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Arrested for DUI due to scripted pain meds

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All-chronic pain patient here with too many maladies to mention.I have been on high dose opiates for the last few years due to some major pain issues.480mg daily.Today I fell asleep at the wheel and ran over 3 mailboxs.I was subsequently manhandles,put in cuffs that cut my wrists,and taken to jail.I remained cuffed throughout,and did a number of the classic sobriety test.I am disabled and crippled.Walking is a problem let alone standing on 1 foot and counting and all that BS.My Pain specialist when asked told me I could not get DWI/DUI whilest on pain meds cause they are not hynotics.I have had insomnia issues and was just scripted Xanax for sleep.I took the very 1st dose last eve.Beware chronic pain patients this could happen to you.They found a bowl and 1 gram of Sour Diesel in a vial and wrote me a possesion ticket.ASSHOLES and SPINLESS dicksmokers.True pigs! I will not take this sitting down.I'll be on the horn to my pain specialist in am.As far as I am concerned he is more liable than anyone.I have been on this dose 6 months and have been driving daily w/o any issues.Thanks for listening. BigD:dunno:
you should not be driving if you cannot safely control your vehicle this is obvious. im sorry for your illness but you are accountable for your actions. as a cyclist i could easily have been one of those mailboxes you hit. anyone knows that opiates and xanax and its relatives cause serious impairment. you should be pleased you did not kill anyone or yourself. disabled or not you should not drive a vehicle when on those drugs. your pain specialist should know better as its very clear on the label regarding caution when operating a vehicle not to be harsh or mean just truthful. peace


I have not been buzzed on my Oxys and I have been on same dose for 6 months.Opiates just make me vomit,I get no buzz from them,thats why it is mindboggling to me why anyone would seek out an opiate to get high.I just started Xanax last eve,like the 1st tab of a new script.To make matters difficult to comprehend,I am having seziure activity that just started,days ago.I have voiced my concerns to everyone around me-My wife the RN,My GP and My Pain Doc who is a DO Pain Specialist.Don't you think when I asked him if it were ok to drive,he would tell me "No"?I voiced my driving concern to him weeks/months ago and he assured me that yes I can drive.It is over 1 hour drive to his office,and of all his patients I travel the farthest.I didnt ask to get put on this shit,illness and uncontrollable pain were the reasons this man scripted me the dose he did.I am a reasonabley intelligent who doesnt rely onpride to make any decisions.If I thought there was an impairment issues the keys would have been hung up weeks ago as I hate to drive.
You need to straighten out all legal matters. Then when you can get all the sour diesel or similar you can. Smoke and smoke and smoke while slowly lowering the narcotics. Believe me I was on the same boat as you with the dose and side effects. I'm down to a 20mg or so only when the pain gets too bad. All I did/do now was use the plant. Now it costs me a whole lot more to use the plant than the oxy's as far as cash. However life is so much better without oxy anxiety. Good luck BDc9

good drown

sorry to hear this bigdaddy.
your doctor should not have told you yes. the answer is no, it should even say so on the bottle. your medication is basically heroin. heroin users stop feeling a buzz after over 1 week of continual usage, so just because you don't feel high doesn't me you are not high. what is really going to fuck you is the xanax. Did the same doctor prescribe that? If so, this doctor cares ZERO about your health. Anyone taking over 400mg should really stay clear of xanax. It has led to a number of overdoses last year.
I advise getting a damn good lawyer if there is any chance. Be prepared to spend $5000-$7500 if you dont want to loose your license.
There is a huuuuge difference between heroin and the plethora of prescribed opiate painkillers that doctors prescribe.

I don't think you can really compare them like that.

Also, heroin users do not stop feeling a buzz after 1 week of use, There is such a thing as tolerance, as with everything which means you must take more to get the same effect.


ICMag Donor
I don't mean to be a dick but I have to close this thread. This forum is limited to issues regarding marijuana.....
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