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CNBC piece on legalization in cali


Well-known member
not really news these days, but i found it interesting
short discussion on if it goes legal, what it might look like
but last year, when they did these stories, there would be a snicker or 2
some witty remarks tossed in how unlikely it was
they're not laughing any more, beginning to get that feel of 'it's just a business'
i'm thinking legal by the end of 2010(or in motion)


Active member
The media and the Federal Government are nowhere NEAR the mental shock that will come if California votes to legalize recreational use of marijuana.

Should that comes to pass, the snickering will stop - for just a little while.

Most of the politicians do not yet really believe such a vote will actually prevail at the ballot box. Who knows - they may well be right. If it does, there is not much that can be said for or against TC 2010 at that stage. The vote will be over and the California constitution amended, like it or not.

Should TC2010 pass - there will be a shout of disbelief, followed by Prohibitionists "doubling-down" on federal criminal laws and the provocation of a constitutional crisis of sorts. The cops will be on the air-waves begging the federal government to rescue the police from the loonie left-wing voters in California who were deceived by pot smokers and drug-dealers, etc..

This will take years to resolve. Legalization is a proces, not an event.


Well-known member
This will take years to resolve. Legalization is a proces, not an event.

no real argument with that, probably not 'end of story'
but what does the Fed Gov do? send every DEA agent they have to Cali?
and you have to wonder if some local and state LE will begin to take 'umbrage' at federal LE stomping on Cali state law
i don't see what they can do, though i bet there are some that are 'war gaming' this scenario right now


Active member
Until TC2010 from Richard Lee says that counties can prohibit the sale only with the vote of the people, I wont be supporting it.

Oakland and Humboldt will be where cannabis is sold.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I think a Constitutional crisis is exactly what will ensue when and if legalization occurs in CA. The feds can turn a blind eye to medical use, at least they can justify it because it's in the name of compassion. But full-blown legalization will definitely rock a lot of fed's boats. My guess is that after threats and possibly arrests, there will come a showdown. The matter will end up in the courts and be dragged out for years. Just look at history. Once the federal government has established power in a particular area, it does not give it up, voluntarily or otherwise.

Another prediction: A lot of lawyers will make a lot of money. You can quote me on that!


872,721 Marijuana Arrests In 2007 .....That is...a lot of money..


What about all the industry's..cotton..fiber..paper..and more?

The people can vote to make cannabis legal.

but like medical states are legal...still challanges patients to prove they have legit illnesses.



Active member
I think a Constitutional crisis is exactly what will ensue when and if legalization occurs in CA.

The matter will end up in the courts and be dragged out for years. Just look at history. Once the federal government has established power in a particular area, it does not give it up, voluntarily or otherwise.

It will go to court - but not because anybody much cares about the constitutionality of the law. It will go to court because that will relieve Obama from having to deal with it before the next election.

After that - it's not going to matter much what the court says or does not say. The demographic voting trend is on the side of legalization.

The matter will ultimately be resolved politically.


Well-known member
I think a Constitutional crisis is exactly what will ensue when and if legalization occurs in CA. The feds can turn a blind eye to medical use, at least they can justify it because it's in the name of compassion. But full-blown legalization will definitely rock a lot of fed's boats. My guess is that after threats and possibly arrests, there will come a showdown. The matter will end up in the courts and be dragged out for years. Just look at history. Once the federal government has established power in a particular area, it does not give it up, voluntarily or otherwise.

Another prediction: A lot of lawyers will make a lot of money. You can quote me on that!

this is the million dollar question, so to speak
what is the federal action if this bill(or other) passes
i don't picture Obama making an aggressive action on this issue
privately i don't think he has an issue with it, publicly i doubt he is going to celebrate
and it's just not california as we have seen, Washington could pass a bill that makes California's seem tame, Oregon also on the edge too
and Nevada seems ready to do something
what do the federals do in a 'west coast tidal wave'?


Active member
Until TC2010 from Richard Lee says that counties can prohibit the sale only with the vote of the people, I wont be supporting it.

seems to me if the vote of the people are in favor, then maybe they should just simply come together and vote those out that are not in favor, on the local front that is.


Patient Grower
Funny how stuck on this voting thing the opponents of TC2010 are. First of all it's traditional that the people vote in reps, who then vote on the laws. When was the last time you heard of a zoning law being voted by the people? So they're demanding some kind of special status for cannabis. Second, they're demanding a vote from the same people who vote in people like Bonnie Dumanis and Steve Cooley and think that they're going to vote in favor of legalization. I guess I wonder if these people are actually aware of the reality of the people that are against us, it seems to me these people live in a fantasy land. Oh well, it also seems there's no pointing out reality to them.


Well-known member
Funny how stuck on this voting thing the opponents of TC2010 are. First of all it's traditional that the people vote in reps, who then vote on the laws. When was the last time you heard of a zoning law being voted by the people? So they're demanding some kind of special status for cannabis. Second, they're demanding a vote from the same people who vote in people like Bonnie Dumanis and Steve Cooley and think that they're going to vote in favor of legalization. I guess I wonder if these people are actually aware of the reality of the people that are against us, it seems to me these people live in a fantasy land. Oh well, it also seems there's no pointing out reality to them.

voter initiatives got started when the voters got awfully tired of voting in reps that didn't do what they said they would do
some states have them(California for one), some states don't(NY for one)
the impression i get on the strategy of TC2010 is to appeal to the non-smoking voters who otherwise probably wouldn't vote for simple legalization
1 oz might be the 'comfort zone' for such voters
but we won't know for sure until the 'big poll'


Just my $0.02 here but I feel that AB390 Passing just the first committee was the landmark event.

Yes it was delayed but that is all they have left in the War on Cannabis.

We must realize that Fear and control of information are all the tools those against and in "power" have now.

The Popular vote is on the Pro-Cannabis side I understand.

So in the game of poker it's called Bluffing but we still have to "Call" the bet to see their hand which we know is less than ours.

Again please get two people to get two people to Get two people to register to vote and make sure they vote in November.

It just doesn't mater what we get this first round as we will have a realistic chance of open democratic voter initiatives in 2012 because it will be "semi-legal" in some form come 2012 and folks won't fear being outed.

Support Ab390 support TC2010

But do realize we are being bluffed for the winning "Pot" as we would say in poker we just have to play the last hand because the opposition is playing to win or lose.
Lets play to win and leave the losing to the anti-cannabis people!



Well-known member
i think AB390 and TC2010 are joined at the hip
you can see what's going on here, both sides are watching TC2010 like hawks
they're gauging it's chances, as we get closer to the vote, the equation changes
if the anti-weed forces see it getting too likely, they may try to cut a deal
like some amendments to AB390, passing something may 'preempt' the vote, maybe(or not)
but politicians do not care to be passive observers, they want to control the situation

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