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Sour 60 grow

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I am starting a sour 60 closet grow. I will be using a 24/0 light cycle with a 400w self-customized system.
There will be twelve 2 liters which will be harboring a collaboration of 40% perlite, 50% fox farm ocean, and 10% worm castings.
My average temperature falls between the range of 80 to 85 degrees and my humidity around 20-40%.
This is day 8 and I will be posting pictures shortly.
Thanks for all input and advice!
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Active member
Uggg why are you using the old gallery? The new albums system is sooo much better. Good luck though, I really want to see more in the field Sour 60 reports...
I'm using Photobucket for pics now. To keep the area cool I am rotating 3 two liter bottles of frozen water. Also am making sure to clean any standing water beneath them. Here is day 9 pic.
Well it's getting late. I'll post more for you to see tomorrow. please feel free to post any helpful tips and such I welcome the communities input on this venture. Thanks and Good Night.
Well day 10 the front three continers still aren't sprouting yet but I will give them a little more time in there. I don't wanna say this isn't working I wanna wait and see. Though the others are looking strong.
I look forward to seeing them each day. Heres the new pic.
Day 11 the rest are getting strong. the first three I'm carefully watching to see if the sprout lets hope they do. As for the rest it's a pretty sight to me personally.


You dont want the Plants or soil In clear PLastic. The roots Need Total Darkness. Pluss where are the holes for the Bottom?? ANd around the sides, so that the Roots can breathe?

You may want to duct tape them bottles. THen Poke holes all around for the roots to breathe and the water to run. =)
im a fan myself of having total darkness around my roots< but dr bud greengenes does the same thing with see through bottles and seems to have no problem atall< plus ive seen numerouse people here like sah and danzig use raised transplanting and leaving a root or 2 on show, ive heard it increases yield potential but aint got round to trying it myself, but you do need some holes in those bottoms bro


I'm Old

New member
Did you germinate these seeds before sticking them into the soda containers or just stick the seed in first?

Also, are you planning on transplanting them or is that your finishing size pot?
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