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Hermaphrodite Stimulant Spray aka Soilent Green



So your favorite little "lady" is 2 weeks into flower and looking great,
but what are those dangling little...
Oh my god!, its a hermaphrodite!
Why me god? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Now what?
Make Fermented Plant Extract (FPE)!
Your hermi doesnt have to be merely discarded. Recycle!
Its tissues are full of the vitamins hormones and minerals that your plants need. All you have to do is extract them!

1. Revenge! Dice herm up into 1/2 inchish size pieces. Wasn't nice to leave a big gaping hole in daddy's canopy now was it?

2.Base Formula: Mix equal parts by volume diced herm and chlorine free water. ie (1 dry quart chopped herm to one quart water) in some sorta container. Plastic milk jug. Sorry canadians milkbags won't work.
Add 3% sugar ie(30ml or 2 TBSP or 1/8 cup molasses per litre/quart water)
Add microbial innoculant (compost ,soil, specialty product, dirt) same amount as sugar.

3 Shake well. Add cap and let ferment. Shake and open bottle to let out exhaust gasses everyday for about ten days until fermentation stops.(no more bubbles)

4.Spray plants with 0.1% solution (1mlFPE/litreH2O or 1tspFPE/GalH2O) for stimulative action when deemed necesary.

5. FPE stores for up to one month.

6. Stinky health drink for humans 15% FPE solution. Sprig of mint.
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iron chef

wait a sec.. what else would you do with marijuana plants??? teehee. thanks for the advice, don't know about my consumption following those methods, but may be good supplement. I was always wondering.... you think if you took a pound of good bud and put it in the soil, it would be good for future plants? The thc and all that stuff may be good when it decomposes in the ground. Maybe it acts as precursor elements that are more easily made into THC again and the plant expends less energy in this and can be more vigorous or make more thc the second time through when its soil is amended with crystally buds. Seems counterproductive, but who knows if it works...


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey medi, I'm not the OP, but I've started using a fermented herbal extract called HE. (Herbal Extract). It seems to me to be the same sort of idea as EM, except made from herbs. There's a ton of info on that site though, it sounds similar to what the OP was doing. I would paste the relevant stuff but it's all flash based so I can't copy. It's great stuff though.


Thanks ScrubNinja...I'll have a looksee later this week when I've FINALLY got around to tying my sativa-girl to a screen!...branches'O'buds bobbing all over the place in the fan breeze...;)

Is this along the lines of Bokashi?...

I save all my leaf,bud and stem material and steep ing oil to get the most out of it....wonder, if with a good wash to remove oil residue, I could use it for something like this...

I know of a grower who composts and feeds to the worms all his plant material...he's of the opinion th@ this is a great feed for the plants..



Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah as far as I can work out, the HE is the same sort of group as EM (Effective Microorganisms), Bokashi, Lacto etc. Beneficial anaerobic microbes, or something like that. :dunno: Just an all round good natural "miracle" product. There's a few guys on the organic soil forum been using these things for a while now.

Not sure about the oil residue, but I experimented briefly with water cure waste water and it seems to be really good stuff! Maybe if you added an EM product along the way it would help to break down the oils, but I have no idea really. Give it a go ;)

I just posted earlier that I left a small amount of runoff in a bucket for a few days and normally it would reek to high heaven by now, but since the HE was in it, there is zero smell.


Grow like nobody is watching
I just activated my first batch of EM and I was reading here the many uses and one of them is in grease traps.