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Low nutrient levels = maximum smell



that is to say low P in flower has said to me in 5 different strains that it maximizes smell. And more than that it brings out something completely different than normal.

I had multiple strains in flower then I chose a couple plants in each group and dicked with the nutes. They are all going to yield shit, but the smell is different and more intense than any of their "twins."

oh, and two of one cut turned purple as hell where it never had before, which is consistent with a P deficiency.

I am going to keep running a plant or two a round and keep track to see if it is repeatable. They really smell amazing.


I agree. low level ferts will produce a superior product. ive run plants as low as 150ppm. take a week longer will yield less but will have very little leaf with larger pods. i think many of us are using too high ferts and picking way to early.
i once tried only using molasses as a fert, plus superthrive. that plant was by far the tastiest & stinkiest. potency was about the same, i thought it was better. but, i was just partial i think.
i totally agree with the over fert syndrome, i see no reason to worry if my plants arent stuffed all the time to the max, some people like to see burnt tips and then back off from there, i prefer to never see burnt tips nor over nitrogened bear claw fans. this excess salt make prob after prob and cost more and is toxic.


most want bigger and faster and dont know what makes great bud. the retailers will never tell you less is better. i will be growing a lui13 at 250 ppm ph 6.5 next to another at usual 800 ppm. clones from seed mother. if more will try a low fert grow we should get some interesting reports.
Not a hundred percent sure if it was due to nutes but for the past three years i have ran a outdoor plot that gets no flower ferts. The first year it was just how things worked out. I dug 2x2 holes and backfilled with a garden compost soil mix. While the soil is well balanced it is only intended to get the plants through their veg cycles. Then i go back and periodically feed them in flower. Well long story short i never made it to these spots until harvest. Only three of the five plants survived and yield averaged 3.5 oz's about half of the average for that strain. However i did notice that they had a noticeable increase in resin production as well as a very pungent smell. Every since i have ran this plot and year after year the weed from this spot is slightly better than the same cut at other plots.

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