you're headed to the bay area it's practically silly to take the stance in the text above. If you're heading to San Diego, San Bernardino, or any of the rural counties your stance is wise. Northern NorCal is a mixed bag, and most of SoCal is not cannabis friendly. LA is schizophrenic, sometimes they're OK with it, sometimes not, but you can't tell when they're going to get a bee in their bonnet.

I can say without reservation you have to be a complete moron to get popped for cannabis in Oakland and SF.