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Mass haul


Oi Cobbers,

Looks like someone's legal reps have a task ahead of them...

From the ninemsn website...

A cannabis crop with an estimated street value of $18 million has been found growing on leased land in a national park in northern NSW.

Two men have been charged with cultivating about 9,000 cannabis plants on two leased rural properties within the Chaelundi National Park near Dorrigo.

Two men were seen watering the plants about midday (AEDT) on Wednesday, police said.

"A search warrant was conducted on the property with the two men, aged 61 and 37, arrested and taken to Coffs Harbour police station," police said in a statement.

"Police allegedly located in excess of 9,000 cannabis plants with an estimated potential street value of $18 million."

Two men have been charged with cultivating cannabis greater than a commercial quantity and after a brief court appearance were refused bail to next face Coffs Harbour Local Court on March 9.

Police say they raided two properties as a result of the men's arrests and seized cash and financial documents.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
that sucks, looks like nsw will be a little dryer come april/may


How do you trim 9000 plant? The real criminals in this country are the bankers and investment brokers that screwed everyone's super and savings. arshole's cost me heaps nice retirment present nearly 1/3 of my super down the shit tube and not of these fuckin robbers are going to gaol.feel sorry for these guys they are going to be hung out to dry in the sun ,just doing use all a service. imo