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Miracle-gro + molasses



Greetings, would this be a good approach for feeding molasses in a coco coir + perlite mix? I'm using miracle-gro tomato food and bloom booster, here's the method I plan to use:

1- feed the plants with a pH'ed water at 5.9 WITHOUT miracle-gro (don't wanna feed molasses on a dry coco)

2- Add Half a tsp/gallon of unsulfured carob molasses and feed plants

3- Six hours later, Feed with miracle-gro.

Please advice if you think there's a better way or if its dangerous, all molasses applications I've seen were with organic grows mixed with manure teas, I have no idea if its possible with a chemical fertilizer.

Thanks in advance!


I didn't think miracle grow contained nutrients that were available to a plant in soil-less media. I could be wrong.


I'm pretty sure you can grow using miracle-gro in a soil-less mix

Guest 18340

You can absolutely grow in a soil-less medium using MG. I know guys that do it in bubblers and waterfarms.
This plant was grown in 100% coco with MG Tomato plant food and tap water, nothing else;


You can absolutely grow in a soil-less medium using MG. I know guys that do it in bubblers and waterfarms.
This plant was grown in 100% coco with MG Tomato plant food and tap water, nothing else;
Looks GREAT! what type of feeding schedule it had?

Guest 18340

I used no more than 3/4 tsp/gal.
Break out your ec pen if you have one and mix enough to give you the desired ec you're looking for, but 3/4 tsp/gal did it for me.
Since the medium was coco, I fed/watered it everyday to run off, with the same amount of MG every time.

mandi paige

The only thing to watch, is molasses allows the plant to uptake nutrients much more efficiently, and it might be easy to "nute burn" the plant, especially with miracle grow


What are the best mollasses to use, and how in a soil grow ?

Unsulfured blackstrap molasses is the best, for a soil grow you if you make manure tea then simply mix half a tsp/gallon to the tea and feed.


You can absolutely grow in a soil-less medium using MG. I know guys that do it in bubblers and waterfarms.
This plant was grown in 100% coco with MG Tomato plant food and tap water, nothing else;
I stand corrected!

I was under the impression that MG nutes used Urea as a source of nitrogen, and that soil was needed to break down urea to a usable form for plants.


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