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COLORADO goes bye bye?



yo ..... tell u what. hippies are hardcore. met one dude spent 3 months in Montana in the middle of winter. tell me I can't spend 3 months on the beaches of Brazil.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We have the same thing here.. The idea that hippies will make money selling pot is one of the cultural biases I have seen.

For example Hemp as a farm crop will get strong negative reactions here in a farm area of California.

Would that be a fair description in Colorado as well? I remember the early Nixon years and the Gold Capital.. Sitar shops on Colfax in Denver..

Why? It's a hippie thing from what I can tell.

Colfax is still pretty hippy I think. I was in denver this summer. That city is nice, but to expensive for no decent public transportation.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
They just tax us, say it's for public transport, scrap the plans, and build wider highways :/


Patient Grower
Are you sure that's a compliment to the Denver punbic transit system, and not an indictment of how badly public transportation systems suck in the US?


It ain't gonna happen!
Even the Pres of the Colorado Senate said
"We are not focusing on MMJ. The people have spoken and we're not messing with something that's not broken"
Anyway once Nederland make Cannabis legal this April all this MMJ stuff won't matter here in the hills anymore. We are gonna be a Tourist Mecca for legal weed.


One more thing to consider here:

Exactly 0 counties and municipalities have made accommodations for caregivers to receive a home occupation license for their business. Not even in Boulder can you get a business license to be a MMJ caregiver from your home. None of the implemented city or county rules allow MMJ businesses as a residential land use.

Now, consider the ban on home occupations coupled with a limit of 5 patients; All of a sudden $25 a gram at the dispensary will seem pretty cheap.


New member
somewhat off track, but Im a tattoo artist (and patient), so in my job field I get to meet all kinds of people and I so happened to have a Brighton cop in my shop the other day.

So I asked him his stance on medical marijuana, I wont say names but he was FOR the movement and legalization with guidelines in place of course, while his superiors...i.e the chief of narcs, says even with the medical card, a patient is still subject to fine and confiscation of said medicine unless its in your home, so i then asked how the hell we're supposed to get it home from the pharmacy?

Again the law and its bs loop holes find a way to f*** us somehow


So I asked him his stance on medical marijuana, I wont say names but he was FOR the movement and legalization with guidelines in place of course, while his superiors...i.e the chief of narcs

I have spoken to a few cops about this too. They are pissed that they can't moonlight at the dispensaries. They can work strip clubs, private parties, etc, but can't do disps.

They were both for it bc they would rather be busting big time drugs. They also mentioned their superiors and hickenlooper were calling the shots.

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