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whats the best HYDRO set up out there for 8 pots?


Active member

Highest yielding? (KBS) Highest yielding in a given space? (E&F or Drip using SoG) Fastest growing? (TAG) Fastest - and most reliable growing? (Stinkbud's Low Pressure Aeroponics) Cheapest bud for the buck? (Hempy). Most reliable? (E&F). Biggest yield from a small number of plants in a small space (Aero/NFT Scrog or better still, a Vertical stadium 360 grow). Biggest yield from one plant without using a HID? etc. etc. etc.

Just what, exactly, is the gold standard we are to use when judging "best"?

Eight pots in a 2x2 - or 8 pots containing trees in a basement? How much light? Vertical grow height. Etc. Etc. Etc.

(Psst: It just doesn't work that way my friend :asskick: ).

Highest yielding? (KBS) Highest yielding in a given space? (E&F or Drip using SoG) Fastest growing? (TAG) Fastest - and most reliable growing? (Stinkbud's Low Pressure Aeroponics) Cheapest bud for the buck? (Hempy). Most reliable? (E&F). Biggest yield from a small number of plants in a small space (Aero/NFT Scrog or better still, a Vertical stadium 360 grow). Biggest yield from one plant without using a HID? etc. etc. etc.

Just what, exactly, is the gold standard we are to use when judging "best"?

Eight pots in a 2x2 - or 8 pots containing trees in a basement? How much light? Vertical grow height. Etc. Etc. Etc.

(Psst: It just doesn't work that way my friend ).
So far i like this site allot :)

OK i have a 400 watt HPS, 3x3 meter space, i want to grow 8 plants... that is all i know for now., i was thinking hydro becuase i am told it is the fastest which plants are happy and do well in, not sure about airo, sounds complicated.:asskick: <-- this was stupid but you knew that.

one Q

Coir in what ever large pots can be considered Best... if you use Greatfull Head or REZ version of Flora Series. Simple, easy to automate, and yields well.

but you could just get an ebb N flo table 3x3 and start simple with net pots and lucas formula. Then move around from there.

I would say that a 3x3 may be pushing a 400... you really have to stay ontop of the grow to make sure everyone gets light...

Look up a grow by NBG and his one pound grow with 400 scrog.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
check out my buckets 5gal dwc with drip u can as many as u can fit but u can grow 4 or 5 larger plants that will pull 3-5oz each less maitnence than many small plants look into watefarms and build it yourself to make a much better product check out the tutorial section under site menu to answer all ur ?? peace stoney
u can also make a multie pot system like this one sorry its an old pic if interested pm me i can send you the beginning stages of building it
10plant dwc i pulled 3lba out of this system

goodluck whatever u choose
peace stoney


Active member
I have a Under Current 8 XL 8 site unit, you need atleast 4x8 worth of space for it to fit and either 2 1ks or 3 600ws to cover. This is a all in one kit that includes everything except lights and plants. http://www.cch2o.com



Active member
So far i like this site allot :)

OK i have a 400 watt HPS, 3x3 meter space, i want to grow 8 plants...

Well, that's a little better. Might I suggest you take the "eight plant" requirement and just throw that out the window? There is no rational reason to fix the plant minimum given what you have said so far. I think the real point you need to consider is not a plant minimum, but rather, the harvest goal.

On the other hand, while plant minimums don't make a lot of sense, there are always good reasons to consider a plant maximum. Generally speaking, the greater the number of plants, the greater the legal risk you run if caught. Usually, less plants is ALWAYS a better idea than more plants from a legal perspective, even though the weight of harvested bud the overall grow will produce does not change. This is something that tends not to get the attention paid to it on ICM that this issue deserves. SoG growing without a real need for doing so is a highly unwise growing style, imo.

So. How much weed do you want to be harvesting? Don't say "as much as I can" as that's not really an accurate answer for most people when you stop and really think about it. While a surplus is great - there is a point where a surplus rapidly becomes not so good at all. At a certain point, depending on where you live, a substantial surplus could put your ass in jail for trafficking even if you never so much as passed a joint. This is not a small point, given that a smaller surplus might not attract those legal penalties. Why run a greater legal risk to no purpose? And if you don't want to be selling or giving away your weed, knowing how much you really need for your use in a given block of time is essential information.

For a 3x3 400watt grow, that sounds to me like it's just for personal use. 400watt grows are not commercial growers. So you aren't growing to sell, you are growing to smoke. Good to know. But if that is the case, how much do you really need in terms of harvested bud per month?

If one oz per month will do you fine - say so. If you would prefer between one and two oz's a month - that's good info to know as well. If you think you NEED three ounces a month? Well, that's certainly getting to be a more medicinal/hardcore grow, but if so - tell us what you NEED. Basically, if a 12 oz harvest would swamp you with more weed than you can smoked for the next six to eight months - that's highly relevant information that we need to know as well in order to recommend the "best" system for you.

Do you prefer an indica couchlock body stone, or a soaring social sativa high? Sativa preferences WILL effect your grow design as they require more vertical grow height. If you don't know as between the two - that's fine too. When do you smoke and how? Alone at night - with friends or a spouse/GF, all the time morning noon and night - what's your consumption style?

What's the deal in terms of your space? Is this in a 3x3 closet, in a basement with a std 8 foot ceiling - or in a grow tent or some other cabinet under the stairs? Again, this information will effect the overall grow design - so we need to know it before we can recommend a hydro system to "best" meet your needs.

In terms of your 400watt ballast - is it a magnetic core and coil ballast, or an electronic ballast? Reason I ask is that if you are using a magnetic core and coil ballast, than a CMH lamp is possible for you and this can, once again, impact on your grow design.

I assume you have a reflector of some kind? If so - what do you have?
Thanks allot for the reply and very helpful info

I have a basement and a attic free, more then just 3x3 but i made a 3x3x3 and half meter tall room with the same material used in grow rooms, sort of that black vinyl silver inside pv whatever they call it.

I am growing in Spain, it is legal, the limits apply to those cuaght selling it on the streets, every one can have up to 4 plants no more then 2 meters tall., me and my roomates can cover that plus we do not sell, so again its fine, i just want to have a variety of strains, try breeding and all from Serious Seeds or other Spanish strains.,

I did do this one with a Dutch System in Amsterdam Holland as well, that was scary, i had 24 pots, pipes and a huge reservoir, but a single 1000 Watt light at the time, when i was a student.

So to put it simply, i just want to grow a variety of MEDICAL strains, get some good mothers, clone them, find some males or poling (they sell it in Amsterdam), then breed some strains, its fun to me.

So far the simplest and most effective hydro set up that some suggested was the WILMA 8 or 10., i think Airoponics is a bit too much for me, i think something sort of like that seems sufficient but my opinion is based on the experiences i have had with the Dutch System and all the floods, a single light (i dont want more then one), so that is basically my deal, no more then one light.

If there is anything better that anyone here can suggest that could boost huge colons please do tell me, drip or flood and drain sounds like the hydro way to go so far.


Active member
Well, it's still a little uncelar to me your dimensions in terms of a grow space. You have a 3x3x3 grow space? Is that in feet or meters?

If it's in feet, it would be preferable to increase the height to at least six feet (eight feet tall? Even batter).

You are in Spain and you are permitted 4 plants for personal growing. Awesome information. Lucky for you.

Never mind about having to deal with room mates having a stake or claim to your grow. Why go there when you don't need to? You can grow as much with three plants as you can with eight in that size of a space. Given that three or four is as good as eight, stick with the lower number. That way, you are absolutely legal, there are no complications and you can just concentrate on your grow without having to worry about the rest of the crap or some personal fight or somebody about to move in with their GF and messing up the legalities of your grow. Simple is usually better in most things - and this would be one of those things.

Please clarfiy as well as to whether or not you want a sative or indica. You mentioned "medical" strains, which OFTEN means a body stone indica - but it need not necessarily mean that. I will assume for now that you mean indica.

A 3x3 space is a little large for a 400w light. In terms of functional footprint, a 400w light in a hood reflector will light a rectangular footprint of 2x3 very well, and if there is some spillover to a slightly large area on the periphery of that space, that sounds okay.

Why not grow three plants in DWC (no need to recirculate it with just three buckets) under a scrog using LUCAS formula -- one part GH Floranova Bloom nutes at 8ml/16ml strength?

Assuming you start from feminized seed or clones, that approach should be fine. Using either a MH lamp for vegetation and HPS for flower, or, if your ballast permits it, a 400w CMH lamp for both veg and flower, you should be able to harvest 280-340 grams in about 4.5 months time. DWC setup cost is relatively cheap, too.

A modest cost, for a moderate sized grow. By the time you set up a seedling area, grab a pH meter and TDS meter, some Floranova Bloom, net pots, air pump, hydroton, screen for a scrog, light hangers and, if you care to, some odor control device.... you should be able to get that all up and running for 300-400 Euros, no problem. Maybe less if you are thrifty.

If about 35 Euros per 30 grams of primo top shelf weed sounds like a good deal to you - then there you go. Enjoy.

Try searching for 400w DWC hydroponic grows here on ICM for pictures and inspiration. You'll find a lot of them using the advanced search function.

Click here to see those results.
Legally we can grow more then 4 with a medical card, which is what 2 of us have., so we will be growing at least 8 or 10 plants under a 400 watt light with reflector, RVK vent and the room i made via METERS., sorry if i was not clear, i said meters but not all clearly i guess.

But anyway, this is why i was thinking of the WILMA set up., i think it uses a air pump and arrogation system (drip)

The DWC set up your suggesting scares us because power can go down for a few hours in Spain, its common., i figure the WILMA (165 euros with 65litersof clay and canna hydro nutes) and plants in some rockwool could hold out longer., even with coco.

I want to grow Sativa and Indica strains, cross breed medical strains.

You suggest the DWC is still a better option?


Well-known member
I was thinking wilma or GH eurogrower comes with GH 3 part to get you the lucas formula too..


love machine
ICMag Donor
I believe fatigues is spot on this one.

Best hydro set up is the one that got well dialed, everything run excellent without any hiccups, either its hempy, E&F or UC ... ect.

Find the one you like best and work on it, you will find that its not the system but the grower.




dwc would be your best bet if your electricity goes out they would just be chillin in the water.. a flood and drain you could have serious problems no power no life. no good out door spots?


Active member
system (drip)

The DWC set up your suggesting scares us because power can go down for a few hours in Spain, its common.,

You suggest the DWC is still a better option?

Yes I do. Even if the power goes off for a few hours - DWC will be fine.

Few days? Different story.

That cost is for everything by the way - and you could well do it cheaper. I mean nutes, meters, net pots, hydroton, tubing, odor control, vent fan, yadda yadda yadda.

Home made system? Cheap, cheap, cheap.

If you have 3x3 meters and decent height, you might consider changing out that 400w for 1000w :)

4 plants vegged under 400w and flowered under 1000w might be very nice. Assuming you have a buddy who's also in and also smoking - might be very nice indeed.


Hey there! I know english is likely not your first language so I only point this out so you might avoid the error in the future.
If there is anything better that anyone here can suggest that could boost huge colons please do tell me, drip or flood and drain sounds like the hydro way to go so far.
This is a colon, and it is preferable not to boost it's size ! think you mean colas



Look into this setup my friend.

Cheap and it works like a champ

There is a 6 plant unit that is easily set up for 8.

The cloner and veg unit work great. I almost have my flower unit completed.


Active member

Look into this setup my friend.

Cheap and it works like a champ

There is a 6 plant unit that is easily set up for 8.

The cloner and veg unit work great. I almost have my flower unit completed.

Negative. He has already said that his power is frequently interrupted.

With DWC - that's no problem. With a Stinkbud Aero system - that's dried out roots and a damaged grow.