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81% Favor Legal Medical Marijuana, 46% Recreational


Active member
A new poll shows that 81% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana for medial purposes. The same poll shows 46% favoring outright legalization of small amounts for any use, including recreational.

With those kinds of numbers reflecting public sentiment about cannabis, why are we still arresting nearly ONE MILLION AMERICANS each year for cannabis offenses?

Why is the DEA still stonewalling medical marijuana research and continuing to harrass legal marijuana enterprises in medical states?

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Skip, Thanks for always keeping me in the news with what is going on. You are the leader ( webslave )

I love reading what is being printed and said.

Keep search'in:smokeit:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
A new poll shows that 81% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana for medial purposes. The same poll shows 46% favoring outright legalization of small amounts for any use, including recreational.

With those kinds of numbers reflecting public sentiment about cannabis, why are we still arresting nearly ONE MILLION AMERICANS each year for cannabis offenses?

Why is the DEA still stonewalling medical marijuana research and continuing to harrass legal marijuana enterprises in medical states?

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Support for medical marijuana is highest among liberals (92 percent), moderates (87 percent), college graduates (86 percent), Democrats and independents (both 85 percent favor) and non-seniors (83 percent).

This isn't an accurate poll. Everyone listed her can easily be classified liberal. I don't see conservative or religious groups here.

Its like asking a percentage of Dead-heads how many of them have done acid before. LOL


yea, thanks for the daily updates, check them every day morning and at night


i'm still disappointed that only 46% approve for recreational...wtf? it's a safer alternative than alcohol or hard drugs.


May your race always be in your favor
It's big business, The U.S. has seen the rapid growth of the private prisons for profit. They are privately owned and operated by corporations for profit. The prisoners are little more than slave labor,making blue jeans furniture, and even working call centers form the prisons. Ever think when you give your CC # to the guy on the other end that you may be talking to a prisoner? And they have all your info.YIKES


Invertebrata Inebriata
It's big business, The U.S. has seen the rapid growth of the private prisons for profit. They are privately owned and operated by corporations for profit. The prisoners are little more than slave labor,making blue jeans furniture, and even working call centers form the prisons. Ever think when you give your CC # to the guy on the other end that you may be talking to a prisoner? And they have all your info.YIKES

Oh, that's just bullshit

Open Eyes

Oh, that's just bullshit

They might, isay might, not be slave labor but they are being held in for profit privately run prisons. There have been judges implicated in kick back scams to send juveniles into such facilities in order to make money.

Who do you think runs the cleaning service in prison? Who cooks? Who does all the custodial work? They sure are not employing outside labor for this but you bet your ass that they are charging the government for this so for all intents and purposes these people are slaves who do the governments bidding.

Shameful this is.


Out of the 46% I bet that doesnt include the people who work for the government that smoke. If I had the same kind of money that the textile and drug companies have I could make marijuana legal.. Its all about how deep your pockets are lined...


This isn't an accurate poll. Everyone listed her can easily be classified liberal. I don't see conservative or religious groups here.

Its like asking a percentage of Dead-heads how many of them have done acid before. LOL

That's not true. They didn't outright mention religious groups in the article, but they did mention Republicans/conservatives. Did you read past that part?

On the broader question of legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, Americans are largely divided, with sharp fissures by age, ideology and party.

Majorities of those under age 40 support legalizing personal-use marijuana, compared with about half of those age 40-64 and just 23 percent of seniors. In a departure from typical gender gaps, men are more apt to favor more liberal marijuana laws than are women (51 percent vs. 42 percent).

By party, Democrats are most apt to favor legalized marijuana (53 percent), while independents are about evenly split (49 percent favor it, 50 percent oppose) and Republicans tilt against legalization (32 percent favor to 66 percent oppose).

Pollsters in these circumstances usually don't direct studies to particular groups, but find them in randomly selected participants.

This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone Jan. 12-15, 2010, among a random national sample of 1,083 adults including users of both conventional and cellular phones. Results from the full survey have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. Error margins are larger for subgroups. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by TNS of Horsham, Pa.


Out of the 46% I bet that doesnt include the people who work for the government that smoke. If I had the same kind of money that the textile and drug companies have I could make marijuana legal.. Its all about how deep your pockets are lined...

Unfortunately, you are probably correct. Besides the general misinformation put out by the anti-pot chest-beaters, there is the undeniable lack of reason people have regarding drug use of any kind. Like prostitution, adultery, and teenagers having sex, drug use is a widespread part of our species' common desires. You can't legislate morality--but you can ruin countless lives trying. It's the same horseshit that makes gun control proponents believe the things they believe.


I favor both medicinal and recreational use of any and all drugs, herbal extracts, ointments, teas, tinctures and such the like.


I favor legalizing everything. hookers and all its our bodies.. do with it what u will. that way only unselfish smart people will be left.


Active member
Oh, that's just bullshit

Umm......not exactly.I can only speak for the sunshine state.You know when ya drivin down the road and you see a crew of inmates workin?Well DOT is paying the state for the work done by these inmates,all money goes to the state.Min wage for most crews but some like concrete or asphalt crews make up to $10 hr.....once again all $ goes to the state.I was at a work camp in n. Fla for close to 3 yrs.The officer i worked for at the time showed me paper work stating the income from outside squads for the previous year........1.3 million.the camp was small,265 inmates max.There are just over 73 work camps in this state......with different populations,some close to 700 people.....do the math fellas.All the public really hears about is how much it cost to house a inmate for the year but we do not hear of how much money that 1 inmate is bringing in for the state.I'll leave it at this...and this has come out of the mouths of officers of all ranks.....Inmates are walking dollar bills.It is a business.And as far as inmates getting ahold of your personal info.....I still speak to a officer that worked at one of the camps i was at.For the past year and half he has been trying to get his life back together after a inmate got ahold of personal info.....stolen identity will fuc you up from what this man has told me.

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