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dying clones


ok well heres the deal i got some rooted clones. i put them in some soil and now they look like they are dying. the all have severally drooping and some of the leaves are wilting. i think its just shock but will they pull through? they came from a dome and went under my 600wich is about 4 feet away right now and the temps are at 76 right now and get up to 78.4 i will get pics asap. please help


yes i have a fan on and they were about 9 days old. they were rooted nice and firm just not popping out the bottom of the rockwool


so should i change to a flourecent? i only have those spiral cfl thingys. oh and the humidity is at about 40%


Pics usually are the best aid for those who are trying to help you.

Usually I wait til there is a root cluster before transplanting. I'd put them under floros and drop the fan. They are transpiring too quickly for a small amount of roots ability to supply water.

You need higher than 40% humidity for something that basically is still a rooting clone.


Hi Noobie,
Clones still struggling? I clone under a dome but find it's sometimes difficult to acclimate them to life outside the dome. I find that it takes 3 or 4 days of gradually exposing them to outside the dome conditions. Take the dome off and back on if you get wilting. Ease them into it.


full time daddy
you could have over watered them as well?????? maybe wrong PH? but most likely it the light.... as evil said 3-4 sumtuimes


no direct fan and to much light also did you ease them to open air..meaning did you take top off 6 hours first day 12 hours second and then totally off wait and see if they wilt (if they do put top back on) if they dont your ready to transplant under a FLORO or HIGH HID. Refrain from watering for at least 72 hours...


In the meantime, if you want to save them you need to create some sort of a humidity dome...you can use small plastic sandwich bags...clones like high temps...roots do not...normally it's best to let the roots grow out of the bottom of the rooting medium before transplanting...once transplanted, never place them directly under HIDs...put them in the shade, back under floros, or off to the side of your veg (far from the HID)...clones don't like wind either, so no more fans blowing directly on the clones...and last, but not least, be sure to water clones ONLY when completely dry...hardest bit to learn, my friend...you'll get the hang of it, though...just takes time and patience...hope this helps...peace...jay:)


Active member
noobiE.......i have about a 40 gl tub with 3 23 watt cfl's (5500k)inside attached to the lid.It pretty much stays at 79-81 degrees with the lid closed.2 big cups of water inside to help with humidity and it stays at 75-80%.I agree with the others.....way to much light on them.Have you tried mixing any kind of rooting hormone with water to spray your medium?This should help.


Active member
As butta said.....get some type of dome for them.I had to use 2 liter pepsi bottles cut about in half and they fit perfect into the little pots i have my plugs in.Just removed them yesterday and so far they look fine.....no wilt no nothin.

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