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Describe your C99 experience


Active member
There's a lot of c99 around these days- Mosca's, DG's hybrids, Rez's CD hybrid, etc.

Is it true that c99 causes paranoia? I've read quite a few smoke reports and paranoia is one of the most common descriptors for the high, wondering what your guys' experience has been. I love the heady but not if I'm gonna be stressing out.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I vape wally's c99 almost every day. it is a very trippy, racy sativa high. I think the paranoia reported is from people who just aren't used to being high as fuck. so maybe if your not an everyday toker, it might trip you out too much

I have rarely found weed to cause paranoia though. you guys need to relax


Active member
Is it true that c99 causes paranoia? I've read quite a few smoke reports and paranoia is one of the most common descriptors for the high, wondering what your guys' experience has been. I love the heady but not if I'm gonna be stressing out.
I don't know what other people have experienced with C-99, I only know what I've experienced myself.

Approx 2 years ago I picked up an 1/8th of C-99 from Chatsworth. 2 One-hitter bat-loads was almost too much. 10-15 minute creeper and I felt like I'd drank too much coffee as my hands would start to shake.
Total sweet taste... right down to the last ash hit. Would LOVE to sit down with whoever grew that and have a friendly chat... my hat is off to their skills. :D

Wow... a bit racy but awesome when you know 'how much' is enough. (For me personally)

Since then? Haven't had any C-99 that even comes close. I medicate 24/7 so if you're like me and you're edgy about racy stuff... I'd make sure it wasn't the only gal in your garden.:D

Stay Safe! :tree:


there are about a zillion threads on c99

my experience, i loved her and lost her. get her again and been so wrapped up in another love ^of multiple girls^ she hasnt even gotten flowered yet. more than one girl for me, but cindy was my first love.

what do you expect to find out that has not been covered in the mass of c99 threads? get dutchgrowns f2's if you want f2's of brothers grim c99. get mosca's bx if you want some pineapple in every pack, or get mosca's f1 if you want a different look at cindy through the eyes of reef and wallyduck. each of these breeders got the seeds in one way or another from brothers grimm, just different selections and shit. all of it is good but i prefer wallyduck because his seeds are grown outdoors and are in theory more stress tested that way. sadly wallyduck has no c99 in stock at the moment. i do not know the breeding style of the other vendors but quite sure they are premium and very genuine.

yes she is that good, not she is not the grail. paranoia is often confused with the cindy trance. she is so potent and trippy some people can't handle it and get bugged out, but that shit is a killer buzz. don dump knows it! you get shit done when cindy is your partner, but time almost ceases to exist and you will constantly forget where the keys to the house are

p.s. check your hand, the keys are in your hand! nom nom nom :eggnog:
Awe inspiring at least for the first time you smoke her. Time becomes very distorted, at least for me. You think to yourself, how the hell did they find this gem? It's as good or better than most 70 day sativas but it finishes so quickly... you could get lost in that single thought alone if you dwell on it after a nice joint of well grown Cindy... It's not the ultimate smoke by a long shot but it does have some very endearing qualities that won't be found in many other strains. Personally I'm a fan of the satori high. More balanced and with a much more creative, sensitive feel to it. I'll probably change preferences again once I grow out some more C99 from a different breeder and find different phenotypes which is something I haven't experienced as I've only encountered the grapefruit smelling pheno. Speaking of which, grapefruit from femaleseeds was a more enjoyable experience for me overall than the C99 so I don't know. Try it, one thing is for sure... you will appreciate the potency and flavour. Whether or not the high is for you is a different story.


OverGrow Refugee
very fruity..smells like a bowl of fruit when a bag is opened...and a nice up high..not speedy IMO..but a very nice sativa buzz...I grew out JW C-99 f2's and GN03 f2's both equally as nice...
good luck


Grapefruit pheno from JW stock.. initially interesting, introverted, meditative, trippy and long lasting high, but very fast tolerance buildup, after smoking 3 days in a row you don't get high anymore from it.

My c99 was not grown perfectly so it could probably be much better, I'm looking for a pineapple pheno right now as the grapefruit tasted pretty bad, just like real grapefruit


Well-known member
we grew some of wallys c99-panama red... not impressive at all, espec after reading all the accolades from others...


Active member
REv's C99, I've found it's very sativa leaning and fast to mature too. If you cut it early, 7 weeks or so, it will be racy and cause paranoia, but let it mature to 8 weeks or longer and it becomes a more subdued high. Great for music and social situations. The taste is very appealing, pineapple and sweet, and a little bit creamy. Very smooth!


Smells like ripe tropical fruit. Smooth smoke. Creeps up on you for the first 15 minutes. Doesn't kill the eyes. For the first 30 minutes I like to just sit and enjoy. My heart starts pounding and the only paranoia I feel is that I hope my ticker can handle it. I get lost on a thought and find myself planning out solutions to the world's problems.
After 30 minutes I find it is an excellent smoke if I want to clean the kitchen, shop, etc. Mine lasts about 1.5 hours before I want to top it off again.


Active member
Awe inspiring at least for the first time you smoke her. Time becomes very distorted, at least for me. You think to yourself, how the hell did they find this gem? It's as good or better than most 70 day sativas but it finishes so quickly... you could get lost in that single thought alone if you dwell on it after a nice joint of well grown Cindy... It's not the ultimate smoke by a long shot but it does have some very endearing qualities that won't be found in many other strains. Personally I'm a fan of the satori high. More balanced and with a much more creative, sensitive feel to it. I'll probably change preferences again once I grow out some more C99 from a different breeder and find different phenotypes which is something I haven't experienced as I've only encountered the grapefruit smelling pheno. Speaking of which, grapefruit from femaleseeds was a more enjoyable experience for me overall than the C99 so I don't know. Try it, one thing is for sure... you will appreciate the potency and flavour. Whether or not the high is for you is a different story.

I agree the Satori is a much more 'smiley' good mood high, yet strong. The C99, while putting a smile on your face, is more of a nervous smile.. the i'm really high my heart is pounding smile. Could be overwhelming to some, but once accustomed to it just simply walking around in Best Buy one constantly has the body adrenaline feeling of jumping out of a plane. Nothing like feeling the rush of skydiving as you walk around in a retail store! That's C99 for me.