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7 Things in our body we don't need


cannabis enthusiast
hahaha karmagal


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Farrah I can do, yes :D I was in the 80's......never did a mullet.....went for the "big bangs" and big hair instead lol


The Great Ole' Party-Pooper Is Back

The Great Ole' Party-Pooper Is Back

Do you know anybody who has died from anything on your list? Granted, people die from inflamed appendixes, but that's only because it has kept them alive long enough to get it inflamed.

We can lose some traits, but unless it affects survival or attractiveness to potential mates, it will be due to totally random loss, and therefore you can't predict it...

Unless there is some kind of selection against any given trait, it is likely to just keep tagging along for the ride.

This is one of the many reasons there still is bad weed in the world, just ask any breeder of mentionable skills. There is no real difference between artificial and natural selection in effect, even though it often is different speed of change.

I would not mind if hair went extinct, being an victim of hereditary male pattern baldness, but why should it? It would be more logical to expect the opposite, that baldness should go extinct. But again, bald men too gets poontang and the ensuing kids, so there you are :whistling:

If society were to collapse, and all the selection pressures returned,then we could possibly expect an re-arrangement or loss of functions. But it would be nigh on impossible to predict the outcome without knowing the pressures to an incredible degree.

Obviously,we're still under selective pressures, but more along the lines of dietary compatibillity and pathogen resistance...

Sorry 'bout the ramblings, and hell,you might be proven right in 50ky, but I see so much misunderstandings about this and similar subjects. Apparently schools are more into championing bronze age tribal myths than scientifically proven facts. And facts it is, in the non-philosophical sense of the word, in a court of law the death penalty would be used for sure with such a degree of proof.
Guess I'll be banned for stepping on some religious toes, but I really care. If there is a god, there is a god, but as far as we can tell, there will be no difference to the way the Universe behaves. Religion has no real predictive power (except for brime stone and sulphur and the likes) and thus does not matter in this discussion.

Damn, just noticed I kept on with the ramblings :hide:

As an end point, let's consider this: If one were to use religion in breeding mj, the result would mainly be incidental. But if one were to use what is learned from evolutionary science,well, peeps would be getting really stoned. You're free to worship any deity you choose (or more likely, your parents/ancestors chose/were forced to choose), but me, I'll be the one with the fine ass weed, pawing my fine ass woman :smokey:

Peace, G


If you didn't have little hairs in your nose to shush away the boogers your nose would be fulla snott


sunshine in a bag
^i've got 1 thing on my body that a lot of boys have told me they need in them.


New member
1. Human Tail (Bone)

One striking example of an atavism is the human coccyx, or tailbone, which is a relic of the mammalian tail. Useful for mammals that use tails for balance, species-to-species signaling, and support, the tail is missing in apes and in humans. However, all human embryos initially have a tail. Normally, they regress into four to five fused vertebrae (the coccyx). However, there have been numerous case studies of human children being born with an extended coccyx—a tail—that was removed without incident. Ranging from one inch to five, the gene that normally stops vertebrae elongation is decreased and the human tail remains at birth.
Mammalian? or Reptilian :chin:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
having a tail, would seriously impede my sitting

Although I could handle insects better and be great at swatting stuff off the table


Ancestor's Tail...

Ancestor's Tail...

In a more or less ordered way,this is us:

Great apes
Eastern Monkeys
Tetrapods (four legged animals)
Lobe-finned fish
Bony fish
Jawed vertebrates

We ARE all these things NOW!

At the top is only us, as we progress further down the list more and more species share the name and defining traits. At the bottom even plants and shrooms and some other weird organisms come into our clade (wikipedia if u dunno).

Of course all the names are our creation. But it is underlaid by millions of observations and some really cool reasoning:booked:

My point is really: You'd have to go pretty far down my (heavily insufficient) list before you find an tail-less animal, probably down to uni-cellular ones.

Just for laughs,here is Mary Janes list :smokeit:

Ma beauts (aka cannabis, weed, MJ, etc...)
Cannabaceaes (>170 species,incl. hops (like for beer))
Rosids (or rosales, peeps like them words and quarreling)
Eudicots (plants with two leafs inside the seed)
Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Spermatophytes (seed plants)
Embryophytes (land plants)
Plantae (land plants and green algae)
Archaeplastids (land plants,red and green algae)

Hell,wrote that bottom up, I'm officially a wikihead :biggrin:

Oh yeah,then it was the gay-thing...
regardless of my personal feeling toward getting it up the poop-shoot, homosexuality is likely an side-effect of the way we work. Gender is not a set in stone thing. Any given gene (chromosome, whatever) spends half it's time in a male body, half it's time in a female, ON AVERAGE. In one way, gender is only a way to maximize reproduction. As a female, it has a relatively high chance of reproducing, but it can only produce a limited number, albeit limited is relative. As a male there is quite a big chance (pbly well over seventy per cent on average) that it won't reproduce at all, but if it works it can father whole lot of kids. Therefore it makes sense to make both, daughters for safety and sons for the off-chance to make a gazillion kids..

The point is (I think), that since every gene (except chromosome Y) can be both m & f in any given generation, very thight mate-recognition 'software' would be counter-productive. Instead the brain is made in such a way that the hormones it is subjected to makes it tick for special patterns, and on average it works out. But if it were too specialised then if, eg, say being a super butch woman was the only way women survived to breeding age, and all men were born without the capacity to get 'it' up with such women, well, figure it out...

It's kind of like the salmons finding the river they were born in to spawn. This system obviously can't be perfect, if it were, there would only be one kind of salmon in one single river. There is probably a balance, with most fish returning correctly, and a few that don't. Being the first breeder in any river would more than offset the negative effects of sometimes swimming into an nuclear reactor or what have you...

There might be an evolutionary gain with my incoherent speach patterns, hell, I've pulled more than one chick with it. If you read through this post your genes prolly instilled a great deal of patience in you. Not to mention focus :dunno:

Oh yeah, lest I forget: In my ramblings lies the reason fem'd seeds work, it's all good old fashioned capitalistic profit maximation. By me, and by my beautiful babies :biggrin: And if my relationship with my plants were the only yard stick, then Mary Jane is the ruler of this world, and I a mere slave. But to each his own, ey?

Cool,I've hijacked my first thread:hijacked:

EDIT: Of course,these similarities may be purely coincidental and does not imply the lack of a Creator-God. Or a Thunder-god, Sun-God or whatever might be. Not having total access to all parts of the Universe has not made an expert on what's behind. Guess we'll find out on the other side. Or not. And if the thought of me burning for all eternety gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, well that's perfectly all right by me :)
All the best wishes to y'all :)
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
easy there cowboy

I dont know if I would say you have hijacked anything yet

But I am sure that will illicit a response or two from the creationists


Sorry, dude...
I'm too tired to be writing, I'll delete my provocations and when awake put in some real thoughts... sometimes I let my evil side win, perhaps some day it will go the way of the dodo :whistling:

I'm pretty sure there is no use for BO anymore, that I wouldn't miss :biggrin:

PS Thanks for keeping me grounded, friend :huggg:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
facial hair as much as I like having it, does not really seem to be necessary anymore

having a beard or stash really makes no difference to our lives

Kola Radical

What's with nipples on men?

See... if there really was a God, one of our fingers would have been a brush to take care of the lousy teeth he made.