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powdered dolomite lime... will this work?


New member

i have found this locally but it has a really high calcium content
~70%calcium carbonate
~12%Mg Carbonate

Is this usable or will calcium lockout Mg?
I am having issues with brown spots on fan leaves and curling, although it may have been heat.
Also, if it is not being locked out, I use tap water and molasses (guano tea). Would this compensate for the lack of Mg?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
$23.47 for shipping is high but that's enough to last a very long time.
Use LC's Mix from the Beginner's STICKY and you won't have to worry about lockout and pH.
Good find! + Rep! Do you mind if I post the product?

Hank Hemp

Active member
Look around, you can do better than that. Dolomite goes by a few other names, that bag said Agie limestome. Look on the side panel.


Look around, you can do better than that. Dolomite goes by a few other names, that bag said Agie limestome. Look on the side panel.

+1 to that. *I found dolomite lime at a big-box building/home/garden center, but it wasn't labeled that way. *Had to spend a while reading labels on all the big bags of lime at several different stores. *The one I finally found with the right calcium / magnesium ratios wasn't labeled dolomite at all.

edit: *I'm not really all that fond of the asterisk symbol, but my browser/icmag setup seems to really like the asterisk lately...


+1 to that. *I found dolomite lime at a big-box building/home/garden center, but it wasn't labeled that way. *Had to spend a while reading labels on all the big bags of lime at several different stores. *The one I finally found with the right calcium / magnesium ratios wasn't labeled dolomite at all.

Yes same here. Try looking near the concrete mixes if you don't see it near the lawn fertilizers, which is where I found mine. It doesn't say dolomite anywhere on the package, it is actually called pulverized (powdered) lawn and garden lime, and it's made by Mayville. It was 5 dollars for 50 pounds and it has 22% Ca, 11% Mg.


The Soapmaker!
The products stocked locally here tend to often say "garden lime." Same thing. Powdered is nice if you can find it, but you'll also find that prilled lime with the addition of moisture quickly goes from its pellet-state (clay balls rolled in lime) to a solute state (water + clay = dissolved pellets).


The clay bound lime is IMO better for cannabis growing. It spreads, mixes, and disperses better. Someone just needs to figure out the application rate for LC mix.

The advantage of powdered lime is price. But if you are doing less than 1000 square feet, you won't notice.

Espoma pellets are dolomite.

If you have a spare flour sifter and the powdered stuff, well you can't beat that.


New member
$23.47 for shipping is high but that's enough to last a very long time.
Use LC's Mix from the Beginner's STICKY and you won't have to worry about lockout and pH.
Good find! + Rep! Do you mind if I post the product?

Rep from you is a beginners dream come true, thank you. Yes anything i can contribute please use. This product is actually available at a local garden center for about 5 bucks (petitis). The lime content is what worried me.

My local lowes only had pelletized so I stopped into a lowes in the neighboring city, just to check, and they had a 40 lbs bag for $2.98 with 22% Ca and 10% Mg:yay:. I've been looking for this for nearly 6 months. People must have thought me crazy when i was riding the cart out of the store in happiness... over lime lol.

I've been using LC's mix #1 (ive read your beginners post nearly thirty times) with Coco coir, the lime pictured above, and the guano tea recipe and have been having problems with brown spotting and leaves curling.

So now i have another question... I read Coco has nearly a neutral ph. Should i still use two tablespoons per gallon?

And would molasses be a suitable substitute for cal/mag if you were not able to find lime at all (out of curiosity)?


Living with the soil
Quote: My local lowes only had pelletized so I stopped into a lowes in the neighboring city, just to check, and they had a 40 lbs bag for $2.98 with 22% Ca and 10% Mg. I've been looking for this for nearly 6 months. People must have thought me crazy when i was riding the cart out of the store in happiness... over lime lol.

I did the same happy dance @ Lowes in Portland,OR. last week...$2.97 for 40lbs. Really,who buys Dolomite lime in January and gets happy about it?....We do!!!

justa waterboy

New member
garden grade dolomite lime works great for me. hydrated lime that stone masons use is not so good. i learned the hard way. i would make sure it is dolomite lime stone and not hydrated lime.


try no name hard ware stores or small companies. stopped by a local hardware and garden... presto dolomite lime! 5lbs for 5.50


No reason to get a 50 lb bag of the stuff. If you want to order it online.. Midwesthydroponics.com has Sunleaves Soil Sweetner. I ordered it, and got it shipped for liek 15 bucks or so i think ti was. 5 lb bag should last you a while.
