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20 days in... M/F and how do they look to the pro's?


G'day all,

So not the most experienced grower... Previous - well, plant em and forget em... With mixed results... This time - working a bit at it... Getting too old to smoke shitty weed...

Could I get a male vs female check (posting 3 of 4 - 4th, well I got a lil too happy with the razor blade; and needs to recover) And an overall health assesment - how am I doing? :smokeit:

Plant 1 - Given that sure looks like a bud... Thinking female?

Plant 2: I'm leaning male...

Plant 3 - not seeing it at all...

(grow kinda got tossed in over here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=144930 if you're wondering about methods)

Thanks in advance!

IMO, Those plants are not old enuf to tell yet. I dont see any pistils or male flowers.. Keep them going mine took around 30-40 days into veg before I could tell 100%
Hopefully this helps you out..


Y'know - I've seen that picture posted 2.2 billion times... And I while I can see the difference in the picture - doesn't relate proper to the plants... Maybe it's just me...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
them plants are 3 weeks in flower? that seems odd to me how they are so small and dont look like theyve changed to flower mode yet...
them plants are 3 weeks in flower? that seems odd to me how they are so small and dont look like theyve changed to flower mode yet...
Thats what Im saying I thought they were in veg..

Give it more time, You'll see the difference.. If they popped on the 15th of dec your plants are only 36 days old, So they should show sings soon..


Had a look and it's too early for me to tell, Heff...more time needed..


dub 6

time will tell... me personally, I don't count the first day of flowering until the earliest signs of sex, when you can hands down tell if it's m or f. also at that point is when I begin a bloom nute regime.


Active member
something is not right, 3 into 12/12 and no signs of flowering across all plants tells me your lighting is out of whack, light leaks or these plants/strain needs time to preflower before flowering and likely an extreemly long flowering strain, by the leaves it looks indica though so im alittle confused here too but far from a pro/expert at anything.

They also look alittle under fed (pale but could just be the strain) heavy sativa?
Also maybe not getting a full range of nute elements or lighting spectrum just dont look 100% happy.

it gets confusing if we all have different ways of counting flowering days, Outside first pistles are a decent sign but generaly indoors day 1 of 12/12 is day1 of flower, if I seed breeders and others counted days from first clusters there would be 4 and 5 weeks strains around which is just plain misleading... just my2c again

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
20 days into flowering they should show more signs of...flowering. Also, the color is not great, they look pale and waterlogged. I went to your thread, but there was nothing there but pics of your grow cab. To help, I want to know important things like; ratio of plant to pot size, watering methods, etc.


Using a slightly modified DWC system & aquaponics- details are in https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=144930 - Easy enough to bump up the nutrient levels...

4" pots, DWC, using peat as media (longish explanation, but roots look great - with 1 exception (the unshown plant), clean white, and over 30" in length.

Don't know too much strain details yet - seeds came from a mixed pack from peakseedsbc (but they only have 6 strains thus narrowing down once a little further along will be easier).


Sometimes plants that were flipped to 12/12 while still very immature can take weeks to show signs of sex.

Everybody is right though, you can't tell anything from those pictures. Just guesses based on structure with is pretty worthless in my opinion.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Oh yeah, hi Heff. I forgot I posted on your other thread a couple weeks ago. I looked at your system and I don't see any obvious problem. When I tried DWC with fishwater, I used big, round river rocks to anchor the clone in the small pot, so I don't know about peat. I don't see why the peat media would be a problem though, as long as it's not touching the water.


Peat isn't much of a stretch, it was a commonly used grow medium back in the days before rockwool, hydroton coco and the likes...


Sometimes plants that were flipped to 12/12 while still very immature can take weeks to show signs of sex.

Hey Hep! This statement is SO true! In my early days I've thought I was further ahead than I was and was so confused why flowering was taking longer. I shouldn't have flipped when I did that time, but you live and learn. It ended up okay.

Just be sure that the little nub you may encounter is actually male. I've come pretty close to throwing out a plant or two that showed a clear oval shape and pistil only a few days after I thought it was male. Patience is key here.:biggrin:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
don't worry mate, you'll get it nailed down in no time... doesnt really look like the pics in the books when you're looking for the first time, but the more you see plants at different stages, the more easily you'll be able to tell ....

like everyone said here mate... these arent showing yet (or not that I can see :) )


Well, plant 2 kicked out some pistils on one of its upper branches today. Solves that one.

Plant 1 - No pistils - but definite bud formation on it's tips. (in fact looks like some of the crap popcorn in my most recent bag) Darling wife was threatening to chop one and give it a test... Can you have buds without being female?

And yeah, gave them a big boost of ferts; darkening up quite a bit...


Group shot :)

Plant 2's pistils

Plant 1 - Those are DEFINITELY buds... Gotta be female right? Still no pistils anywhere to be found...