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Best growing country today, and in the wake of natural or manmade disaster

Everywhere has their own specific risks, be it volcano landslide sinkholes flooding or drought hail tropical storm or tornado and the masses. Where will the bestm least effected place be. Im sure theres alot of speculation as to the fate of humanity in some peoples eyes. I also know some people feel there is little to fear. I guess the way i see it we are always at risk, people always have beenm shit happens. Its gonna keep happening too. The terrible things that happen seem to rob a little bit of our humanity, take 9/11 for example and the patriot act. Man made disaster sure but it was still a disaster with human effect that nodoubt effects the grower. Im getting a little off track here, natural disasters effect would be more that of poverty and plague which would no doubt have an effect on us. Eventually things are gonna get so cramped and fucked from every end everyones gonna want a way out someplace to getaway and be free. Whereto? AS it stands now north america in the midwest is a fairly safe bet...(cept tornados) but flooding seems to be more of a problem, its not cold soon enough so the nations snow right Now is rain in some places. this is gonna keep happening
windspeed data indicates the midwestern windpattern is moving north, and the souths windpatterns moving up. after a while the midwest plains wont be the leader in windmill electricity, the north will. These few examples of change far from indicate whats to come but they help those that listen.

IT may not be our fault but global warming seems to be happening as it has before. Oceanfloor temps are rising, thats enough for me, fuck land temps, northpole south or equator, the ocean floor is the closest thing to the inside. when the inside is getting hot, you dont keep reading the outside temps assuring everything is within the realm of normal. I think the changes will be to unpredictable for this thread to help. etheopia could be our promise land in time to come for all i know.... or some other unlikely candidate.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Global warming will, in the next few years, turn a few previously habitable areas of our planet into arid deserts fit for neither man, beast or plant, and Australia, with its skyrocketing temperatures and annually multiplying forest fires is looking more like an endangered continent with every passing Summer. For all the rugged beauty of that land, I wouldn't take a tract of real estate there even if it was offered up for free, what with the way the climate is headed there.

The only hope for the human race would be if a QUICK replacement for fossil fuels is devised, so that all those sources of CO2 emmissions can be cut to a bare minumum, and FAST. Also the Earth's forests need to be guarded and protected like Fort Knox, by some newly estabished GLOBAL protection agency that would, for example, be empowered to evict the Chinese from the forests of Africa, where they are currently decimating every standing tree, and thus greatly accelerating the death of the world's lungs - that so precious green belt around Planet Earth's equitorial midriff.

In searching for a hypothetical "safe haven" from the ravages of rising seas and temperatures, my money would be on a place like inland Washington State, Colorado or Alaska, where vast areas of forest still provide some measure of protection from the weather extremes that are devastating the rest of the planet. Certainly anyone with beach-front property, anywhere in the world, is living on borrowed time, the way things are shaping up.

The future is bleak, to put it mildly, but with re-afforestation on a global scale, and the abandonment of fossil fuels in the next 2 decades AT THE MOST, there is hope for mankind and his crops, including our sacred bud.


I'm glad I am from Sweden. Just the southern part of our country is in danger the region called Skåne.
And in the worst case scenario we swedes would flee far up the norweigan mountains.


I don't think there is a single country which is best for growing in terms of environmental conditions.

Growing largely depends on the micro-environment of your area. Changes in the global environment on the macro scale (such as rising temperatures, increased/decreased rainfall, etc) will just require you to adjust your spots: plant at higher elevation or lower lying area, etc.

Just do what nature does. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. If you plant in a low lying valley, also plant at the top of a hill. That way if you have extra wet fall and get more mold than usual the plants at the higher elevation should make it OK and you will still have a harvest.

If there's one thing humans are good at, it's manipulating the environment to fit their needs. We've been doing it for hundreds of years in the form of agriculture. Growers will survive just fine. I think what threatens guerilla growers the most is not global warming, but the expanding human population.


we swedes would flee far up the norweigan mountains.
Send me a pm before you come and ill hook u up. he he. oh, and bring some of those thyphoon seeds you have please.
I would love to grow pure sativas in the tropics or equatorial regions all year round.

As for global warming, bring it on!! The more CO2 emissions the better for us outdoor growers. Lets fill the atmosphere and rip that ozone baby! It'd be nice to have a longer grow season anyways. Also, lets try to prevent the nonsensical GW dung that is spewed.


Swamp Thang - Dont rule out Australia mate the North has so much water it's not funny it's just all the population is in the south........

NW Western Australia would be a growers dream if it were legal, grow all year, unlimited water, amazing sunlight, great earth & a low population. No major natural disasters except a cyclone or two.
mann it for sure has to be here in killa cali usa babieee fashoo we got the best weather in da world to grow outdoors at least thats what i believe is true if im mistaken please prove me wrong

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