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Music to dry sift kief by!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Maybe try filling a cylinder or cone with dry sift and mount it on the rig and see if it will stratify when vibrated?

Good idea! I have done enough industrial processing using vibration to bet the farm that if the material was pre sifted to get rid of the matted snerds and frozen before hand, that most assuredly the kief would stratify when vibrated, with the lighter plant matter and fines riding on top.

Vibration has both frequency and amplitude, but is more complex in a solid, because it also has the direction that the wave form is traveling, as well as the harmonics of the different components being vibrated.

For instance, using vibration to stress relieve welded structures, involves clamping a variable speed motor with an adjustable eccentric weight attached to the shaft, on to the structure to be post weld stress relieved and a transducer is clamped to the area needing relieving.

By varying the frequency and amplitude of the vibration waves, different parts of the structure may be brought into harmonics and made to flap in the breeze, and a coin placed on the structure may be made to move in any direction, including sitting in one spot rotating in either direction.

Vibration also possesses high shear energy and in the above process, the vibration provides the additional energy required for the crystalline lattice planes of the metal structures to slip past one another to relieve the welding and fabrication stresses.

Breaking off fragile trichome heads certainly pales in comparison to relieving stresses in even 45 KSI yield strength mild steel, and bouncing, rolling, or sliding trichomes afterwards on a sieving screen is a matter of frequency and amplitude.

I’m also playing with screen material. The thought of stainless appeals to me from a maintenance standpoint, but I haven’t been able to stretch it as taunt as I can silk screen in my wooden frames, so the action isn’t as good



No intentions to hijack...but this reminds me of cymatic experiments where vibrations are fed through sheet metal causing particles (sand, powder, etc.) to form incredible patterns. Check it out on Wikipedia.


or on You Tube...


I don't know whether there is knowledge or natural forces here that can be used in the Art of Dry SIft BUT...you could certainly work on some major psychedelic patterns while experimenting. Fascinating stuff.
What about ultra sound cleaning units?

I thought you might be experimenting with a unit (Remove screws, removes case, adjust potentometers, and experiment with frequency and amplitude) You will find a fundalmental or even a sub harmonic can have amazing effects

Not sure if you got a scope there but a cheap geological cleaner from the USGS might help with your stratification project. What other membranes could be used.

Keeping an eye on you and these experiments, interesting to say the least, keep up the good work


I would have tried some lo hz. sub-music (techmaster PEB, DJ Magic Mike, etc.) if I thought the speaker would have taken it! While the speaker held up to the tone generator, it didn't have enough throw for this audio geek's liking, or GW's material shaking desires. :)

The speaker that was sacrificed for the project had a response that stopped about ~25hz (I am guessing), and distorted with any sort of power behind it at low freq.. So in the famous words of my favorite role models the Mythbusters... "Time to ramp it up"!!!

I'd like to be able to do a 10hz. bass drop to see how high I can get the material to bounce or how quick I can break the glass. Ha ha! J/K

I am currently searching out a long throw driver for this project. I have been calling some speaker manufactures and have some promising leads, but still doing homework. Also looking into hi-powered transducers, I recall using them for extra bump when I was doing car audio back in the day.

Any project that let's me play with meds and audio at the same time is a dream come true!


What about ultra sound cleaning units?

I thought you might be experimenting with a unit (Remove screws, removes case, adjust potentometers, and experiment with frequency and amplitude) You will find a fundalmental or even a sub harmonic can have amazing effects

Not sure if you got a scope there but a cheap geological cleaner from the USGS might help with your stratification project. What other membranes could be used.

Keeping an eye on you and these experiments, interesting to say the least, keep up the good work

Hoping to find a deal on a laboratory sonicator for testing. Most are all setup for amplitude and freq adjustment out of the box. :)

There is something to the idea of harmonics. It was very clear when going through the freq's that the harmonics of around 30hz. had similar effects on the material...

Scope? He :) he! Yeah, GW's audio monkey comes with all the accessories!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Here are the first two 3 minute pilot runs ready for resieve. I used just the 30 herz square wave to drive it and look forward to more inspiring and provocative tunes. Envision a half speed 60 cycle buzzer operating in the background while you putter with other things.

The cat looks forward too and heads for the basement when I turn it on and though our G. Shepherd is cool and curious at 30 herz, she headed out the dog door when we cycled the system at higher frequencies.

Can't wait to get a 4" throw sub woofer driver and a base filter, so we can give a whole new meaning to "blasty shit." Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort.......................



  • Accoustical sieving run 1.jpg
    Accoustical sieving run 1.jpg
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  • Accoustical sieving run 2.jpg
    Accoustical sieving run 2.jpg
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Can't wait to get a 4" throw sub woofer driver and a base filter, so we can give a whole new meaning to "blasty shit." Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort.......................

Heading up to the studio after work tomorrow to scavenge the parts pile out there for a test subject. Will let you know GW!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hi ya'll!

Been a long summer with a panoply of opportunities to spend my time occupied remodeling or upgrading our income properties to keep up retirement income.

Fortunately, those are ostensibly now a fait accompli, so my mind again wanders, as it is wont to do when not challenged.

The acoustical dry sieve project has sort of fallen by the way side, because of our highly successful vibratory Grinning Reaper, but I also purchased an 80W ultrasonic driver to extend the vibratory test rates into the ultra sonic range and left it with our kindly retired electronics idiot savant to build a power supply and driver for.

Because he also needed mechanical support, it coasted to a stop, but now that I can again cover those needs, here are the steps we are taking to build our ultrasonic system.

More information later on the circuit designs, but the mechanical issue was how to dissipate the heat from the two solid state chips at the high wattage required by the driver.

The attached pictures show the overkill that came at no extra price, just using scrap.

The chips will be sweat soldered to the copper bus bar pictured, and it will fit through a larger slot in the PC board and be mounted to an aluminum plate using the screws shown.

Since the chips will have to be mounted to the copper buss and the legs of the chip soldered into place, before the exact spacer length holding the PC board from the aluminum mounting plate can be determined, the spacers will simply be cut to length after careful measurement afterwards.

More pictures as the assembly progresses..........

Hee, hee, hee, simple is as simple minded does.................


  • Circuit board mods with heat sink.jpg
    Circuit board mods with heat sink.jpg
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rooots and dub for ya

gw u amaze me more and more each thread. keep up the great work and thanks for sharing

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