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Negative effects of weed?


Active member
Whats the bad side effects??

Feel lethargic?

Burn out?

Not doing much?

Spending all your money?

Emotional/mental problems??

I used to have a depression after smoking .. it lasted for a while but then dissapiered!

One of my friends in university used to smoke quite a lot...

I thought that no harm can come of it, he smoked me up few times...

Then we kind of lost touch, and few months later he hanged himself...

And nobody knows why...

At first i thiught he had some emotional problems after smoking ....some even said that SOMEONE did that to him and made it look like suicde..

I wouldnt blame weed for that ^^^ t ho... weed has got to be one of the safest things ...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal

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Eugene Oregon
Some people are emotional keen to these ailments like depression and anxiety, so when they use a substance of any kind this can intensify those feelings.

I hate when your high everyday for a week straight then have to come back to reality.. that blows.

Sorry about you friend man.


St. Elsewhere
Alot of the depression,IMHO, surrounding depression due to "running out" has more to do with

A) The potential (or actual, in the case of purchased weed vs. homegrown) value of the weed missing

and B) The fact that you would spend/miss out on the money all over again if given the opportunity.


Active member
me and my rooomate both agree that herbs make one very lazy, kill motivation.

i also think it contributes to social anxiety or social withdrawel because alot of my friends who are every day smokers do not go out to bars or clubs, etc. its the same shit everyday roll blunts play video games play cards. they rarely go out and try to meet chicks or whatever.

im also trying to learn spanish and weed is really fuckin with that too..


Active member
If your friends don't act like you think they should you should think about making new friends (or maybe it is said "friends" who need to hang with better company???). I feel the OP should just hang it up completely. Reading their rantings has proven to have negative effects on me ... Lethargy ... Feeling Burned Out and like I have completely wasted my time ... I want to hang myself when I see a new desant Thread. Yummy Jr needs to work on his game ...


Patient Grower
At first I thought the man teats were a negative effect, but then I found out how many doors a set of perky 38dds opens. I


me and my rooomate both agree that herbs make one very lazy, kill motivation.

i also think it contributes to social anxiety or social withdrawel because alot of my friends who are every day smokers do not go out to bars or clubs, etc. its the same shit everyday roll blunts play video games play cards. they rarely go out and try to meet chicks or whatever.

im also trying to learn spanish and weed is really fuckin with that too..
I actually kinda disagree here.. because not everyone who smokes has the same reaction.. like I can smoke pot & clean the entire fuckin house know what I mean? I have bipolar & weed helps me buffer out my episodes. Last episode I had was a mixed episode.. I was up and down and up and down....fuckin horrible, but with weed I feel normal, happy, motivated... otherwise... when im out is when theres problems...


Same here, agree with ka0tik. Not everyone who smokes experiences the same thing.

might be a plan to cut back on consumption, or wait for it, stop for a while. I know I'll probably get slammed for suggesting this, but I had an episode of wiggin' out for a while (anxiety attacks, mega). Stopped for while, dosed up on mag, b vits, chilled for another couple of months, came back to having a chaff, right as rain.

You might, and I stress MIGHT, want to have a look at what else is going on in your life. Maybe something needs your attention.

But hey, what do I know, eh?

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