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What size holesaw should I use for 5 in net pots.


Im looking for input as to what size hole saw to use for 5 inch net pots on my DIY tubs. I measured and it seems like if I use a 5 inch hole saw I will have the lip of the net pot to stop it from falling through but I also thought a 4.5 inch hole might be better. Just wondering if anyone knows about this from expierence maybe...Ive been asking a ton of questions lately and really appreciate all the help, Im finally diving into hydro, I became convinced of its power when I built a dwc cloner and its the only way to clone in my opinion. Peace


Active member
when I did DWC for my mothers I had it where just the lip of the net pot would rest on the top of the hole. if its a perfect fit you shouldnt have to worry about it falling into the seemingly small hole because if it were to want to slip in on one side, it'd be putting pressure on the other side, so as long as your net pots are pretty rigid, you are fine with just the lip (assuming final plant size isnt ginormous)


Active member
I use a tool made from an old Coffey can and some wooden file handles. just sit it on the stove and then melt the 5'' holes with no chance of cracking your lid.


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Depending on how many you need to cut, a hot knife is anther good option, and might be more likely that you have one than a 5" holesaw also