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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


My post doesn't compare to the previous few posts... but I'll still share! :smokey:

Finally have my 150w HPS & CFL light done correctly, and we currently have 9 plants under her with another 7 to be added soon :)

Click my grow link below to see the box and grow full details.


New member
A little update of the girls.

Mostly sweet tooth, day 20

Not too much smell or anything from her yet but the bud are looking better every day

The Duke girls, the left being very indica and the right much more sativa

I really like the indica girl, not so much the sativa she absolutely stinks at week 3 and she may take 10 weeks...

Im liking this for my first real indoor grow, however I'd probably be more inclined to veg for only say 2 weeks versus 4 as these girls are overgrowing the closet they are tucked in. I'm used to growing outdoors in which the veg period is 3 months not 3 weeks.
Question for Pipedream...you seem to be one of the only ones around that really knows what they're doing with BC nutes, my question is thus:
When "topping off" resz what formula do you use to raise EC? Do you just use equal parts of bloom and boost, or do you add back everything that you started with (ie b1, sugardaddy, etc) at the same ratios as the original mix, just weaker?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
When "topping off" resz what formula do you use to raise EC?

One of the main reasons I chose to use such small containers is that it allows me to provide each and every plant with its own custom blend appropriate for its own stage of growth. As the tubs only hold about a gallon of liquid, it gets used up every few days. So when there is just a half-inch or so left in the bottom, I dump it and start fresh. This method assures that nutrient wise, the plants have everything available to them at all times, and in a fairly correct ratio. All discarded nutes are stored in a 5-gallon water jug and are then used by my wife for the house-plants and herbs & veggies in the garden.
Hey everyone! sorry for no intro, i got excited when i found this thread. 2 micros here, 2x150hps over dwc, and 270w flouros (tt55 and cfl's) over swc. All with BC nutes. I won't be posting pics because i'm super paranoid, but would to get into the club just to pick your guys brains! I too am not as noob-ish as one might think, and have been doing a LOT of research over the last year, reading everything i can get my hands on. So mabye i'll be able to help out with a question here and there too!

As the tubs only hold about a gallon of liquid, it gets used up every few days. So when there is just a half-inch or so left in the bottom, I dump it and start fresh.

So you actually let the level drop to almost empty before dumping? I know that if your ec is right on and all that this won't burn plants with rising concentrations, but i'm surprised that it's ok to let the roots go back and forth between submerged/100% humid every few days. I have a few small containers that will use up their total volume in less than 4 days, so i might have to give that a shot.

Would it be wise to use the collected waste to water moms in soil?


Would it be wise to use the collected waste to water moms in soil?

Im thinking your wouldnt want to collect the "waste water" and use it for watering your moms because the nutes will be higher concentrantions of P-K and Not alot of N.....your moms are in veg and require large amounts of N to keep them from slowering......from what i've read in Pipes box he has seperate jugs of water for each week of the full living cycle of the plants thought.....
anyways talk at yous later
Im thinking...nutes will be higher concentrantions of P-K and Not alot of N

Good lookin' Bengie, that's a great point. I had just read earlier that Pipedream treats mother plants as houseplants, so i was curious if the feeding was the same. But i'll let him answer that.

It makes sense to me, though, that what is left in collected water from the bottom of flower rezs would be a completly different concentration than what you started with? ie the plants are using a lot of P and K so there would be mostly N left...
anyone got any thoughts on this?


I too am not as noob-ish as one might think

hey there its always 420,

I just made that up...didn't really mean it. I'm a n00b.


surprised anyone noticed that...

I have to join you in throwing props out to the good folks in this channel. I tell you what...this thread has everything you need to do it right and smoke your own without supporting the black market. The amount of reward you get from having a small grow setup (limited risk and hardly deemed a crime by most of the people I would ask) is absolutely phenomenal.

I hear you on the paranoia front, too. Sucks being in a place where you can partake in something that makes you more peaceful and keeps you out of harms way 90% of the time and yet they will throw the book at you because someone somewhere thought it would be a good idea.

Anywhoo, not to make you feel any worse or anything, but if you have come this far it is probably not going to expose you any more to throw up pictures. Think about it. You are here. From where ever you are. They know it if they want to. Too late to turn back once you have clicked on the site, much less register and post.

The good news is that perhaps this is tolerated due to the trend of acceptance. God knows the government would serve to gain billiions in revenue in the cannabusiness and perhaps it is their best interests to TAX us instead of persecute and JAIL us.

Although I cannot really talk from a tax angle since I would most likely not use my hobby as a source of revenue. It would take a lot of 150W cabs to support the family.

As a consumer though I would buy a variety pack from DG Joints, or Rezdg Cuts...ya know?





using technaflora

using technaflora

my boy puts this air pump to the Nutes so it get oxygen and the roots love it.


these are johnny New Nute setup and it will be tested on the next cycle













johnny also using spray and grow. he went to a hydro shop in town and the shop clerk swear by it, said it makes a big difference . from what i can tell it has all the leaves supper green and the plants look supper strong. now it saids to use luke warm water ,not sure what that mean, Johnny boy has been using distill water for everything



isn't sugerdaddy molasses ?
Pretty much, yup. 1.6% magnesium, 1.75% sulfur, 2% cane sugar.
I tried using nothing except R/O and florakleen for last flush, taste was much better when i used sugardaddy. I like to think the magnesium and sulfur keep the plant from stressing too much during flush. JMHO. And it's probably wrong.


oops sorry about that haha, the dimensiosn for the reflector are 16" long x 13" wide x 6" deep. the thing is im not too sure if the reflector would come off. but yeah the lamp does look awesome.

I just got mine today. The reflector can be taken off and it is very thin metal so it can also bend really easily to fit into your fridge. It was a steal for the price...
hey guys iv got a question about light and distance. in the cab that im building there will be 16" of room between the top of the res and the light. im thinking of makeing the light adjustable vertically. would i gain anything by this out of the 150w hps or should i just mount it solid?

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