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California Supreme Court Strikes Down Specific Cannabis Possession & Grow Limits


Active member
Well i haven't had the shit beaten out of me but i have an incurable auto immune disorder that is very rare and pharaceutical companies arent interested in curing.

But hey, congrats to you for being Rodney King and not sharing.

Why would you hide who your doc is? Sorry you got your ass kicked but you are lame for hording info from sick who would benefit from that info.


You are the Rosa Parks of Weed man. If Rosa Parks only won the right to ride the bus herself and no one else.


Anger, name calling, and infighting are all enemies we must overcome in order to win this fight in addition to the legal and special interest forces we face. Let us not defeat ourselves.

I am going to ride the line here, and say that I agree with both Owl and Skip to a degree.

Owl I agree that the people that are harassed who are in compliance when they show in court will aid our cause more than those who are not. Yet. I cannot condone my fellows being without that which they need in states too unreasonable to allow it to them in a fashion that is acceptable to the patients. If that means people have to do what they have to do, so be it.

But I agree with Skip in that this fight need not be won as fights in the past were. We have shown ourselves to be a powerful force without that level of personal exposure. This is after all the digital age. And the fight to decriminalize the responsible use of recreational users will not be able to be fought as the medical fight is.

Until recreationals get a foothold they have yet to be able to publicly face themselves too readily and never for personal cultivation. So in anonymous voices must they scream yet still into the dark night of or oppositions blanket of control.

To all my fellow Cannagraphers, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Peace and good fortunes to you,



I need to clear up a couple things.

I was , I guess "arrested" in 1978.

I guess because I was not handcuffed.

The police were bored and told me and another who was....once again I guess "arrested"

EVERYONE else in the paddy wagon was handcuffed. The police told me and the other uncuffed guy to fight and that the winner would get to go home and the loser would go to jail.

We both refused to play their game and the other guy ran out of the paddy wagon and got away.

I was beaten unmercilously.

It had to do with a citable offense. I gave the other guy my brothers ID.

THAT is why I was beaten.

My limits are for my own personal use.

Thank all of you for reading.

This is only the first of what became a huge list of problems with the justice system. I spent 5 years in prison an innocent man, due to police perjury, drug laws and the unprecedented build up of prisons in California in the mid to late 80's

Thank you


Active member
Caille said:
Until recreationals get a foothold they have yet to be able to publicly face themselves too readily and never for personal cultivation. So in anonymous voices must they scream yet still into the dark night...
Let us SCREAM along with them until our voices drown out the carefully coordinated chorus of LEOs, DEA agents, Prison Guards, Big PHarma & other corporate execs.

Let us turn our current cacophony into an Harmonic SYMPHONY of support for cannabis for ALL USERS who can benefit, medically, spiritually or recreationally.

That is the ONLY way we will win this fight!

We can debate tactics forever. Now is the time to UNITE and not let naysayers drain our resolve.

We cannot be denied our rights to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS for the sake of corporate profits and LEO jobs.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Let us SCREAM along with them until our voices drown out the carefully coordinated chorus of LEOs, DEA agents, Prison Guards, Big PHarma & other corporate execs.

Let us turn our current cacophony into an Harmonic SYMPHONY of support for cannabis for ALL USERS who can benefit, medically, spiritually or recreationally.

That is the ONLY way we will win this fight!

We can debate tactics forever. Now is the time to UNITE and not let naysayers drain our resolve.

We cannot be denied our rights to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS for the sake of corporate profits and LEO jobs.

Unfortunately, the recreational users voices drown out those of the registered medical marijuana patients. They used our sufferings to get their foot in the door then cast us to the gutter.
I can't tell you how many times a recreational user/seller has called me a COP simply for standing up for the rights of patients.

Maybe ICMag should take a stand against members calling other members COPS on these forums?
That may lead to more cooperation among the entire community.


I love my life
Unfortunately, the recreational users voices drown out those of the registered medical marijuana patients. They used our sufferings to get their foot in the door then cast us to the gutter.
I can't tell you how many times a recreational user/seller has called me a COP simply for standing up for the rights of patients.

Maybe ICMag should take a stand against members calling other members COPS on these forums?
That may lead to more cooperation among the entire community.

Which ICmager used you to get their foot in the door and then cast you into the gutter? Many ICmagers were growing decades before MI had a MMJ law. Patients are humans. Eating, breathing, taking medicine, and relaxing are all part of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness, and all humans have this HUMAN RIGHT.

Some on ICmag may confuse you as a cop because you are a self identified imprisoner of those who you claim "cast you into the gutter."

If you would stop wanting to imprison anyone over MJ perhaps those misguided ICmagers would stop thinking you were a cop. I do not hold this view as I said earlier I think you are an aspiring politician.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
Cool, I got my first neg rep... Guess who. Love the way you stood up for my rights.

I have and never would neg rep someone .

Especially someone like me....a med patient who was tragically beaten by an oppressive force.

and beaten .....One thing no one has called me nor mistaken me for is a cop.

I pretty much clear that from the get go...lol...lol...lol..

lol. probably why you are a cop. ;-). how about some good rep for the ole ego?


Active member
Unfortunately, the recreational users voices drown out those of the registered medical marijuana patients. They used our sufferings to get their foot in the door then cast us to the gutter.
Oh please...

Do you really think a medical patient has more rights than someone else? Simply by virtue of being ill?

What you're not taking into consideration are all the psychological conditions that benefit from the use of cannabis, that don't necessarily fall under the legal MMJ laws.

PTSD, is just one disorder that our politicians refuse to acknowledge as benefiting from cannabis. Depression is another. Attention Deficit Disorder is another disorder that kids have that cannabis treats. It can be used to ween people off their addictions, everything from alcohol to anti-depressants to pain killers.

Lots of people who use it for those reasons are considered "recreational" simply because science has refused to acknowledge how cannabis benefits people with these issues.

Then there is everything else that recreational users want it for. So they can stop using other recreational drugs that are unhealthy and might eventually kill them, like alcohol and tobacco.

Do we not have the right to choose our own relaxants?

And even if as you say recreational users "used you", to get MMJ on the books, you should be kissing their feet because at least you got what you needed, now recreational users want what they need - LEGAL CANNABIS!

Who are you to deny them this freedom, esp. after you got yours? It just ain't fair.

Oh, and how have they "cast you into the gutter"? I don't see any evidence of this at all.

If anything full legalization would bring legal access to marijuana for those who suffer from all those other mental and physical disorders, who are currently being denied mmj.

That's pulling thousands (if not eventually millions) of people, OUT OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SEWERS that they are forced to stay in by the powers that be...
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Owl Mirror

Active member
If you would stop wanting to imprison anyone over MJ perhaps those misguided ICmagers would stop thinking you were a cop.

I have not ever wanted to imprison anyone over MJ.
Why you continue to berate and defame me with this FALSE accusation, I'm unsure.

What I have said is the person who violates their States programs guidelines is asking to be held accountable for their actions.
When a registered patient grows in excess of their individual needs and diverts their crop to the illegal black market, they shouldn't complain when the police arrest them.
The law is the Law and, violating it carries consequences.

I believe where you and I differ in opinion is that I do not believe Marijuana should be a commodity, bought and sold for profit.

My State Law says I can possess 12 plants and 2.5 ounces.
I try my best to conduct myself in accordance with the stipulations of our program.
When others willingly violate this Law, it is presented in public and puts a black mark on the whole program. Those who violate the programs provisions are doing great harm to my personal freedom to grow as the government will declare our program a failure and may rescind the opportunity this new law presents to the many real patients in Michigan.

I will fight against anyone who's actions may cause me to lose my ability to legally grow marijuana.
I live @ 100% below the poverty line. I have MANY people ask me to sell them a portion of my stash. Could I use $200-$300 per month extra? SURE but, I'm unwilling to do so as that is a violation of the terms I agreed to when registering for our program.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Oh please...

Do you really think a medical patient has more rights than someone else?
Simply by virtue of being ill?

I'm not saying that at all.
What I am referring to is those who, under the legal cover allowed under the States Medical Marijuana Program, intentionally grow and divert this product outside of the intended Medical necessity of patients, FOR PROFIT.
Caregivers grow the maximum allowed plants under a patients rec, the patient can't afford to buy it all so, the caregiver diverts it to the black market and reaps the rewards by using the patients rec for illegal activities.

Do you think that is a fair exchange or dishonest ?

green gobber

New member
What constitutes as a collective? I have 10 acres up in the hills, and each year we usually have 6 to seven medical scripts at my garden. Up till now we have only had six a piece. Now the way I understood it is that a collective is a garden that everyone that has a medical script there participates at least once a week in tending to the garden. I remember that is what the sherifs that came out a couple years ago told me. So what would I be safe with now? Would I be safe If we just put out a couple more for each script say 8? I have young children, and I don't want to go illegal on any thing. One of my first doctors that gave me a medical recomendation, out of clearlake, had on my paperwork, 5 pounds and a 25 plant limit. Now this was some time back, but back then the cops did not care what the doctor allowed, they said I could still only have 6 mature or 12 inmature, because I checked into it before they showed up and made me pull them. :hide: So Could someone here who knows give me a thumbs up or down to a few extra where I am at in Butte Co. Thanks for The Help

Owl Mirror

Active member
What constitutes as a collective? I have 10 acres up in the hills, and each year we usually have 6 to seven medical scripts at my garden. Up till now we have only had six a piece. Now the way I understood it is that a collective is a garden that everyone that has a medical script there participates at least once a week in tending to the garden. I remember that is what the sherifs that came out a couple years ago told me. So what would I be safe with now? Would I be safe If we just put out a couple more for each script say 8? I have young children, and I don't want to go illegal on any thing. One of my first doctors that gave me a medical recomendation, out of clearlake, had on my paperwork, 5 pounds and a 25 plant limit. Now this was some time back, but back then the cops did not care what the doctor allowed, they said I could still only have 6 mature or 12 inmature, because I checked into it before they showed up and made me pull them. :hide: So Could someone here who knows give me a thumbs up or down to a few extra where I am at in Butte Co. Thanks for The Help

The court ruled that the Legislature violated the state constitution when it passed Senate Bill 420 in 2003. The judges found that the plant limits set by the legislation improperly amended the Compassionate Use Act voters passed in 1996 legalizing marijuana for medical use in California.
That ballot measure said that medical pot users and their caregivers can possess any amount of marijuana
"reasonably related to the patients current medical needs."
"These individuals are not subject to any specific limits and do not require a physician's recommendation in order to exceed any such limits," Chief Justice Ron George wrote in the unanimous court decision. "Instead they may possess an amount of medical marijuana reasonably necessary for their ... needs."

One ounce per week would equal a yearly harvest of 3.5 pounds of dried buds.
Since this amount isn't necessarily grown all at one time, the plant count of six flowering plants harvested each grow seems reasonable.
Even if each plant only produced one ounce, in my mind that should cover the time frame necessary for the next harvest to be cut and cured.
I'm just using one ounce per week as an example to show how many plants per grow would provide.
What I believe is the big division between those in the marijuana community is the issue of growing BEYOND "an amount of medical marijuana reasonably necessary for their needs." and selling it for profit.

You mention collectives and, I wholeheartedly agree with this type of community based activity.
Personally I would like to see collectives that reach out to patients and provide the space, equipment and supplies plus, instructions on how best to grow their own marijuana. Those who are too ill to participate should appoint an individual to grow for them but, if a patient is able to get out and about, participating and learning from professionals not only would assist patients in being self-supporting but, give them something to occupy their time and socialize with others in similar circumstances.

As we all know, there is always something to be done in the garden so, when a patient shows up, it doesn't matter if they work on their own plants or others that need tending.

I don't understand California's laws or culture. The notion of physically able-bodies people electing to grow marijuana for the express purpose of selling their crops to a dispensary doesn't make sense to me.
How can these folks grow without a patients rec ?

I would love to see a community that involves the patients as well as keeps the financial portion to a minimum, costs for their personal grow.
If a patient can grow six ounces of marijuana for themselves for around $600, why do they pay $300 per ounce to somebody to grow it for them ? Why pay $1800 for $600 worth of buds ?


this is the first time i her about that in la and i feel sorry for them, that sucks. but would they really go to that extrame to check each medical club to see how many you go to? and about the medical dispensary what about if your signed up with a couple how would you prove that if they come and check? what if i have a doctor recomendation of 20 plant count?


I love my life
I have not ever wanted to imprison anyone over MJ.

I will fight against anyone who's actions may cause me to lose my ability to legally grow marijuana.

but, I'm unwilling to do so as that is a violation of the terms I agreed to when registering for our program.

If you don't want to imprision me for growing more plants or not being within this or that state guidline, what do you want to do to me?

I never agreed to the terms of your state program, why should I follow it? I never agreed to have my natural right to grow food or medicine impinged on either, so why should I follow that federal violation of my rights?

You say you are going to "Fight" against anyone who's actions MAY cause....

Please identify those ICmagers who's actions ARE causing ANY damage. Causing damage not MAY cause damage is the legal threshold in this country.

So how are you going to fight those like me if you really don't want to imprison anyone over weed?

Peace, :joint:

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