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My diet and my health


"# Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.
# Stomach acidity. Carnivores’ stomachs are 20x more acidic than the stomachs of herbivores. Human stomach acidity matches that of herbivores.
# Saliva. The saliva of carnivores is acidic. The saliva of herbivores is alkaline, which helps pre-digest plant foods. Human saliva is alkaline.
# Shape of intestines. Carnivore bowels are smooth, shaped like a pipe, so meat passes through quickly — they don’t have bumps or pockets. Herbivore bowels are bumpy and pouch-like with lots of pockets, like a windy mountain road, so plant foods pass through slowly for optimal nutrient absorption. Human bowels have the same characteristics as those of herbivores.
# Fiber. Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts. Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.
# Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a problem for a carnivore’s digestive system. A carnivore such as a cat can handle a high-cholesterol diet without negative health consequences. A human cannot. Humans have zero dietary need for cholesterol because our bodies manufacture all we need. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods, never in plant foods. A plant-based diet is by definition cholesterol-free.
# Claws and teeth. Carnivores have claws, sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, and no flat molars for chewing. Herbivores have no claws or sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, but they have flat molars for chewing. Humans have the same characteristics as herbivores."
**copied from http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2005/09/are-humans-carnivores-or-herbivores-2/



Active member
Since everyone will give you advice on number 1, let me give you advice on number 2:

Unless I read it incorrectly, did you really mention on the forum board about a guy owing you $25? And you want to kick his ass? Are you serious?

I know that your thinking to yourself "it's the principle man". No it's not. If your buddy owed you $100.00 and never paid you back, you would just understand that was what your friend was worth to you. Your friend was worth $100.

No nagging from him, no favors being asked, and you always have one-up on him until he pays you. Tell us that he owes you $2,500.00 and add a few zeros, then you guys got a problem. But for $25?? Your healthy diet that your trying to talk about is going to be 20 times more than that every month. Don't sweat it ~

and i thought you only posted in the yummy bud threads :p


great post

sometimes it's best to swallow the pride
karma is very real


cannabis enthusiast
i once read about how the philipines eat and how they are small, but not so sure how healthy with all the fried foods they eat. most folks have 2 big meals a day and usually a evening snack. the philipines with eat small portions throughout the day and in turn only need those smaller meals, when we have a huge lunch and dinner with extra helpings. i know some healthy foods just dont cut it. for instance i love boiled chicken for dinner but it gets boring so add something differant brocolli, couliflour, chopped tomatoes etc.

sometimes ill feel hungry and instead of eating a cheeseburger or few slices of pizza ill just eat some corn and green beans and feel just as full and even save some money....can of green beans 50c can of corn 50c compared to maybe a whopper and a fry that would be 5 times as much. also drink lots of water during work ill drink a lot and at lunch i dont feel like gorging before going back to work after break.......also another good thing to think about is having your own veggie garden i have tons of jars of tomatoes, cucumbers, couliflower, carrots, onions.

one last thing a lot of folks have addictive personalities, for instance my ex would see a beer commercial and go buy beer, see a mcdonalds commercial and need it. they show these cute men/women eating and drinking which is very sparse to see when you go to these stores and see whos buying what.
Cut out all things white. White sugar, white breads (big one, go grain instead), and white milk(cheese,butter, etc etc.) If you have the will to do that, leave out the meat for a while as well, up your raw organic veggie intake. No worries on meat, look at beans, high protein grains, & HEMP SEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!! and forget about soy.... too much estrogen there. If you feel funky, check out some spirulina and chlorella, both SUPER high in protein. I would not lead one astray and will warn you a detox effect often happens and many ppl mistake this strong detox as a feeling of weakness (and they make up in the brain it HAS to be bc of no protein...) Could not be farther from the truth. Your body wants to rid of all the accumulated toxins, and when it happens quickly, you feel the effect. Look for zeolite powder, it will help remove the purging toxins from your body via the "exit chute" and not thru your liver or kidneys, thus being easier on your body. For a good milk, substitute coconut,almond,hemp or rice milk instead of "dairy".
hmmm... i will think of anymore suggestions.
On the side note, does not sound like a "friend" to me... it is what it is, best of luck bro.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I'll second the body for life book. I followed it precisely and loved every minute of it. I haven't worked out in a while but you can follow the eating for life part of the book.

Eat foods in their closest to natural state, and no high fructose corn syrup, period.


Keep it simple,

Eat food that is processed as little as possible e.g.
Aim for your 5 a day
Lean sources of protein in high quantities - chicken breast, fish etc.
Nuts (not salted)
Try and get most of your carbohydrates from complex sources e.g. wholewheat bread instead of white
Drink a lot of water and milk

Simple exercise routine to hit every muscle

Always strive to improve everyone of these exercises e.g. at start you can only do 2 pullups, strive to do 20 or more


Active member
not necessarily. i was 195 lbs at 18 years, now, at 62 i'm at 163 lbs.

Also, i think pasta is evil ... you can't do that much processing on wheat and have it still be good as food. Replace pasta with brown rice. Older women in Italy are all fat - i suspect it's the pasta.

Steel-cut oatmeal is really good food. McCann's.

Your very fortunate then, there are alot of men your age that can't say the same if your maintaining at 163 all it would take would be an extra 500 calories a day or reducing your activity by 500 calories a day and you would be gaining a lb of fat a week unless your working your entire body with weights hard every week, your body also uses less calories at your age then when you were 18 so you adjusted accordingly as you got older (most people don't).

The thing with pasta is it tastes so dam good and is easy to overeat, brown rice on the other hand 1 cup of that and you don't want anymore. All you can eat brown rice buffet, how about all your can eat plain oatmeal? no thanks Im full. Rice and Steel Cut oats are all I eat for complex carbs, I get most of my protein from eggs/chicken breasts and fat from yolks, I don't fry, I eat a variety fruit/lots of veggies, supplement calcium/mag/vitd because of dairy allergies. If I wanna gain muscle I just add an extra cup of rice or so a day.


Humans are NOT omnivore and complex carbs are bad. If you don't believe me check out http://www.whale.to/a/comp.html and other studies comparing the anatomy of animals and their diets.

dude, shut the fuck up... you are spreading misinformation. That link you posted is ridiculous.

A simple Google search for "complex carbs" yields hundreds of websites that say things like

"Complex carbohydrates are high-fiber foods, which improve your digestion. They help stabilize the blood sugar, keep your energy at an even level, and help you feel satisfied longer after your meal."

examples of complex carbs: brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, wheat...

See, this is the problem with asking for diet advice... you get ppl who don't know shit about the human body's macronutrient needs. Eat what you want, and exercise plenty... It's as simple as that.

If your a fairly lean 170 at 30 you easily could be a fat 200 by the time your 50 without eating any junkfood.

IT'S CALLED EXERCISE!!! LOOK IT UP! it's magic fat-burning stuff, exercise is...

ocean99, don't listen to these fools. please for your body's sake just follow the advice in my last post


Active member
Keep it simple,

Simple exercise routine to hit every muscle

Always strive to improve everyone of these exercises e.g. at start you can only do 2 pullups, strive to do 20 or more

2-3 worksets of the below exercises. + (warmups 95 5x, 135 3x, 185 1x, 205 1x, 225 1x --> worksets 275 5x,5x,5x) etc. split up in 3 day/week routine

Barbell Squats
Stiff Legged Deadlifts/Glute Ham Raises
Military Presses
Barbell Rows
Weighted Pullups
Weighted Dips/Bench Press

Would hit every muscle over 9000x better


Active member
IT'S CALLED EXERCISE!!! LOOK IT UP! it's magic fat-burning stuff, exercise is...

ocean99, don't listen to these fools. please for your body's sake just follow the advice in my last post

It doesn't matter if you get lots of cardio or not I could run 2 hours a day and just end up taking in way more calories and get fat, theres a reason why you see people in the gym looking like the same fat ass that they were when they started - they have no clue on how much there eating and how many calories there burning in a day.

When it comes to fat loss/muscle gain you can't assume the human body will do either just because the person "thinks" its enough, body lies.
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No worries Schrews, I'm taking most of this advce with a heaping spoonful of salt.

I'm finding the more energy I expend the less "hunger" I experience (said hunger being boredom meals that I'm no lnger eating). Bullshit aside this has been a decently informative thread, thanks to everyone who gave honest advice.