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Question about getting MMJ license in CA?

I think you are reading things into my posts that simply are not there.
But in deference to your position as moderator, I will remain silent and suppressed from now on.

One question first: Why do you not have your rec from your primary care doc? Why did you see a consultant?

The funny thing about the internet is you say what I post isn't accurate (by your experience) but yours is somehow more valid. You also went on by stating you got your first rec in in 2004. Why did you include this fact? I got my first one in Jan 1997. And you want facts but have never read the documents applicable?

You also say:
DD said:
I don't agree. The three different MJ doctors I've seen since 2004 for recs all have given me very complete exams. Each over an hour long, with many specific questions about my past medical history, surgeries, etc. They showed concern for my overall health as well personal interest in my current prescription intake. I'm not saying there aren't doctors that do as you are saying, I just haven't seen one, so I question this. It seems you are putting forth the assumption they ALL act in this way

That is an assumption on your part, I never said that, you did.

And yes, I do speak with "some authority" as a qualified patient as of 1997, a member of several medical cannabis organizations including my role as an IACM board member as well as several published papers. I also have worked with many cannabis consultants and other doctors to improve their awareness of the facts of medical use.

I get your point about what you would like to see in this forum but all you have done is "not agree" and substituted your experience as "valid" while dissecting mine.

Oh, and as a gift to readers so you will have some facts to present to patients in this forum instead of using your or my opinion:


I do not like to argue, especially with mods but it seems to be case of the pot calling the kettle black. It's not fair nor accurate to dissect my post while posting your experience as somehow more valid than mine.

Thanks for taking the time to consider what I have said and your reply above..


LOL...seriously cali kush, This is all you should have read call the # set up an appointment and you will get a rec.


calikush -- I think you are missing the point everyone has alluded to but not said outright... you don't have to try... it will land in your lap. Say anything you want, you'll still get your rec.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Ocean I think maybe I was reading something into your post that wasn't there and possibly you mine? I don't want you to remain silent. Your information is important to me and valuable to our members. Me being a Mod should have no influance on you or anyones posting here in this forum. I got my Rec from a MMJ specialist and not from my primary doc because my primary is old school. 70 plus years old, I asked him for a rec and he told me "it causes pre-mature Althimers disease". So, rather than argue or even discuss it..I moved on. I included my first getting a Rec in 2004 to let you know I wasn't brand new on the block, not to start a who got thiers first issue. I agree after reading your history that with your experience you can speek with some authority and I'd like you to continue.
Thank you for the link, it is very interesting. I'm sorry for my post now, it may have steared this thread in the wrong direction and certainly has upset you and for that I'm very sorry. DD