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Tired of Trimming....Need suggestions on Trimmer & Drying Racks


Overkill is under-rated.
i might be confused. i thought the trim reaper was the one where you hold the buds with your hands and the blades spin under the grate. ill look it up.

i think the main fault of the salad bowl one is the fact that you close the lid and the rubber "tongs" push the buds around. sometimes (often) the buds get jammed up in one place and then get grinded to a pulp, sometimes ive literally put a couple ounces in and when i open the lid after spinning theres like 10 grams left and the rest of the buds are all grinded up and mixed with the trim crap. made me want to cry.

edit. you are right, the trim reaper uses the rubber tongs too. i had it confused with something else. ive seen a trimmer out there where you simply hold the buds over the grate with your hands and move them around. i think you could probably do that with the reaper right? not sure cant check right now

Yes the Trim Reaper uses a similar tumbler to the spin pro (rubber fingers) but the end product turns out better IMO. The blades are superior though, they don't bend or break, and it holds about 4 times as much as a Spinpro. It does about 4-6 ounces at a time, in about 4 minutes.


Overkill is under-rated.
On the trim reaper it has a wide flat blade, I clean it every few hours, but no replacements should be needed unless you stick rocks in the thing. Much more reliable/durable than the spinpro-type wires that break within minutes of use.


looks like the one I posted above has the same blade as the trim reaper....I just dont know if its worth 1600 when I can get 4 of the tumble magic flower trimmers for the same price


go with the tumble magic flower trimmer aka spin pro

you won't be dissatisfied


New member
ive had good experience with tha machines... there was three people two with machine and we trimmed 7 1/2 in 4 hours tha trimmers work great just dont get your finger caugh...HAHAHA...well anywayz tha way that ive learned to dry is foldable laundry racks and when your cutting everything down leave a tag to hang by on tha rack wait one day and throw tha dehumidifier on 4 on 4 off...that shit comes out sappy


ive had good experience with tha machines... there was three people two with machine and we trimmed 7 1/2 in 4 hours tha trimmers work great just dont get your finger caugh...HAHAHA...well anywayz tha way that ive learned to dry is foldable laundry racks and when your cutting everything down leave a tag to hang by on tha rack wait one day and throw tha dehumidifier on 4 on 4 off...that shit comes out sappy

thanks for the times/#'s, but i didnt understand any of the drying stuff you were talking about
That tumble magic w/blade looks badass. Nice find! I would give that one a shot if it also accepts the standard trim pro wire blades in case the heavy duty vertical blades suck. $399-$440 for spin pros shipped on ebay. Dammit, I wasted $60.


I don't understand why people keep saying that they break these things.
Ive never even seen the wire get bent.

as for cleaning this piece I usually just get a razor blade and some iso and go to town on the thing. cleans up really nice.


Overkill is under-rated.
I don't understand why people keep saying that they break these things.
Ive never even seen the wire get bent.

as for cleaning this piece I usually just get a razor blade and some iso and go to town on the thing. cleans up really nice.

How many pounds have you run through them? Just curious.


about 27

just lightly cleaned the bottom of the grate and the wire each morning


about 27

just lightly cleaned the bottom of the grate and the wire each morning

i bent the wire every time i used it, sometimes 2-3 times. the nut on the bottom came off on mine and i had to go buy a new one at the hardware store. just a total POS in my book but it seems to work for others so thats just my opinion. lazyman i will investigate grim reaper more.
The wires definitely get bent and need to be replaced frequently. I go through about 3 wires a lb. But wires are less than a buck each so it's not that big of a deal. Time down while you replace the wire is kind of a pain. But overall still a good trimmer and the best bang for your buck for sure imo.


You can get the flat blades for the Spinpro from the same guy selling the Tumble Magic Flower Trimmer on Ebay.
Have you tried the flat blades? Do they improve it? I'm already pretty happy with the wire blades but if they'll make it work even better I'm all about it.


still never even bent a wire with at least 27lb's. You have to get the stems really close to the buds or I could see that happening but you just cut em down really small and it works great. It kills it on the lower stuff that is a pain in the ass to hand trim.


New member
thanks for the times/#'s, but i didnt understand any of the drying stuff you were talking about

well tha way i dry it is get those foldable laundry racks when your cutting everything down leave tha branches on tha stock and cut tha stock so there is a v shape tag on tha end of tha branch so you can hang it on tha rack. then wait about 24 hours after hanging and put a dehumidifier in tha room have on for 4 hrs and off for 4 hrs. and probally on tha 5-6 day you got tha sappiest bud then put in turkey...!


New member
He's just saying that he uses laundry racks that you get at wal-mart of where ever, and when you cut branches of the plant for trimming, leaves a piece of stem going the other direction on the end. That way you can easily hang several rows of medium sized trimmed branches in a relatively compact space. And when you're all done you can fold the racks together and easily store them.

I really don't think you need to use that dehumidifier in a drying room up here in colorado. Just keep the air flow going through the room (with a carbon filter). Humidity in my room gets down to 15% sometimes.
right on thanks for explaining that for me i was a little to medicated to type and couldnt put tha words together but ya here in cali huidity is like 35-50 depending on weather so dehumidifier is key for me...is that how you dry your bud....?