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Green Smokes Micro SOG

Green Smoke



Another week has past and there is little to report. There has been virtualy no stretch, but buds continue to form at all nodes.

The plant is clearly sick, and no doubt that has contributed to it's slow growth. Since I blew the ph and shocked the piss out of it, it has been deficient. The last time I did this, the plant eventualy recovered, but the curled leaves won't change. Temps drop into the mid 50's during lights out(it's cold here) so that's not helping either, especialy new clones.

Anyway, cloning in soil under 12/12 doesn't seem to be the way to growing 15" budsicles so I'm going back to vegging until there is new growth. If they out grow the cab I'll just fold em. I'll let this one finish, just to see what it does, but no more cloning under 12/12 for me.


agreed. haven't seen the bottom of your containers, but i've used similar ones
and noted the slow drainage they have (especially in the cold here too) even with plenty
of drain holes.

i'd suggest helping them dry out some how. mine looked like that and i just transplanted into some new soil and water with much less quantity now, with slightly higher frequency.
after 2 days they grew more than they had in almost 2 weeks.... :dunno:
Hey GS, love your setup I'm currently looking to build a 2pc setup, much like your micro setup, a mother veg chamber and a flower changer.

I'm still a little fuzzy through all my readings and have a few questions if you don't mind.
1. When you pack your flower chamber with your girls, how many plants total can you comfortably fit for your setup? (my flower pc is 18x8x18)
2. If you cut a clone off your bonsai mum today and put it into soil, how long estimating, would you say the plants stay in your veg chamber until it's time to move? And then, from there how long until harvest?
3. LOVE your crimping job to keep the plant under 15". I know I will have to do some forms of LST in the pc which I am looking forward to, knowing you are goig to bend your plant down, do you still plant your clone in the middle of the bottle? or off to the side slightly like some do in bigger pots when they plan to LST?

This setup has definately reassured me that it's possible to do a perpetual sog in small spaces. OH YEAH!!!! You mentioned you filled 2 mason jars with your bud... would these jars be the small mason jars say 8oz big? or the larger 16-20 ounce type you'd normally see in stores filled with tomato sauce?

Green Smoke

What's up dy-no, thanks for the kind words. To answer your questions:
1. I'm still not sure how many I could fit properly. I grew 6 all at once and it was a disaster. I was (and still am) learning about growing and I didn't stager the start times so I ended up with this mess

I learned a bunch about LST on this grow including the folding trick. But before I got the folding trick down, there were some attrocities performed.

This, of course, made it hard to get many plants in, but in the end they and the other 3 filled 2 24oz mason jars. Too bad it was all hay. I did get some good sized buds, just smelled and tasted like ass. The plan now is to add 1 per week until I can't fit anymore. I'm thinking 8-10 plants assuming I can keep them under control. Harvest 1 per week.

2. Cloning in soil takes me 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer. After that, I initialy let them veg for 2 weeks(BIG MISTAKE). So I cut that back 1 week and still had to fold them. My experiment at cloning under 12/12 was fruitless as you can see in my last update. Right now I'm cloning in the mother side (which btw is only 16/8 and not 18/6) and once I see positive new growth, put them in the flower chamber. I'm still learning how to stretch them properly. One day I'll get it dialed in.

3. I always plant them in the middle. These juice bottles are only 2 1/2" diam. so there's not much room.

Hope this helps. I'm no master grower by any means, but because of IC I am at least a grower. Good luck with your pc's, post a thread when you are up and running.
It's ONLY because of ICmag & Gcity for everything I've learned reading and asking questions the past month.
I've read that some people working sog will put their plants directly into flower after the clones are root bound.

I figured I would train the plants from the onset after cloning to keep some of the stem growth tied down/slowly bend them like you did sucessfully like you showed in a previous post. You must have saved a good 3-4 inches of vertical stem growth space by doing so.

The fact you filled the big mason's just reaffirms that once getting settled in a sog pc might be able to do wonders.
Thanks again for all the advice!

btw 16/8 lighting? we're doing this to give the mother a little bit of extra time between cuttings over 18/6?

Also, instead of putting 1 plant in, 1 plant out. That'll cause issues when you flush no? Im thinking of running 2 step sog so that way I'll have a small group of plants to flush at the end as compared to flushing 1 plant every week. I figure it's less measuring and worries but won't know til I get there :)
Hey GS, got my seeds sitting under the paper towel, hopefully a few will sprout.
2 things I've read of people doing elsewhere and maybe these ideas might help you in the future?

1. Do you mix PERLITE into your soil? It wasn't until I was at the hydro store that I finally understood why Perlite is so important when working with clippings. The idea is that the Perlite creates gaps/space and retains water, which helps aeration, drainage and good root growth from the start. Perhaps in the cups there isn't enough room for the roots to grow in your soil and the perlite increase could offset that?

2. Have you thought about putting your clippings into a small jiffypot as you cut and gel them? Once roots start pushing out the pot then moving them into your minute maid bottles and into the flowering chamber? (1-3 weeks I've read should be enough time for the taproots to start pushing out the small jiffy pots.)

Green Smoke

My soil is 1/3 perlite. I mention perlite in the initial post. I also mention that I did away with my bubble cloner and just do it in soil because of space and me being lazy. I did finaly lose 1, but I'm still 12 for 13 cloning in soil. I don't recomend it, but it works for me.

Pop dem seeds and grow dyno. GROW I tell you!

Green Smoke



Cloning in soil under 12/12 doesnt make for a very big plant but it's still been interesting. The cola is filling out just like a bigger plant. I call it my mini-me.

I skipped watering for 6 days so all you overwatered people please chill, it's not overwatered. I've also stopped adding nutes last week thinking I've nute burned the hell out of it. What's up with the purple leaves, I mean I know it's deficient but dayum. Even so, the cola continues to grow. Anyway, there she is, now lets all read several rude coments from MJ about how it's overwatered.
hey man
you posted in my thread about my (our) sick plants and to let you know if i figured anything out, so here is what i can tell from things that i have recently figured out:

my first problem was the water. i was using distilled water from wal mart, which i figured were pH neutral...turns out the pH is closer to 5, so i had a bad pH. i have since fixed this problem with pH up/down (which is super hard to do when you're stoned, i wish i had a little dropper for applying that shit)
my second problem was the soil. im using miracle gro organic with perlite added, which lacked calcium and showed me my first deficiency. now there is lime in the soil and i have foliar fed/watered with water with lime in it for the old soil to get some too.
my last problem was my nutrient regiment. i read the directions, but apparently i didn't read them clear enough; i read one tablespoon/gallon and it said one TEAspoon/gallon...a tablespoon is 3 teaspoons so 3x recommended definitely was not a good idea (using FF line btw).

my plants have started to take a turn for the better and i'm starting to see a bunch of new growth again, even though some symptoms still are there (my tips are still yellowing and curling on my younger plant and idk why) so i'm going to wait until my next watering to feed. my thread is updated if you want to see some pictures from of what i have been up to :p

Green Smoke

Yea, yours don't look nearly as bad as mine. You are gonna get through this better than I am. I stopped feeding for the last 2 watterings and things have improved for some, but not all. I'll probably not feed until the newer growth shows signs of deficiency. I'm still thinking I've got ph lockout, nute burn or both.
Hey GS, I'm moving forward with my pc grow. I currently have 8 plants going and we're 2 weeks in.
As far as your watering goes, If anything I've been under feeding, 1/4 cups of water every 2 days. I decided to do regular low dosage feedings of my FF Grow Big nutes, mixed with molasses and I'm slowing upping the nutes (started with it being about 10% strenght).
I know you said you dunk your plants, you mean this literally? sometimes I feed a touch more water mix but I add a few oz's until I start getting a bit of runoff of the water.
2 weeks in and the only issue i've had aside from 2 seeds, 1 pot and the transplanted plant's stubby but looking strong.

Should I be submerging my plants especially since my containers are only a touch larger than yours?
Oh and just so you know I will be trying your method along with a light lst in the 32oz container to see what works better in the pc.

Oh and you're definately someone who can answer this question for me.
How the fuck do I pick out a mother???
The way you find out the sex of a plant is usually 2 weeks into flowering no? Should I put 2-3 plants on the side and crop them as potential bonsai moms and hope 1-2 turn out as girls?
Or do I take clipps off my currently batches(when they're ready), label them and see which ones are girls from the original plants and then grow the clipping to be a mother?

I'm utterly stuck trying to figure out how to start a bonsai mom, the tutorials just explain when to cut and how small you can effectively keep them.

Thanks 1000% percent.


Not bad Green Smoke! Know that your helping future growers too, thanks for giving back :).

How tall would you say your plants matured to with all time 12/12? I'm considering this for a very mic-grow. Its too bad they're not getting large enough for your opp, hope you get perpetual growth worked out nicely man :D

mad librettist

Active member
Anyway, there she is, now lets all read several rude coments from MJ about how it's overwatered.

just talked to MJ. he's glad to see you eliminated overwatering as a cause like he told you to. process of elimination is a great way to go.

I managed to get some good bud and reasonably healthy plants from a similar sized container using a worm castings based mix if you are ever interested. I used a humidity tray to keep moisture levels more even. The danger with these little containers is you can have drought and flood so close together that the plant never recovers from either. Just keep weighing those containers, and remember that water goes out mostly through the leaves via the roots, and the rate of transpiration is not constant (weigh your pots).

here is a mid flower pic.


Green Smoke

just talked to MJ.
Guess you are the only one who doesn't know that you are MJ. What's you're new screen name going to be?

he's glad to see you eliminated overwatering as a cause like he told you to.
I did nothing as a result of anything he/you told me, except report him/you. But pat yourself on the back anyway.

process of elimination is a great way to go.
If I could only eliminate him/you.

Just keep weighing those containers, and remember that water goes out mostly through the leaves via the roots, and the rate of transpiration is not constant (weigh your pots).
I never weigh my containers and never will, they are what they are. Read DrBuds thread fully before comming back here. Nothing you think applies to how I grow. Why can't you just leave me alone?

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