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Liberty Cap Storage!

The Hummus Monk

Active member
I have a bag of these dried from October in the cupboard...how long do they stay potent?

What's the best way to store them?


Cracker dry, vacuum seal, freezer ;)

You can get vacuum sealers on ebay for cheap...worth it
Plus when you get some awesome bud, you can save some...
They defo lose potency the longer in contact with air.

I tend to dry in paper, grind to powder which ensures even distribution of the psilocybin then stir into good quality honey. Mason jar only good for month or 2 before losing strength.

Have fun mate BO)

Elevator Man

Active member
Liberty Caps are just about the most stable, long-lasting shrooms of all, as they're nearly all psilocybin, as opposed to a mix of that with psilocin, which is very unstable, and decomposes quickly. If they're thoroughly dried, in the dark, and either cool or frozen, they'll keep for years. I had a few recently that were at least three years old, and they worked fine. If you can get gel caps, grind 'em up, fill those and put them in an opaque jar - you can get about ten shrooms per cap if you pack 'em tight...;)

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