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1000 Plant Apartment grow 9000 watts


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
junglistni yes the article was referring to dampness in the room. pot does NOT have spores it has pollen. thing is imo the comment about spores in the article was either a scare tactic or was put in the wrong context. seriously, the article called the set up "sophisticated" yet there was mold? and boy howdy how big these spores must have been that the cops could see w/ their naked eye. would love to see that well, could see trics w/ out help! lol


Active member
I'd make sure you have a good lawyer before you start lol

any bigscale apartment grow is very risky.

that plan is totally retarded, have fun in jail.


New member
He's proly just tryin to keep a low profile

He's proly just tryin to keep a low profile

Take Yummybuds advive getting the lawyer first. Then I'd say GO For It. I'll admit I am not a commercial grower BUT I Have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express once.
crazyhorse said:
The dude only responded, once, I wonder if he did what he set out to do, hum?! :yoinks:


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I would say around the Toronto area apartment grows are now a thing of the past. With the recent large bust and publicity, I'm sure most super's and building managment are now going to go new lengths to keep grows to a minimum in hydro free apartments. That coupled with the fact that this area in specific is getting very harsh to owners of houses with grows. If a grow on any size is found, the house is boarded up and the owner must go through a rediculous amount of time and money to ensure the grounds are safe. This has to be done immediately, and if the owner can't afford the several thousand dollars and time not being able to rent the structure, it must be levelled to the ground. If anyone wants to see exact paperwork for someone who just had this happen, let me know and I will post it. You wouldn't beleive the amount of shit they have to do in order to get their home back. And the worst thing about it was this grow was only a small portion of the basement. About a 8 foot by 10 foot area!



1000 plants.

Each plant takes up roughly 1-1.5 square feet.

1500 square feet is minimum amount of space needed to grow.

But, you need room for air circulation and a pathway to walk through so you can check for males and such.

So, the square footage would be more like 2000-2500 square feet needed for that many plants.


Granted, you can use complex irriagation and air circulation systems to keep the sq. footage down, which you might as well since it seems like you have all this money.

Apt. grow of this magnitude is stupid. You could buy a house out in the country and put up a For Sale by Owner sign or something, and visit once a week to pretend you are making improvements.

A great venue for a grow of this sorts would be a double wide trailer. At least I would say so.

I like this bud im smoking :joint:


you could fit 1008 plants in, though each plant would only have 6inch sqaure to grow lol. need more then 9 light, maybe 10 or 11. pulling that much each day lol. you'll sure need a flip flop draw 5kw, n divide the room in two. the amount of venting lol the heat would show up easy using thermals. worry about mould and humidty. plenty of fans blowin


bio-forte said:
Too answer your question simply. No. It can't be done. Unless of course you have an army of forest nymphs to tend the copius inaccessible tiny plants your growing. Now theres a real fantasy. Which you seem to enjoy.

^^^^ this answer makes most sense
HAHA This is funny this page is about nothing and it 6 pages long and i have not read any of it but now i got a 150 watt hps in a c13 with 8 plants. on my way to the 1000 mark 992 more

The Strain Man

What ever you do dont use wireless cams to view your grow anyone driving by your spot with a Wireless Camera Hunter and Viewer can see whats inside. laters


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Gee. I would have liked to have seen that. Looks likes it's up to me now. I've got 2 flowering plants and 6 seedlings. The guy a few posts above has 8 plants. Anyone else have a few plants they would like to continue this 1000 plant grow?


That I can post on this ridiculous thread under three different handles over a long period of time says volumes,sad sad volumes.Are we bored and have learned all their is to learn?


New member
1200 under 9600w = 22,000 ///3month /no pics jus Faqs/
coco/peat/perlite hand water // mollsese /vintage bat shit / gh nutes