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Something wrong with my cheese ?


Active member
Snype, try reading the bloody thread, its only a couple of pages. We're talking about a foliar application which requires a more alkaline ph of around 7.0-7.4 for instance, ok buddy,
And anyway 5.9 is too low for soil & would be asking for trouble. soil ph is optimal in range between 6.3 to 6.8 ok buddy!

I did read the thread and I didn't take it as a thread only about foliar applications. I thought I read a post a while back about this but can't find it. What the hell does bloody mean? The english are wierd.


Active member
I did read the thread and I didn't take it as a thread only about foliar applications. I thought I read a post a while back about this but can't find it. What the hell does bloody mean? The english are wierd.

theres no need to be offensive, either you know what you are talking about or you dont, its as simple as that. Your PH sugestions are wrong im sorry, but 5.9 in soil is too low ok mate. & im not Fucking english either, more celtic blood in me buddy!
Peace& Love...........Scrogger.
I sugest you go read some books. ive been helping bobby since he started the thread ok man! GGGrrrr

Following the feeding advice on the backs of bottles aint such a good idea as 90% of the time they are giving you the FULL STRENGHT solutuion/ratio mix. In Hydro you would start on 1/8th or 1/4 strength of the sugested on the back of the bottle, & for soil ferts its usually a little stronger like 1/3rd or 1/2 strength, ok dude, hope this helps you some! Peace.!


Im on my first grow & i found it hard to get these biocanna nutes just right, i seemed to either be burning or underfeeding, and then people seem to give conflicting information, overnute problems being described as undernute problems vice versa

I love the advice you get from this site, but you can't beat tuning in & listening to your plants, then adjusting your nutes accordingly bit by bit, feed by feed

At first i thought i overnuted but looking back i actually undernuted from early on so it took a while for signs to show, i was convinced i overnuted before, but i was too busy thinking about it & not properly listening to my plants, i find its best to sit with them for a while & let them tell you what they need, if you listen subtley enough, they will tell you...
Yeh thanks guys i realize that what ur saying. But its hard when u dong no what the sings are the plants are giving off.
Scrogerman has helped me the whole journey and everything he seems to say is correct . A PH of 5.9 is way to low in soil cannas bio nutes tell u not to ph the nutes as its allways at 6.5 - 6.9. Thanks guys and i will get back to you on the progress

ruben andre

it looks like it need some magnesium bro, they nedd a little bit ekstra in week 4 add a littl and nitrogen then it will go away ph 6.3 and ppm ca 600:)it s not burnd.


Active member
Listen to your heart bro & common sense too.
Pm me if you wanna chat!

that looks nothing like a Mg def lol
Hi scroggerman.
I have checked the plants under my microscope and they trics seem to be nearly done. The buds have fattend up quite a bit but still heavy yellowing.
I have done all i can to try save my babies. Im going to leave them now and wait for them to finish i can see them being finished around the 14th of next month.
I no im going to suffer in yield but im scared to give them anymore N , im going to feed them lots of fresh water and see if it helps at all.
Im really dissapointed as all my previous grows have come out alot better.
Very strange as they seem to smell nothing like the Greenhouse cheese i was smoking in the dam. Infact it smells rather frutiy in there. i wonder if the seeds got mixed up ?

Here is a couple pics for you.

I hope I at least get an oz of each plant.
Thanks for all ur help man and if I could send u some bud I would .

Thanks everyone for your help


european ganja growers
bro thay look fine...
keep your feeding at what you at ,,dont stop feeding at the moment you will lose yeild...start flushing at the end of the month = 2 week flush job done :yes:

keep it green
Hey Highlander you have been a great help to.
Can i ask you where you got ur zombie seeds from ? Very interesting!!
Im trying to get some more beans to pop but im having so much trouble with lsd (barneys farm) and la conf (dna) my beans seem to only start to sprout then nothing happens. Grrr ive got them in one of those propagators do u think this is wise ?


Active member
Hey GB,
Smells/Aroma's can be very deceveing at this stage, i notice scents change almost from week to week with some strains. So dont worrie, untill you cured it you aint gonna know exactly bro'. Bloom ferts i give right up untill the last 10-14 days then flush. Are you seeing lots of amber trichs? Whats the ratio of Clear(if any), milky to Amber trichs in percentage buddy.?
As Highlander pointed out if you take the feed off them too soon then you gonna lose a fuck load of yield weight(Dont Do This). Did you include Drying/Semi Curing time in that 14th of next month date? I'm pretty sure you know what im saying anyway & dont need telling. No you said finishing time! i presume you mean growing time eta!
They actually look OK to me, In your honest Opinion did you see improvements painting on the foliar? Im positive this would have helped any deficiency.!
Yeah them Zombie's look mad things, there Canadian/BC-OGA, aint they?
You using a heated prop dude? whats the RH & Temps??, double check with different meters if you can. Are you feeding them?-edit!- Nothing wrong with using heated props,i do for seeds! just check its working condition, is it new?
Anyway Bobby, i'll keep an eye on you, G'luck buddy!...Peace....Scroger
Hey man yeh i have been matching up to my book.
Very few ambers got nice milky colors coming up . Yeh 14 of next month is when I will chop the babies down. Hopefully the trics will be right if not i will wait a little longer.
My honest opinion yes i saw a bit of improvement but i think i left it a bit to late.
Yeh heated propagator but the seeds are popping up then kinda of dying normally i just put them in the soil and by the window but it has always been summer when I have started mine off now its winter. So i have used this propagator.
What is RH if u dont mind me asking.
I have no idea of the prop temp as i cant really fit a thermometer in there.
I think its around 21 C i think it said on the box.
Brand new yes.
I never feed my seeds i heard this was bad ?
Bubble cloning never heard of it ?
Man I just shit myself everyone calls me bobby and i was like how the hell did u no that but its in my name lol
Man smoking early dose not do me 2 many favors.
Cheers scroggerman

Also am i able to purchase theese zombies somewhere ?
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Active member
Zombie V-Do a OGA search, its Ontario growers association, its their baby. So you'll need to speak to someone like Highlander as he's a member by the looks of it! Yeah the Zombie looks fine dude!
I'm wondering that you may be cooking the seeds somehow, do you keep them bang in the middle above the heating element, may be that, raise them up and put them to the side, plant the seeds first then put in the prop, worth a try, use cheap/free bagseeds, untill you get it, i'll try to help you here, PM me buddy! You'll have vents on top of the lid of your propagator, RH=Relative Humidity, the vents will help control temps & RH and there is set rules for this in a propagator, you need to read up on propagators dude. I'll help if i can dude.
21c=70f, this temp is low and needs to be a little higher imo. see you need to put meters in the prop to check RH + Temps & adjust the vents to give correct optimal conditions. Soon as the4 seeds pop you adjust the vents appropriately. I'd be looking for 78f-85f and a RH of 70-85% once they pop, then gradually open up the vents to lower the RH, & gently wean them out of the RH, Slowly, to faqst and you could kill them from shock etc. As your weaning outta the prop(RH) you are 'Hardening Off' your plants, Read up on that buddy!
You need to buy a Hygrometer, one that gives temps & RH at the press of a button. about £12just put the probe in the prop, you should be able to fit one in a prop to give RH too, the probes for temps unless otherwise stated. Have you ever seen Jorge Cervantes's Ultimate Grow DvD, if you aint then find it and down-load.
that one is my all time favorite grow vid! you'll learn shit loads!
Some usefull links for you.
That be enough for now, i got loads & loads of great links, just ask for one and i'll see what i can do!
You'll need to PM the exact process of what you are doing with your seeds, step by step, as much info as possible, send PM yeah. and i'll try and get to the bottom of it with you dude, i'll try my best, i love problem solving!
Ask Highlander where you can get the Zombie V's,he'll know. Till Next Time...Peace...Scroger'
Scroggerman Thanks again bloody legend man.
Im going to do some research and get back to u on the seed business.

Highlander if u can here me buddy where could i get some of those beautiful babies.
Scroggerman another few question if you dont mind me asking you my friend. Cant pm you yet i think i need to post a few more post before it will let me.
I was going to ask your views on drying ? And what you do ?
I have always followed the information francos website which is great.
This time I am going to dry in my tent.
Just wondering if u have any decent info on it.
Im going to get back to you with all the info u gave me early cheers


european ganja growers
Hey Highlander you have been a great help to.
Can i ask you where you got ur zombie seeds from ? Very interesting!!
Im trying to get some more beans to pop but im having so much trouble with lsd (barneys farm) and la conf (dna) my beans seem to only start to sprout then nothing happens. Grrr ive got them in one of those propagators do u think this is wise ?

the Zombies came from OGA seeds...check out the strains & hybrids section,,then click on test grows & new varieties..you will find the O.G.A thread...PM, Dr Dog or BlackRain thay will give you all the info you need:yes:.......

as for my seed,,keep in mind what works for me might not for others,,,,simple is better

i germ in paper towel, them put into streight coco,,,( NO dome,NO propagators), sit them under x2 15 watt cfls, jobs done. a day or 2 later heads are up and were off..

i use peat pellets (changing to coco),,,I DO USE a dome/propogator when taking cutting,, take the dome of 1/2 time a day (for half hour).. week later i start to ween them out of the dome all together,,if they can stand up on ther own after a week thave started to root......

man youve to what 3/4 grows under ya belt,,you should know by now not to sweat it lol, JK bro.......the more you read the more you learn bro...am sure you will find you way .....let us know how your plants come out:yes: K+

keep it green


Active member
Hey Bobby,
Yeah listen to franco, not sure about the reflective light but the guy knows his stuff, fk he a legend man imo.
trim,hang(in a dark well vented not too hot)room, 7-10 days, then into curing jars(still in dark room), open jars daily for an hour or so turning buds, after a week or two doing that when you have a moisture level you are happy with, you can start leaving the jars for longer periods of time and just burp the jars every 3-4 days, then weekly untill your happy with it. it's all in phases. But listen to franco & you cant go wrong!
G'Luck Fella, i hope she smokes like a dream for ya! Peace............Scroger'
do NOT foliar spray if using HID lights. it will cause light spots, or burns where the water magnifies the light. best bet is to remove the plant from HID area, spray, wait & replace. sunlight will also cause the light burn spots. CFLS usually will not.

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