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awesome thread. sometimes i still get too high when i smoke. is there a half strength recipe? or will it not be effective?


Active member
The problem i have with edibles is a few hours after eating im not high just very heavy stoned walkin round the house into different rooms thinkin "right, what did i come in here for?" memory fucked lol, can be good sometimes for sleep and pain but not for goin out on any social occasion - definitely not good unless your goin to a fancy dress party as a zombie!!

People seem to think that once you bake cannabis into something..... it all becomes the same thing. Strains make a huge difference!

If you ate a Sour Diesel brownie... I seriously doubt you'd have the issues you're talking about. Lots of energy... but your focus will be sharp and your memory much better. At least it is in my experience. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

Edit: This is also why I have a pet-peeve about dispensaries selling "Medibles" that are of unknown strain or just mixed stuff. That's like going to a pharmacy and having them mix some random pills into some cookies for you. WTF? Since people don't know strain from dog-doo... it works in the dispensaries' favor and they get away with it.
Education, people! It's the ticket to getting out of the muck! :D


My wife has an incredible sweet tooth and a high tolerance built up, but my last batch had more sat in it than usual, so she got to wiggin over nothing. That was when I noticed that only 1 was gone. 1 works for me to still highly function the next day, but be able to stay up later and enjoy the trip, 2 wrecks me for 15 hours. We have been doing medibles since march 09 as a daily part of pain relief, and just a small variance in the mix can make a big difference to some.

Flying Goat

With my banana bread, 1/2 of a 1/2-inch slice is a "dose" of about 1/2 gram. I used 1 cup of MasterKush infused coconut oil to bake 2 loaves 8" x 5".

The night before I had to leave, I got lazy & left my last loaf in the bread box, feeling sure neither my son or partner would want it. I got up at 2:30AM, got my stuff & headed to the station for my trip to the DPA Reform Conference in Albuquerque.

Because I was packing, I'd had a slice or 2 the night before, so I didn't notice that one loaf was "shorter." Went on the trip, had a lovely time, the bread kept me medicated & maintained the whole time until I got home. Luckily, I had brought enough to share with other ACC members, who gave it their hearty approval.

When I got home, I heard a long tale from my 18-year old son about how he "didn't know" the banana bread was medicated. Turns out, he ate 4 whole slices of it after I'd gone to bed that night. He was basically asleep for the next 4 days. How funny!

I do not experience the "high" sensation with MasterKush, but it's some of the best pain relief I've ever had.

Bake on!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
ne one got ne advice on making butter with 1/4oz of some great AKnug 1/4oz of some snowcap 3g of some bubblehash and 3g of kief i never made anything with hash or kief and would like to know if i add it at the beginning with the weed or later on in the process and the least amt of butter i can use i want it to be as potent as possible i cant seem to over do it with edibles and am jealous of threads like this lol i want to start my own
peace all thanks for your help


I love how with weed you can "OD" and then go snowboarding.

Think ima "overdose" and go see Avatar today, hehe.

it takes a while for the shit to kick in .plus I ate a brownie the ate another one 45min later.. my bros arrived and they took me to the hill , when we got there they said "are you gonna be able to go"
I'm like "hell yeah"... by the 3rd run I had to quit...cause i didnt know which way was "down the hill", so I went to the store and started eating .....and couldn't stop for hours. I got home and went into a NOD ,sitting on the sofa with my head flopping around could hardly hold my eyes open ...I WAS A MESS . one of my buddies came over and saw me like that (falling off the sofa)and he :biglaugh:was highly entertained :pointlaug


Yeah dude it's called weed Sic!! Man I got that a few times, it's like a mad heat rush + you have no energy, get dizzy like drunk on the floor...

Your lucky you were in tha snow, if you somewhere hot it's even worse!! it usually goes away in 10 -20 mins for me, but then again i was only smoking it.. That would be terrible for a long period of time...
crock pot it. preferably on the "keep warm" setting. if your crock pot doesn't have it, get one that does, if you intend to make a habit of making butter. let it cook for at least 1/2 a day. i like to let it cook longer. strain it with a clean man's t-shirt over a collander into a large stew pot. when you aren't getting any more butter straining through, wrap the remainder up in the t-shirt and squeeze. then run hot water over the whole thing and put it in the fridge overnight. the butter will make like a pie on top of the water.

make sure you wear GLOVES or the stories in this thread will seem mild in comparison to what will happen to you.

fyi, we make the butter with trim and leaves and let it cook a long time and then make the caramels. 1-2 caramels are a dose. 1 stick of butter (quarter lb of butter) makes 80 caramels. we make a full crock pot of trim and leaves to about 8 lbs (32 sticks of butter). no one has been unhappy yet.

except for the fact that we have so much butter, i don't know when we'll have time to ever get caught up with making caramels.

speaking of, i've got some butter in a pan right now that needs to come out of the fridge, and i'm going to try and make that oil for eczema next . . . . . .

and yes, i'll be wearing gloves. i guess if you were making butter AND having a pain management issue, you could NOT wear gloves and that would take care of you for at least a day . . . . .


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
OMOUNTAIN thanks got the crock pot hash kief ak snowcap and some haze and monday off lets see if i can overdo it this time:whistling::biggrin::hide::witch::hide::comfort::biggrin::smokeit:
im a try my best ill make sure to post my results hopefully it will deserve to be in this thread
peace stoney


People seem to think that once you bake cannabis into something..... it all becomes the same thing. Strains make a huge difference!

If you ate a Sour Diesel brownie... I seriously doubt you'd have the issues you're talking about. Lots of energy... but your focus will be sharp and your memory much better. At least it is in my experience. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

Edit: This is also why I have a pet-peeve about dispensaries selling "Medibles" that are of unknown strain or just mixed stuff. That's like going to a pharmacy and having them mix some random pills into some cookies for you. WTF? Since people don't know strain from dog-doo... it works in the dispensaries' favor and they get away with it.
Education, people! It's the ticket to getting out of the muck! :D

Yeah man your probably right about eating sativas will have ahigh effect, ive never tried making edibles out of sativa dominant strains (just by chance) so have always found it a heavy effect , great for pain though, ill have to give it a try with a sativa, thanks for the tip!


crock pot it. preferably on the "keep warm" setting. if your crock pot doesn't have it, get one that does, if you intend to make a habit of making butter. let it cook for at least 1/2 a day. i like to let it cook longer. strain it with a clean man's t-shirt over a collander into a large stew pot. when you aren't getting any more butter straining through, wrap the remainder up in the t-shirt and squeeze. then run hot water over the whole thing and put it in the fridge overnight. the butter will make like a pie on top of the water.

make sure you wear GLOVES or the stories in this thread will seem mild in comparison to what will happen to you.

fyi, we make the butter with trim and leaves and let it cook a long time and then make the caramels. 1-2 caramels are a dose. 1 stick of butter (quarter lb of butter) makes 80 caramels. we make a full crock pot of trim and leaves to about 8 lbs (32 sticks of butter). no one has been unhappy yet.

except for the fact that we have so much butter, i don't know when we'll have time to ever get caught up with making caramels.

speaking of, i've got some butter in a pan right now that needs to come out of the fridge, and i'm going to try and make that oil for eczema next . . . . . .

and yes, i'll be wearing gloves. i guess if you were making butter AND having a pain management issue, you could NOT wear gloves and that would take care of you for at least a day . . . . .

Does that pretty much break down to the same measurements I saw on the making "cannabutter in 7 easy steps" thread if less leaves and trim are being used? I think using a crock pot is an AWESOME idea!!


Edit: This is also why I have a pet-peeve about dispensaries selling "Medibles" that are of unknown strain or just mixed stuff. That's like going to a pharmacy and having them mix some random pills into some cookies for you. WTF? Since people don't know strain from dog-doo... it works in the dispensaries' favor and they get away with it.
Education, people! It's the ticket to getting out of the muck! :D


No way I could trust edibles or cannabutter from a dispensary. Not one of them has EVER been able to give me any concrete info about strains used. Should I end up with Sativa? I'm in deep shit, end of story. :hide:

I'm going to try to make my own butter soon, and then I'll KNOW what's in it. I don't think some of them realize that KNOWING what strains are being used is VERY important to some patients...(like me)

Flying Goat

Think of infused oils/baked goods as having an effect similar to smoked weed, but on steroids. Whatever the effect is when smoking, count on it to be amplified when eaten, including the lasting power.

Just like breaking new babies into new ferts, you gotta start light, the add up in increments until you get the desired effect.

I have eaten edibles I did not prepare myself, but they came from a trust friend in Cali, who told me the strain & how much to consume for a dose. Even so, the first time, it took over an hour to come on & by then I had eaten the other 1/2 of the brownie. No worries, but a bit of room spin & I sat in the recliner & watched TV rest of the night. Slept well, too.

I'm fortunate enough to have a place where I can grow my own chickens, eggs, meat, milk, cheese & ice cream, not to mention veggies. The only way you can be SURE what you are eating is nutritious is to grow it yourself.
always start with like 1/2 a brownie or cookie and wait and see. it's like anything you ingest, you can always have more, but once it's in you, it's in you.

i can't speak to the butter thread, but my friends and i have been making butter regularly for about a year. they were making the butter at their house, but their crock pot doesn't have the keep warm setting, only high and low, so the smell is really there. i run a vaportek right by my front door AND i have the keep low, so i cook it with little smell.

also, my friends say cook it three days and my husband says 12 hours, but i think a long slow cook (3 days or so, whenever i get to it) on the keep warm setting works well. i do go and stir several times a day and i load the pot with 8 lbs (8 packs of 4 sticks) of butter at a time.

i fill the crock pot with trim and leaves and keep stuffing more in until i can't fill it anymore.

fyi, i use a 5 quart rival with digital controls. they are not that expensive. save your next bed bath and beyond 20% off or whatever coupon and get one from there.
the problem wiht the caramels is that they are so good, it's easy to just chow down and eat three or four. they won't destroy you, but they will be a bit too much when you eat that many.


I forgot what I was gonna say.............................It was Funny,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and it was about edibles.............................uuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dammit.


been there , done that....full butter effects is a very uncomfortable feeling...i fell asleep and awoke thinking there was a gas leak in my home, i was messed up and didnt care for that feeling....

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