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What do you want?

What do you want?

  • full legalisation

    Votes: 250 87.1%
  • decrim, goverment grown supply

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • other, stated via post.

    Votes: 23 8.0%

  • Total voters


The built in pressure relief valve that keeps any major national "voter" pressure from getting too high is - if convicted of a felony you lose your right to vote.... cool plan huh?

Full legalization preferred..... Old Alaska Law would at least keep me from being a tax paying felon

The utter destruction of personal privacy was completed with a piss test. ( Thanks Supreme Court... intellectually bankrupt tards)


Freedom Fighter
The built in pressure relief valve that keeps any major national "voter" pressure from getting too high is - if convicted of a felony you lose your right to vote.... cool plan huh?

Just so you know, in most States, that only applies while on Parole--
In Cali I can vote...and I am a multi-felonious mo-fucker--lol:smokeit:


i think there are people who have adjusted themselfs nicely into it being illegal, maybe because of money, or prahaps they like a sorta edgey buzz in their life, everybody has their own poison,,,,

i felt while i was growing i couldnt realy make any noise locally about cannabis because i didnt want to poteitnailly flag myself,

i think that i might start educating the people alittle more on it around here, prahaps they will start seeing the raids differently,


Full legalization brings with it a few things I don't like, but that is what I voted for. I don't believe that registered businesses should be involved with the sale of processed marijuana or live plants/seeds. Marlboro shouldn't have a Green line, and I shouldn't be able to go through the drive-thru to order a McReefer. This will keep the big companies from polluting the gene pool that we have already polluted so much. It will also keep companies like Mansanto from genetically engineering seeds and selling them to small villages to plant in lieu of their precious landraces.

Medical dispensaries should be run by local government or not for profits. Anyone not growing behind a storefront should be allowed to legally grow, possess, and sell any amount of marijuana that they desire. Sales tax is optional for me, though if anyone collects it, it should be local or state government.

Obviously none of this will ever occur. Big companies, if marijuana is fully legalized, will rape it for everything it is worth. I know there are some holes in my idea, but I think something similar could work well if it was given some real thought. Though, I'd settle for any change in how the federal government views marijuana to be honest.
Controlled legalization where permits would be purchased to allow 10 plants to be grown for X amount of dollars 20 plants for XX amount etc. Bear in mind we do not want our children under 18 (I believe 21 is more suitable due to brain development) smoking the stuff. I'd only be happy if it were strictly an adult pastime. Growers caught supplying to under 18's should be heavily fined or face jail time. Of course this wouldn't work but it's just my opinion on how we should initially go about it. Full legalization would inevitably follow, although the governments of the world would tax MJ very heavily I believe.

Number Six

It can be relatively pretty correct for me if my country decide to copy the dutch system.
i would like to see full de-criminalization first but not with the govt growing the shit because history has taught us that govt grown cannabis is ditch weed or scwag or low potency crapp.

the whole g-13 strain itself suck royally but is rather good in crosses im not talking the g13X;s that are currently available but the story of the govt grown g13 was shitty tasting and not good for smoking but only good for crosses.

so yeah decrim. but self grown supply or from caretakers

would not let the govt be the sole controling entity in pot growng come on whats that about?? so 3 is my choice as far as the pll goes


Active member
All I want is something that will give me a small greenhouse in the yard (3-5 plants)without any legal troubles... :rasta:



yeh mate just want something were you can grow 10-20 plants per household with no probs from any police i do think that it should be keept at home smoking in public and around kids not a good thing need to have some sort of fines for that it would get to out of had if the uk was like amsterdam fuck no one would go to work to over populated and the street rats sorry i mean kids would think they were running the place it would be nice to have a decent law on canna.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Personally, I believe it should be regarded as any other garden plant.
I do not want to see it commercialized as that only keeps control in the hands of those demanding a high price for this commodity.

I believe in the ability of every American to grow their own. If this were the case, we could stroll down the block, admiring our neighbors buds across the fence.
I would like to see the SALE of Marijuana remain illegal. This way it would be kept to personal use only.
If we were allowed to grow outdoors, who would need to buy pot?
If everyone could freely grow their own, who would steal from their neighbor ?

If the feds need some type of control, I say they could sell a tax stamp for around $200 per year which would link the grow to a particular address and person responsible for the garden.

$200 x 40 Million tax-payers equals: 8 BILLION Dollars the Federal Government could designate towards HEALTH CARE for ALL.


I understand what you're saying, but I don't think you understand what I mean. It's not just a dozen guys who will be put out of business, but entire COUNTIES. It is estimated that 90% of Mendocino counties income comes from black market weed. That money pays for roads, taxes, cops, firemen, and schools. If that money is ALL gone, do we simply close the county? Humboldt, Trinity and Del Norte counties would be in a similar boat.

Though all of California would be hurt badly, most of Norcal will be decimated, as billions of dollars stop flowing in. I know nobody belongs in jail for weed, so I vote for decrim, but legalization would be the downfall of California, economically.

Are you saying that the money being made from illegal mj production is being put back into the economy? How about it going legit and being open so everyone can enjoy it. More money will come I assure you. NorCal is famous for its weed and if it is open and legal there will be a whole new tourist interest. the ones who will lose out are the comercial guys growing now. What was once a clear profit of say $200 per oz, will be diminished to about $50 after business expenses, taxes, branding, advertising and whatever else. The hotspots and business savy comercial growers will be the "micro brews" of the canabis industry. Just like with beer... 90% of the market share goes to bud and miller and those who want something better buy the micros and imports. I would however like for the legalization to deny imported product. We can produce our own supply here!

Personally, I believe it should be regarded as any other garden plant.
I do not want to see it commercialized as that only keeps control in the hands of those demanding a high price for this commodity.

I believe in the ability of every American to grow their own. If this were the case, we could stroll down the block, admiring our neighbors buds across the fence.
I would like to see the SALE of Marijuana remain illegal. This way it would be kept to personal use only.
If we were allowed to grow outdoors, who would need to buy pot?
If everyone could freely grow their own, who would steal from their neighbor ?

If the feds need some type of control, I say they could sell a tax stamp for around $200 per year which would link the grow to a particular address and person responsible for the garden.

$200 x 40 Million tax-payers equals: 8 BILLION Dollars the Federal Government could designate towards HEALTH CARE for ALL.

I don't think everyone would grow in the long run, and if they did that would be as good as making sale illegal because the market will initially get way over saturated. there will be little profit in it and it won't be worth it to do large scale. Not everyone has the will or space or time or interest in growing. Very few people brew their own beer and that is no harder than growing mj. Regardless, there would be a lot of people in the upfront that would try it and the sales of growing supplies would go through the roof initially. The key here, as stated above is price. If the government were to tax the crap out of it right off the bat then it wouldn't solve the prohibition problems. They would need to allow the market to saturate at a price far below the going rate so that people had no reason to go anywhere else or even grow their own. Then as the economy got accustomed to it all they could raise their taxes and make it a little more worthwhile to grow your own after the comercial suppliers are either legit or done. This may not be right in many peoples minds, but this is how you take control of an industry and develop it to you liking. This is how business works. It would be about companies producing a superior product at a price that makes it less feasable to grow your own or import the black market goods. I personally am very much against the whole b;lack market end of mj. that is really the biggest reason I am growing. I don't like the corruption or the thought of my money going across the boarders to support crime and violence elsewhere. I just like to smoke weed, and the only way it hurts anyone is because of the crime and mayhem spawned by prohibition.

yes the big companies will come in and fuck it all up... but that will only bring value to the microbrew-organic-all natural little guy who makes a good business out of appealing to the esoteric crowd. I think big business fucking this all up would be the saving grace of the scene as it is. that will be why people keep on with genetic development and the protection of landraces. Think about how set up the comercial growers are now. If govenment said it is legal tomorrow, we would have supply within a few months. and the really big companies would not be able to produce the quality that the micros would... I don't know much about large scale production, but I can't image that it is possible to go really large scale and be able to cull males, monitor individual deficiencies, cut at peak ripeness, properly dry, cure, and package large quyanities. Genetics will get all mishmashed and there will never be consistent, top quality product. the small guys on the other hand will do things right and charge a little more.

I know it is different in many other areas of the country, but in my part of the midwest it is very difficult to find decent bud. Most of the smokers I know smoke crappy press-bud because that is all we can get most of the time. I would love to see a big company come in and take away the business from the mexi-schwag end of it. Fuck the cartels and their shitty ass weed! Fuck the DEA asshats who are letting truckloads of brick across the border for a cut... "Sure you can throw a couple dozen illegal aliens on that truck too for another 10K". Fuck all of that!

So in the beer analogy, you have the big guy producing the budweiser and the miller that most people smoke, you have the little guys producing your siera, bells and moose drool, and you have the people who brew their own. This is a good thing IMHO.



tax? do we realy need to give these people who profited off smokers and growers jailtime more money?

lets remember even though holland is has weed everywhere, the dutch dont toke anywhere asmuch as we do population vs population wise,

parents should keep it out of their kids hands, not law,


tax? do we realy need to give these people who profited off smokers and growers jailtime more money?

lets remember even though holland is has weed everywhere, the dutch dont toke anywhere asmuch as we do population vs population wise,

parents should keep it out of their kids hands, not law,

I think income for the government and keeping it out of the hands of children are the 2 main motivating factors for government to ever agree to legalization. Those are 2 very powerful pro-legalization arguments. Just letting it go free and clear is a hippie pipe dream that won't ever happen IMHO. The damage was done for that years ago when the prohibition started.

I agree with you on both your points but i don't see it ever happening.


Owl Mirror

Active member
Just letting it go free and clear is a hippie pipe dream that won't ever happen IMHO.

I know of a way to convince the non-consuming segment of society to allow marijuana to be grown freely. Remove the current restrictions on Agricultural Hemp production.

Imagine acres upon acres of Hemp pollen blowing in the wind :biggrin:

If industrial Hemp were to become a commodity instead of a Schedule One Drug, our economy would prosper and prime, unpolluted growing spaces for marijuana would be carved out.
If the powers that be do not want marijuana growing in their town or city, they simply plant acres of Hemp upwind and everybody's crops downwind would surely be filled with seeds !

I'm not saying I want this to occur, just that people need a reason to agree and I believe this argument would sway some.


Overkill is under-rated.
Are you saying that the money being made from illegal mj production is being put back into the economy? How about it going legit and being open so everyone can enjoy it. More money will come I assure you. NorCal is famous for its weed and if it is open and legal there will be a whole new tourist interest. the ones who will lose out are the comercial guys growing now. What was once a clear profit of say $200 per oz, will be diminished to about $50 after business expenses, taxes, branding, advertising and whatever else. The hotspots and business savy comercial growers will be the "micro brews" of the canabis industry. Just like with beer... 90% of the market share goes to bud and miller and those who want something better buy the micros and imports. I would however like for the legalization to deny imported product. We can produce our own supply here!

I don't know how familiar you are with northern california, but as long as you aren't buying mexican brick weed, you're probably getting weed that was grown within a couple hundred miles of you, and yes, the money usually stays here. Growers have bills and mortgages too!

If it isn't profitable to live off it, the growers will have to quit growing. Since everyone will be free to grow their own, everyone will know someone who grows and gives it away. Fewer customers buying weed equals fewer dollars propping up county economies.


Registered Non-Conformist
Full Legalization. Nothing Less. Just like Tomatoes.

And we DO pay more for those Organic Heirloom 'Maters, don;t we...? hint hint....

Although the "Donations / Cost Recoveries" may decrease a bit.... More people will feel legally comfortable smoking...
Extra-Special Strains and Buds, grown well, not overfed, with NO pests and/or diseases, not taken early, will always be in demand.

it is tough to read about how north cali may get badly hurt with legalization
i'm guessing/hoping it won't be that bad
north cali knows how to grow the best of the best
it's not the simple to do especially for a bunch of new growers, which is what i think you'll see with legal
less money for weed, but probably more demand
the best at it will adapt and survive, kind of like the world economy in miniature

Here we have Somebody from the East, who has a good handle on how it is in the 'Battleground Counties."

Although there is a certain proprietary pride in a Job Well Done, and I am grateful as hell to be able to do this,
It is not all titties, hippies, and laughter..... Wish that it was..>!!




Ya..looking over your back an being paranoid has got to end.

With human nature though..this windfall profit plant will make Greedy ass companys go the extra mile to develope more patents..more monsanto like restriction genetic modifications to cannabis..to control there interests...

In the end..what?

since the ban 60 years ago in the u.s...how many have suffered?

An how will prisons..law enforcement..attourneys mis all that cash?

and all the growers making cash when the prices hit the skids?

oooohh..this is goning get weird!!:booked:


I know of a way to convince the non-consuming segment of society to allow marijuana to be grown freely. Remove the current restrictions on Agricultural Hemp production.

Imagine acres upon acres of Hemp pollen blowing in the wind :biggrin:

If industrial Hemp were to become a commodity instead of a Schedule One Drug, our economy would prosper and prime, unpolluted growing spaces for marijuana would be carved out.
If the powers that be do not want marijuana growing in their town or city, they simply plant acres of Hemp upwind and everybody's crops downwind would surely be filled with seeds !

I'm not saying I want this to occur, just that people need a reason to agree and I believe this argument would sway some.

yes i have also considered this would come with total legalisation of the plant, hemps affects upon smoking strains

but when you find out its our goverments running alotta drugs,ones to suppose they dont want their own black market money dwindling,


i guess we would all have to goto greater lenths to make sure our intakes are pollen filterd for indoor grow rooms


I know of a way to convince the non-consuming segment of society to allow marijuana to be grown freely. Remove the current restrictions on Agricultural Hemp production.

Imagine acres upon acres of Hemp pollen blowing in the wind :biggrin:

If industrial Hemp were to become a commodity instead of a Schedule One Drug, our economy would prosper and prime, unpolluted growing spaces for marijuana would be carved out.
If the powers that be do not want marijuana growing in their town or city, they simply plant acres of Hemp upwind and everybody's crops downwind would surely be filled with seeds !

I'm not saying I want this to occur, just that people need a reason to agree and I believe this argument would sway some.

That actually brings up a great point. Another very strong argument toward legalization is hemp production. Not sure your take on that argument would sway the masses, but I am all about hemp too. That may be the biggest atrocity of prohibition... Not just hemp pollen will be a problem either, but the guy in the plot up the road who didn't cull his males.

I don't know how familiar you are with northern california, but as long as you aren't buying mexican brick weed, you're probably getting weed that was grown within a couple hundred miles of you, and yes, the money usually stays here. Growers have bills and mortgages too!

If it isn't profitable to live off it, the growers will have to quit growing. Since everyone will be free to grow their own, everyone will know someone who grows and gives it away. Fewer customers buying weed equals fewer dollars propping up county economies.

I'm not overly familiar with cali but I do know that norcal is a probably the biggest overall grow in the world. I would rather see pot legal over the growers in Norcal getting fat. You guys have a very unique scene as opposed to the bulk of the country. No offense but I'm not getting your weed here too often!

I think that there will be huge opportunities for legit business there though. The mj grown there will still be considered the best in all the land and although only a few of the growers will make it from a legit business standpoint, the area will thrive with other related canabusiness. the guys who put together workable business plans will probably need the other guys to be a part of it, so there will be work available. Especially considering the increased demand that would surely come! I think the whole packaging and processing of mj will be a business in itself. Agri machines that are designed for the work, and machines that remove seeds and process and package the product. Man, there will be tons of work in norcal with all of that! Factories set up, and businesses set up with typical business structure including offices and personnel... advertising, hr, bookkeeping, web development, breeding, indoor clone production, testing, you name it. This will be a huge push for the economy everywhere on the front end with the tax income as well as the backend with all the new jobs it will create.

Taste/potency/quality/preference of mj is very subjective too, so I can see communities throughout the country still having their favorite local strains, and so mid-level grows will probably be saleable just from the standpoint of being different or familiar. I don't know about you, but I don't just want 1 or 2 types of weed for the year. I like to smoke variety. From what I read here, even many of those who grow that are able to utilize a dispensary still buy mj to sample something different or just in the search for their holy grail.

Many in the growers now though will have to find other work I'm sure. As said above, there will be value in the top quality bud that the truly gifted growers and breeders can produce, but it won't be business as usual.

I wonder what would happen to the seed industry? I bet you get a lot of people hoarding their genetics for their private lines. I think one would need this to have any edge in the marketplace. Those who still sell seeds will have a boom though too. Then after the boom people will probably be buying clones from local grow shops and the seed sellers will have to constantly be making improvements to their lines to keep ahead of all of that. Maybe the seed sellers will move to selling seedlings/rooted clones. I buy chili pepper seedlings that get sent though the mail to me and they are always perfect when they get here. that may be a way to cut back on the home seed production. maybe fem seeds with very consistent phenos will be of high value. Some may only sell fem seeds in an attempt to protect their genetics from backyard breeders.

If it ever comes to be it will be interesting the changes we see, but regardless of any negative outcomes I think the positives will far out way, even in norcal.


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