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H3ad goes Coco

Hi H3ad, Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for all your information and contributions to the community. Also wanted to know your opinions on Swerves's nute regimen for O.G. with GH products?

Originally Posted by Swerve
well no offense to anyone using 1 part micro 2 parts bloom for vegg but you will not get the nitrogen and micronutrients needed to get through veg... the plants look like they always want something cuz they do they want and need more nitrogen.. in flower i switch it to 1 part micro 2 parts bloom then about half way through i drop the micro to almost nothing as the calmag has nitrogen in it already. so it will keep the plants green through flowering with causeing foxtails

Originally Posted by Swerve
paulo thats the regiment for og... gh 3 part.. the lucas formula doesnt work with og...you have to reverse it...2 part micro 1 part bloom...even though in veg i swap the bloom for calmag...so in veg i run my gear like this 2 parts micro and 1 part calmag...and when i am about to be close to flower i start to add in the bloom...

·2 Parts micro
·1 Part Cal-Mag
·When close to flower you add 1part bloom
·1 Part micro
·2 Parts Bloom
·1 Part Cal-Mag
·[FONT=&quot]Half way through I drop the micro to almost nothing as the cal-mag has nitrogen in it already.[/FONT]

I'm interested too since I have some beans left from my current soil grow of SFV OG and Larry OG and plan on popping some soon. Swerve did advise me of the need of extra N and CalMag. but my soil blend was a mystery so it was a difficult grow...thus my interest in Coco.
Awesome, if I get multiple females from the beans I have left I will do just that. My new grows are delayed since I am battling spider mites in my veg room. Once they are under control, I will set up my test grow in coco.

Can anyone tell me what pertinent info I should log and frequency (daily or longer)...ie heights, feedings (pH, EC, ratios), temps, humidity, canopy-light distances, etc...

1st grow I took all that for granted not knowing much, shitty outcome, 2nd grow better logging and better outcome...this next grow I want to do EVERYTHING right for a killer outcome.



New member
Forgot to add that I use to put epsom salt in my mix to help with the Mag. Can this help in Coco and using RO? I hear that coco holds and releases Cal, so is there a need for a small amount of magi cal/Cal mag? I thought hydro was suppose to be hard ah. I never had a problem with it and I had 4 or 5 different strains. coco is running alot different imo then hydro. I like GH but if I should move over to H&G to get my base right, I might just have to do that. Any help with GH and coco?


Hey Grat3fulh3ad :wave: hope 2010 is rockin for yous! Can't wait for spring ;)
Here is my StrawBerryD under a 150watt hps. I use H3ads mix and nothing else!!! Thanks again my friend :joint:

WEEK1 12/12




just a quick qustion for the coco heads when starting seed do you start with a light feed or plain water? do you let coco dry a lil or keep it wet? thanks, the coco is calling my name


Active member

Hi H3ad, Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for all your information and contributions to the community. Also wanted to know your opinions on Swerves's nute regimen for O.G. with GH products?

Originally Posted by Swerve
well no offense to anyone using 1 part micro 2 parts bloom for vegg but you will not get the nitrogen and micronutrients needed to get through veg... the plants look like they always want something cuz they do they want and need more nitrogen.. in flower i switch it to 1 part micro 2 parts bloom then about half way through i drop the micro to almost nothing as the calmag has nitrogen in it already. so it will keep the plants green through flowering with causeing foxtails

Originally Posted by Swerve
paulo thats the regiment for og... gh 3 part.. the lucas formula doesnt work with og...you have to reverse it...2 part micro 1 part bloom...even though in veg i swap the bloom for calmag...so in veg i run my gear like this 2 parts micro and 1 part calmag...and when i am about to be close to flower i start to add in the bloom...

·[FONT=&quot] 2 Parts micro[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part Cal-Mag[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] Hygrozyme[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] When close to flower you add 1part bloom[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part micro[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 2 Parts Bloom[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] 1 Part Cal-Mag[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] Hygrozyme[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot] [FONT=&quot]Half way through I drop the micro to almost nothing as the cal-mag has nitrogen in it already.[/FONT][/FONT]

Swerve runs this formula in DWC not in coco.
I just read this whole thread, and man that's a long thread.
Talk about tons of great knowlwedge laid out there to soak up. Loved the whole thing other than that troll time-waster guy.
I've recently begun a coco grow in 11 litre pots. As soon as I can remove the males and get some more elbow room, I'm going to follow Grat3ful's lead and lower my EC and water even more often than I have been. (1.5 times/day up till now).
Grat3ful, can you please say what your success rate has been with putting cuttings straight into coco?
Additionally, I have been advised that if I use H&G Shooting Powder in my coco, it cannot be re-used. I would like to get someone to confirm or refute this for me if they can. My plans invoved using my medium 3 or 4 times, so it's kind of crucial.
But Mostly...
Thanks for this great and informative thread, sir.


Just Call me Urkle!!
+ a little Cal/mag

is how it looks to sort out... I'll try and figure the amt of cal-mag later on...

Hey there buddy did you ever get a chance to figure the amt of cal mag I need? and is it just for the mg more less? If so I have the CES Mag Amped and Plant Amp which they have a Cal Mag solution to make from them and the Grow bottle but I don't thing I have Cal def in my plants that are flowering in my CFL cab with your mix you gave me minus the cal mag. I also was reading the first page about epsom salts and how the fix your mg and sulfur and I noticed the guaranteed analysis on the Mag Amp had just that!

Guaranteed Analysis

Magnesium (Mg) 1%
Sulfur (S) 4%


She's been getting 6/10 and was loving it at first under T5s but then this happens under my MH is she just hungry being under more intense light and feeding more? Or is it specifically a mg deficiency? Please help


Just Call me Urkle!!
Here's what I'm going to do after reading through a lot of your posts last night from the beginning and middle. I was thinking maybe my P and K were too high also causing a N def possibly? I've cut the dosing back to 5ml Micro 7.5ml Bloom and I'm going to start adding 2.5ml Mag Amped to the mix for mg and sulfur and I think I should be pretty balanced out yea? Also my ph is around 5.5-5.7 with this mix...
Have you found your results in coco to be extra bushy? This is my first time. My plants are very healthy and dark green. The root mass is crazy. I´ve never seen anything like it.
They sure don´t seem to be getting tall very quickly though. It is a bushy variety I´m growing, but I am a bit surprised at how dense and stocky they are. They are in 3 gallon pots (full of roots), but are only 20 inches tall or so.

Fresh Start

Active member


Lots O' info. Thanks for the sticky, this is just what I was looking for.

Tried to follow an organic recipe by burn1. But that turned into a disaster. Check my journals if you will. Now I live in a place where bubbling tea is impossible to do because of my living space.

Gh nutes are so clean + easy.

I'm running a setup close to h3ads' but I'm using CFL's instead. I was wondering if anyone has followed through with the lower dosage 5ml / 10ml program recomended by lucas. So far Vegin with that doasage is going kool. I know this is a little off topic being that this forum is all about 6/9 but any input is greatly apreciatted and listened to intently.