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Cloning help please

hey community your help and ideas please. i took some clones not sure fi i did it right with rooting powder and put them in lil tiny jiffy pots with 100 percent coco.....its been 5 days and they for the msot part are still standing.....the coco is getting a little dry how should i water them? etc. and also on some the leaves are quite big should i cut those leaves a little and if so how much....i really need to save these guys help please
You dont have to cut the leaves if the light isn't too strong cuz with bigger leaves they can pull in more moisture and the stems can rot if the coco is too moist so dont water it too much. A picture would be great...


yup, give us a pic. Do you have them in a humidity tray? That is important, keep the moisture in so the plant can abosorb it through the leaves and stem until the roots form. Did you gut the clones with a sharp razor at an angle? It should take 2 weeks to sprout roots w/o a warming mat. Just keep them moist but not soaking wet and warm is the biggest thing. 80 degrees is ideal for clones.
well its been 6 days and the clones still seem to be green and alive.... how do i know that they are ready to transplant since they are in lil jiffy pots and i cant tell if there are roots?


Active member
there are a hundred cloning threads here...

you will know when they are ready to go when you see roots sticking out the bottom of the jiffy pucks. You don't need a dome, just make sure the temps are nice around 75 ish. I've had clones in a 68-72 degree room and things went fine. You can expect 2 weeks before you see roots but sometimes it can be shorter. Keep the pucks moist at all times.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
hey community your help and ideas please. i took some clones not sure fi i did it right with rooting powder and put them in lil tiny jiffy pots with 100 percent coco.....its been 5 days and they for the msot part are still standing.....the coco is getting a little dry how should i water them? etc. and also on some the leaves are quite big should i cut those leaves a little and if so how much....i really need to save these guys help please
Cloning 101, Reservoir Style

= = = = For the
Cloning Impaired = = = =

Even a retarded baboon can clone.
That said, if you're having trouble, don’t feel bad-it can be tricky.
Here's a simple solution for
cloning that's cheap, easy, and actually works 100% of the time-as long as you follow the E-Z-Bake directions.
I'm only posting this once, so pay attention.

-Grab some 16 oz. beer cups, and drill drainage holes in the bottom.

-Fill cups with coco coir, dampened with 50/50, one-half strength GH-based veg formula.
(From "The Recipe" - 6ml micro,9ml bloom per gallon at 6.0 pH,cut in half with already-balanced 6.0 pH water @ as low PPM as possible or distilled/RO-)

-Cut clones 6"-8" long, let soak in rooting hormone for two minutes.

-Stick clones into cups, as deep as possible, tamp coco firmly.

-Mist all clones, ONCE, lightly, with 6.0 pH water.
Do not, not, not cover.
(No need, the stems hold more than enough moisture for rooting-)

-Set in trays under floros, keep room temps at 77f-81f, and your lighting direct>indirect is fine....

In about a week, (+/-,depending on environment) you'll have thick white roots, and some giant fucking clones, all rooted and ready for another week in the cups, then on to your main potting session before flower.
It saves time and money (which = more time!) by not having to transplant starter R/W cubes into cups, and not dicking with humidity domes and all that PITA ancillary shite.

You have now been enlightened on how to clone, Reservoir Style.

- - - - - - -

Mediocrity Is Not Æn Option.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
Absolute Art In Selection.
- - - - - - -
IC420 2009 Growers Cup-Best Sativa-SuperSilverSourDieselHaze (SSSDH) -Grown By OJD
Reservoir Seeds - 2008 IC420 Breeder of the Year
2007 IC Mag 420 Grower's Cup-
Best Sativa-SOUR DIESEL IBL-Grown by JLP.
2005 IC Mag Grower's Cup-
Best Sativa-SOUR DIESEL*-
1st* Place,Grower's Cup
2nd* Place,Grower's Cup
Reservoir Seeds,3rd* Place, Breeder's Cup.


Now in technicolor
Not sure why/how people have problems cloning weed.

Create a tepid solution of 1/2 strength nutes (or just 300 ppm) and a pH of 5.5 - 5.8. Soak the medium (rockwool, jiffy, peat, whatever) with this.

Take cutting from the bottom or middle of the plant. Trim off excess leaves, and cut half of the remaining leaves. I remove most new growth (between leaves, new shoots, etc) and try to keep 2-3 fan leaves cut in half.

Very lightly scrape up the outer layer of skin near the bottom of the step, if the clone's stem is thick. Cut the bottom at a 45 degree angle to expose more surface area, and quickly dip it in water, powder, and then place in medium.

Don't expose the cut tip to air if possible. Some people make the cut underwater.

Now increase temp to 75F - 80F and raise humidity to 100%. Basically just put the plants in tupperware.

Place under a CFL.. anything at home depot or CVS will work. 24 hours of light.

Open container to allow gas exchange every day, for 10-20 seconds.

Done. After 7-10 days you'll have roots coming out the sides/bottom of the medium. Reduce humidity over 2-3 days.

I have 4/5 clones rooted and they were ABUSED daily. Sometimes I had the light off for 24 hours+, the cats constantly pulled the clones out of the medium, humidity was as low as 30% sometimes, there was standing water in the container, etc. I just put the container on a heating pad and under a fluorescent somewhere far and forgot about it, and 3 days later I had roots. Genetics plays a role, but as long as the clones aren't wilting and the medium doesn't dry out, you should be alright.
hmmmm all these fancy ways of doing things eh? all i do is submerge my cuts end (dipped in clonex) into plain water and leave for 2 week in a corner where they get weak light...2 weeks later i have roots....i dont change the water for the full 2 week and have actually run the same water for 4 week (2 lots of clones) and i havent lost one yet :eek:
hey coomunity a litle update with my cloning try...its been 13 days....i had a dome on them and tok it off past few days and misted them a couple times a day today i put a low wattage light underneath them in a box to keep them warm......the clones are all nice and green look healthy..........not sure what route to go here should i put the dome back on or leave it off and other ideas at this point

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
if it aint broke dont fix it, leave the dome off, keep up your misting routine, pull one out to see if there are roots.


Active member
At 13 days they should have roots and they should be ready for a 1/4 nute solution. Don't let the coco dry out! You really cant over water coco, so feel free to give them a decent soaking. Two days later, they should need watering again.

You should increase the light at this time. Put in another cfl or something like that. Don't go putting it under an HID lamp yet.

For anyone who cares... when a cutting is growing new roots, it has no way to intake any nutrients, so it eats itself. If it has damaged leaves (i.e. cut leaves), it will eat those leaves first. By trimming certain leaves on the cuttings, you are directing the plant which leaves to kill. Once the cutting has roots, cut the trimmed leaves off as they are no longer needed and most will die anyway. The plant can now concentrate on new growth but, more importantly, the newly trimmed plant is completely undamaged and will grow bigger faster. There are also the advantages that the trimmed leaves don't weigh down the cutting so much and there is less leaf to transpire (the cutting doesn't sweat as much).



Active member
hmmmm all these fancy ways of doing things eh? all i do is submerge my cuts end (dipped in clonex) into plain water and leave for 2 week in a corner where they get weak light...2 weeks later i have roots....i dont change the water for the full 2 week and have actually run the same water for 4 week (2 lots of clones) and i havent lost one yet :eek:

You are so full of shit!



Active member
got to agree, i have tried it like this several times and never come close to 100%
Dont you hate it when someone just wants to brag and sounds kinda bafoonish

Nobody gets 100% on anything! As soon as someone says 100% you know they are exaggerating.

...when they say they've rooted clones in four-week-old, previously used water, you know they're flat out lying!



DWC Bubbles....soooo easy

DWC Bubbles....soooo easy

These two guys show you how to make a little bubble cloner on you tube and it works great! I just replaced the stg grow plugs they used with 1 1/2 bontanicare replacement plugs. All you gotta do is cut your clones dip em into a cup of water until your ready then you put them into the cloner plugs and plug em into your bubble resevoir (do not add nuttin to the water) if you want to you can use a rooting gel but if you do change out your water after like 5 days cause it will get slime goin..i quit using gels though...something about wasting my precious money was eatin at me. YOU DONT NEED FANCY CRAP, sorry about the caps I just wanted to grab your attention, Im a border line retard when it comes to cloning....im really new to growing still and this has been the only thing I cant screw up..it works. Just remember when you get your tub paint the outside of any clear parts black or white if its the top to block out light otherwise your shit will be jacked up (the light will prune your roots). I used duct tape in full getto fashion, my theory is it blocks out the light and insulates the res to keep it nice and warm...about 78 degrees. look at what these two guys build....its cheap. Peace


I know the guys are cheesy but they show a great dyi bubbler.

I used a 1 1/4 inch hole saw I got at a cheapo hardware store to drill my plug holes ( the most technical part of the build lol )
i use the walmart cloner in the soil forums. it took 10 days to root and was super simple even for a first time cloner like myself. i woulda had 100% on my first try if i didnt fry them with the lights when i transplanted. they all had damage but one was just too crispy.


Heres a lil tip, if using rooting hormone apply it a little higher than normal, so some is visable after you put the cutting in the hole. Then watch it, it about 7-10 days you should see that rooting hormone turn into roots. Little bumps will form around the low stem near the hole, these white bumps will turn into hooks, then turn into roots. Make sure the plant your taking the cutting from is in active vegetive growth.


Active member
Heres a lil tip, if using rooting hormone apply it a little higher than normal, so some is visable after you put the cutting in the hole. Then watch it, it about 7-10 days you should see that rooting hormone turn into roots. This is a good lil trick because you dont have to pull the clone out of the hole to see if it has formed roots yet, just look at where the rooting hormone is around the stem near the hole. Little bumps will form around the low stem near the hole, these white bumps will turn into hooks, then turn into roots. Make sure the plant your taking the cutting from is in active vegetive growth.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.

Regardless, you'll know the clone has roots when the roots come out of the R/R or RW cube. Until then, leave them alone as far as any tugging or pulling goes. Checking to see if there are roots yet does absolutely nothing to facilitate root production and it irritates the roots.
