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General Organics



well if you are adjusting PH with standard PH up and down you are adding inorganic salts


New member
First of all, you all appear to not be using the product exactly as intended.

The idea centered around not having to add PH is because your PH will fluctuate frequently. The fungii, bacteria etc all poop and I forget which one does exactly what but one poops acid and the others poop is a base. So the natural symbiosis of life will cause your PH to go up and down up and down. Your plant will essentially get around 5-8 ph throughout the week give or take on what little microherd is winning the poop war at the current time. (They are pooping the nutrients your plant is using and you end up ingesting... yummy.)

Secondly, you are encouraged to brew the nutrients for atleast 24 hours but preferably 48. This will get your microherd working and alive.

Basically what you do is put your mixed nutes in a big bucket and a fish tank airstone and bubble the stone (This ist he most important part or after two days it will smell like ...poop (your poop)).

SO yes, the PH is around 4.5 to 5 when you first mix it.. but give it a try after you aerate it for two days. Then check it and you will see it has changed. Mine usually starts aproaching around 6 when I finally feed it.

That is why you dont need to mess with PH. Sorry it is not more technical but you get the idea.


First of all, you all appear to not be using the product exactly as intended.

The idea centered around not having to add PH is because your PH will fluctuate frequently. The fungii, bacteria etc all poop and I forget which one does exactly what but one poops acid and the others poop is a base. So the natural symbiosis of life will cause your PH to go up and down up and down. Your plant will essentially get around 5-8 ph throughout the week give or take on what little microherd is winning the poop war at the current time. (They are pooping the nutrients your plant is using and you end up ingesting... yummy.)

Secondly, you are encouraged to brew the nutrients for atleast 24 hours but preferably 48. This will get your microherd working and alive.

Basically what you do is put your mixed nutes in a big bucket and a fish tank airstone and bubble the stone (This ist he most important part or after two days it will smell like ...poop (your poop)).

SO yes, the PH is around 4.5 to 5 when you first mix it.. but give it a try after you aerate it for two days. Then check it and you will see it has changed. Mine usually starts aproaching around 6 when I finally feed it.

That is why you dont need to mess with PH. Sorry it is not more technical but you get the idea.

I found this post helpful. :)

I will try that the next time I run it. Good thoughts.


mercilus, finally someone who understands organics and explains it in lamens terms for these people who mistress had confused

no need to ph

i will disagree on the aerate thing for so long, the stuff should be fed within 24 hours otherwise it will reek terribly and your gunna have a layer of foam from that air encouraging the microorganisms from spawning


i will disagree on the aerate thing for so long, the stuff should be fed within 24 hours otherwise it will reek terribly and your gunna have a layer of foam from that air encouraging the microorganisms from spawning

Tell me about it! That stuff smells like diapers.

I wish I had seen the "no need to adjust" the first time I used it. They should stress that a little more.

Carl Carlson

Maybe the label isn't correct? I'm going to call GH on Monday.

1.5 ml / gallon of CaMg+ was worth .2 EC in my 20 gallon res. using the quart bottle.

Running it through the nutrient calculator on CannaStats provides the following profile for 1.5 ml/gal: 5 ppm Mg and 23 ppm Ca.


New member
Hi all,
i also use this line, for my media i use sunshine mix#4, have never adjusted PH, from time to time i test my dirts ph and its always around 6.5 or 7. i only mix what i need and use it with-in an hour and throw out the rest, works great for me!


does anyone use this in a ebb and flow setup? and how are the final results when compared with other nutes? I love the idea of vegan nutes and no need to ph but if the yield and quality are sub par compared to other nutes i will keep my chemically enhance plants.


New member
PH adjusment IMO is much more important in hydro setup then it is in in soil,soil-less media, reason i dont PH adjust is not so much cause of the nutes, but rather cause the media acts as sort of a buffer.


New member
Hello no no one States what they pH their water with General Organics

Hello no no one States what they pH their water with General Organics

Do you pH your water your RO water with the general Organics and what PH do you do it at or do you just mix it as is in feet no one has stated if they pH the water after they put the mixture together just what the pH is


New member
So you too do you pH your water after adding the nutrients and what PH are you using I try to pH my water after nutrient adding at 6.6 - 6.8 is this good or should I be leaving it as the water hits the water

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