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Cu Chulainn's sling


Well-known member

I would like to make a question here. Excuse me because this has nothing in common with cannabis (perhaps the material used).

Some years ago I have read the Táin Bó Cúailnge and I enjoyed very much it, specialy when I find that there is a place today called Ath Fhirdia.
Here in Spain shepherds and goat keepers still use the sling today and it is something very familiar for me.
I was looking for the stile of sling used by the Irish of those times for throwing the tathlum projectile, but I haven't find anything.

As I don't know any Irish person, someone would be so kind as to tell me if the shepherds or goat keepers there use slings today or if you know what kind of sling was used there in ancient times.

The type used here is this:

You can see here how to make one:

Thank you very much.
Greetings from Spain and happy San Canuto.


i'll ask around about if any one uses them still today but i doubt it.

there is some talk here on an irish forum about them


some one does mention making it out of hemp.

i use to love all those irish stories, however when you have to translate and learn them in irish you start hating them pretty quickly.


Well-known member
Hello Tonto

Thank you very much for your reply.
I knew that hemp is one of the best fibers :biggrin:, but here people often use agave fibers or esparto grass.
I was wondering if the sling used by Cúchulainn was a braided sling (as goat keepers use here today) or if it was an oval piece of leather with two strings atached. I know that ancient kelts love braided motifs so I think that it is more likely.

The same thing you say about the Ultonian Cycle happens to me with Don Quijote and the autors of the Spanish Golden Century. When you must to learn it, you finish hating that things.

A picture near my home :whistling:

Greetings and thank you very much

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