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do the diy carbons filters really work

just wondering if these diy filters really work good and if its worth it to spend the time and build one. im pretty handy with diy just worried its not as good as canfan or the like


im sure others experience will vary. i am also pretty handy and my homemade filter sucked. i found a can 33 for around 100 bucks. its works awesome.


I tired the DIY also.....for the hours I spent making the damn thing I would have been WAAAYY better off just buying one from the get go.....not to mention I probably spent more than a can filter of the same size.

it did work, but NOT WORTH IT
thanks for the info, i kinde figured thats not really something you want to fuck around with. i was leaning to just buying a can fan spending the money, and diy on other projects that make more sense.


filters are the perfect thing to fuck around with. homemade ones can be made so they are easily refillable and you can vary the thickness of your carbon layer from 1/2'' upto whatever you like. It doesnt take make skill or craftiness to put one together. Id suggest a good look at the diy page, not al the plans are so great but the diy pro carbon filter i think its called, the top on the diy under odour control. Im using the exact design and so far its working wonders to control a 8x8 room. Havent completed an entire cycle with it yet, but so far no smell at all. I built my filter for 50$(canadian)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Ms Weekend makes an excellent point. If you don't need a DIY, a premade may well be cheaper in the long run. The money I "saved" is a fraction of what I'd earn had I stayed at work.

However if you need to DIY (due to space, cost or other reasons) DIY works GREAT!!! My first was 1" thick and seriously taxed my fan. A premade with a 2" bed would've killed airflow completely. Rebuilt to a 1/2 inch bed, it works great. A premade would not have that option. I'm sure it won't last the 2 years premades advertise but, I'm on grow #3 now with no smell.

With bulk carbon off Ebay ($1.99 a lb as opposed to $5.99 a lb in the stores) I can run the filter for about $5 a year but, the filter itself "cost" $500-$1000 in my time.


weed fiend
If your carbon wall is a consistent thickness and the carbon is packed tight enough so it doesn't shift, you can make one as good as the manufacturer. Check out the Carbon Scrubber for Dummies thread. It tells ya how long to make the core, depending on the diameter.


good point freezerboy, the diy really is only a good option if you need a diy, whether to fit a certain ducting or cfm rating, or if you just honestly cannot afford a premade scrubber.

If you can afford one i would suggest buying one, but if you need one the diy do work very well.


i always figured diy route wouldnt be worth it cause the filters are pretty cheap, its the fan that costs $$..
so far im at $2.25 cents for a vapourtronic disk, odor gone, but im not in late flower yet so im still not sold , but the veg odor that was noticable outside my room 25 feet away in the past is a thing of the past, non smokers smell nothing. no deseal or skunk here though. just felt id chime in as some people dont need a elaborate odor solution while others do. hope this helps.


If you have the money to spare, why not buy off the shelf? But, with a little patience, a little know-how, and attention to detail (i.e. packing the carbon), DIY is worth the effort.

6" x 8" x 24" with about two to four tablespoons of carbon left out of ten pounds. I don't remember the exacts, but it was something like $50-$75 in materials and 2 to 4 man/hours to build.

Namaste, mess
I used DurbanPoisons DIY link and my scrubber lasted 4 grows. I was EXTREMELY HAPPY

I just built another one and I dont think i packed the carbon good enough..... gunna find out in about a week when the girls reall start smelling.

The onl good thing is knowing how I put it together so it should be eas to pot off the bottom and pack in a bit more carbon if need be.

Take from this what you will....... My 1st was fantastic, but my 2nd is leaving me questioning this build.

It was VERY easy..... about 2 hours and $50 Oh..... mine is 8'' outter, 6'' inner, 12'' long with a 265cfm blower pushing through it.


stone fool
My design works great, it is in the diy linkorama. Cost twenty bucks, requires no tools, and about an hour each year to replace and refill.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I just built another one and I dont think i packed the carbon good enough..... gunna find out in about a week when the girls reall start smelling.

I rebuilt mine a third time because carbon was pooling underneath between machine cloth and panty hose. I replaced the hose on the outside of the outer core with a sleeve of fine plastic mesh inside the outer core. Now I can POUND the carbon in without loosing a single grain.

I used the DIY can-style carbon scrubber tutorial. All in, it cost maybe $50 cdn. I got lots of ducting reducers/incraesers/junk for free because my apartment was redoing a few units. It s in a closet and it works great.
I might have invested in a Can Filter but I heard that you can't replace the carbon in them and that pretty much sealed the deal.
... Can you refill the Cans?


Active member
trick i use and recommend fill your filter full of carbon sit on top of washer and dry over a few loads it will vibrate and help compact all the carbon down.


I'm making one diy this weekend. My friends said they can smell my sour diesel from 10 feet outside my house. The sad part is, I'm so accustomed to it, I can't smell it in my house, and it is like the best smell ever!