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Help for Hermies!

Flying Goat

I know I should count myself lucky. I never have probs with nutes, mites, or deficiencies... but...

I had switched to 12/12 New Year's Eve. All were showing sex (female white pistils), all was good... Until my timer malfunctioned. I tried to maintain my 7am/7pm schedule, but got off on a couple days to 30 or 45 minutes difference in stop/start time.

My 5 largest babies were showing female for a week when suddenly male flowers appeared. I'm assuming it was from light stress.

Question: Is there any hope for hermies? If I transplant outdoors (w/row cover protection) will they be worth the effort? Or, should I just scrap them & replant?

I have isolated the affected plants from the other ladies in the chamber pending receipt of suggestions from the IC Brain Trust.

Thanks to all for any help.



hmmm i could be wrong, but i dont think 30-45 mins difference a couple days is from light stress .. id look into other causes first .. are you sure its 100% light proof during the night ?

Flying Goat

Kudos to Admin for removing the post from Poppy-whatever. The link he posted, supposedly to a Hermi & Cannabis video, was full of virus.

Dude - What is the point of that? Why can't we all be friendly?

Latinomies - Thanx much. I'm wondering how the smoke will be? Any experience there?

Flying Goat

Latinomies - The Reverse looks interesting. But it would take a month to get here from Oz. I think I'll just pinch the male flowers. Neat idea Dutch Masters has, but mine are most def hermies... Egad!

I've never faced this before & am kicking myself.


More than likely genetics. I got a batch of mediocre seeds from
greenhouse and most were hermie. Of course I was pissed and
about top throw them all away, but since I didn't have anything to
replace them with(and my wife in her infinite wisdom told me not to
throw them away), I decided to diligently pinch off any male
flowers. Long story short, pulled in a couple pounds from 12 plants
I was gonna ditch. Virtually no seeds. Give it a chance and pick
them off, if they become to much to care for, chop it and make
some oil.

Flying Goat

Thanks, Jim. Can't blame bad genetics on anyone... I was broke at the time & planted some seed I had in the freezer from some really good smoke. I just don't want their male pollen all over my pedigreed Master Kush.

So many balls... Better get out the cuticle scissors, I guess...

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
jim browsky is right, there are times when you'll just see a few on a plant, pick them off and that's the end of it. But, just try telling that to most growers. Getting all chicken little about a few hermie flowers is the latest flavor of the month in the cannabis community. My theory is that it's scare tactics from wannabe breeders trying to tell us, "Kids, don't try this at home, it's only for professionals" HAH! A big point to remember about hermie flowers is, they're really not a problem unless you have fans trained on your plants. I turned off my room fans 30 years ago, I assure you all, it's safe!

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