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odour control


hi guys

lets say you have odour issues with a filter in use

what would be your next plan of action???



Ona Gel. Also use lysol when needed, much cheaper. I have a one gallon buckut of ona gel that I drilled a bunch on 1/4 inch holes at the top and put a small fan in the top to blow air/ona gel scent into the room. Works pretty good, but goes thru the ona concentrate/lysol very quickly. About 1 week per quart or 2 of concentrate to keep the odor under control.


ICMag Donor
if your using a 8inch fan,,,allways use a 10inch filter an turn the fan down using a dimmer switch,,,,make sure the filter is filled with atomized carbon an its not a cheap filter,,,,ya gona need a rhino or an icon filter to be on-top-of-ya-game,,,,,

if that dont work,,,,put a filter on bth sides of the exaust,,,,but use a cheap filter for the exaust outside the room [atomized carbon clogs when you use the filters backwards].....

turning down the fan helps

an make-sure you exaust outa a window,,,,,,ya cant stop a buildup
Filters never seem to work for me, I moved onto a Vaportek 4000, along with my filter etc (cba taking it down really).
Gotta say the vaportek does a great job, but ONA does pretty good too if you dont wanna spend the $$$ to get a vaportek


Now in technicolor
Filters work great if sized and installed properly.

Look for leaks, make sure there's negative pressure so odor isn't seeping out anywhere.

Make sure the carbon hasn't been used before (do you trust where you got it from?)

The contact time between air and carbon matters, so make sure the surface area of carbon (and depth) is correct for your fan's CFM.


ICMag Donor
next step-up after ionizors, doubblefilters and restricted flow is Ozone generators,,,,,


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
You can run a carbon filter and exhaust fan loose in the room, just circulating the air, reducing the overall stench in the room before it gets to [overpower] the exhaust filter/fan.

As Ed R said ages ago, dump fans are great, take cool air from under your table, [filter it...] dump it on the plants.........


Stronger extract fan & bigger carbon filter, also a tent or visqueen walls so you can see the negative pressure so you know no smells getting out (as you can see the walls being sucked in a bit)

I have my intake on a dimmer switch so i turn it up all the way then turn it down bit by bit until i can see the negative pressure, then you know 100% no smells getting out of there....

It may cost you a bit more but its worth it, someone got busted the other week right opposite my sisters house because next door complained their house always smells of weed, they were doing an attic grow, i wouldnt recommend extracting directly to outside either, a heat source blowing directly out of your room, thats a dead giveaway


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Extracting up your chimney is ideal, it just chucks the hot air out of the one place LEO expect to see it..... and it is 20ft above noses. Smell tends to stay in layers, look at hunters up in high seats with Deer, otherwise spooked by the smell of humans, running around the unaware of the presence just 15 ft above.

Take great care with chimneys that vent Gas Fires though, smelly leaks from a growroom can get you busted, CO leaks from Gas Fires can kill.


Often had a thought, is it possible to 'wash' the carbon somehow? not necessarily with water, but some other cleaning agent?, i can wash my cooker hood filter, and it works for a while! obviously, i'm washing grease at that stage, not really the smell?

Elevator Man

Active member
If you're not growing in a space adjacent to your living-area, an ozone generator will stop everything, period. However, ozone is toxic to humans, so if it's venting into the living-area, or too close generally, it'll cause lung damage. It'll also damage plants if it's too close or too concentrated - you need to treat the surrounding area rather than the actual grow-area, and just draw ozone-cleaned air through the grow, or treat the air after it's exhausted from the grow-area.

But if you're venting out into open air, and the (faint) smell of ozone can be dispersed easily, no-one will ever know. Ozone additionally has the advantage of killing any airborne mold/fungus spores on contact too, so it's a good all-round sterilizer.

lost in a sea

If you're not growing in a space adjacent to your living-area, an ozone generator will stop everything, period. However, ozone is toxic to humans, so if it's venting into the living-area, or too close generally, it'll cause lung damage. It'll also damage plants if it's too close or too concentrated - you need to treat the surrounding area rather than the actual grow-area, and just draw ozone-cleaned air through the grow, or treat the air after it's exhausted from the grow-area.

But if you're venting out into open air, and the (faint) smell of ozone can be dispersed easily, no-one will ever know. Ozone additionally has the advantage of killing any airborne mold/fungus spores on contact too, so it's a good all-round sterilizer.

i use an ozone generator........ Elevator man has summed it up nicely here.....it is better at completely reacting up odours than carbon scrubbers...


i have tryed em all ozone to vaportek to carbon....big blue is the shit...my room 6600k dumps all hot air including smell into attic you can put your face up to end of duct where big blue is with 3 uvc bulbs and haor blows but absolutely no odor


Active member
I use carbon filters in my tents and a Uvonair Ozone generator in the room the tents are in. Sort of a two stage odor control.
The filters do a pretty damn good job by themselves, but the ozone just kicks smells ass big time. Plus the added benefit of killing nasties such as mold spores etc that may be in the air.



this problem isnt mine, but more thinking out aloud

a good 10" fan, and a brand new filter (rhino) on a speed controller (the rooms small) with a good amount of negative pressure, and the place still stinks. it is getting passed the filter 100%

i was looking at a ozone generator, like the big blue/vaporwhatevertherecalled, just thought i would see if any1 reccomended them, or is using them

any1 else care to reply?

thanks all :smokey:


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Ozone Generators are great, but they should be in a separate room [or chamber] downstream of the exhaust as O3 is bad for you and will also remove most of the weed itself's smell, permenantly.

From everything I have seen posted, this seems to be the long, tall and short of it.