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Hygrozyme VS AquaShield


Okay, So I've been told by the grow store that Aquashield is basically a cheaper version of Hygrozyme. I've used Aquashield and its worked good, fights everything from pythium to damping-off. I know that Aquashield is basically chicken shit, but can't seem to find where hygrozyme is sourced. I am using a RDWC in 5 gal buckets and I am switching to the more expensive Hygrozyme. Are there benefits to using Hygrozyme over Aquashield? Do they work differently? I've seen in other threads that some people use both together, if they do the same thing, isn't that redundant? Aquashield always came out kind of dark but my nute solution stayed clear for the most part. I noticed Hygrozyme is a bit more opaque and thicker, will it clog up my system? Basically, I am asking, which is better? Can some of y'all chime in and let me know your experiences with either or both? Thanks!


Bontanicare had a product called Hydroguard that I used for years, which they dropped from the lineup at the same time they introduced Aquashield. From everything I've read about A.S., it seems to be the same product as Hydroguard, only labeled differently. At any rate, it does the same thing as hydroguard (which is protect against disease).

While using hydroguard, I never had one instance of damping off or pythium. This was in soil, coco, and DWC gardens. I've picked up a bottle of Aquashield just recently. I've yet to use it, but all my experiences with Bontanicare products has been great, so I'm sure it will do the trick.


Yea, my experience with AquaShield has been the same. I have had about 90% success rate on clones, no damping off at all since using it. I'm hoping hygrozyme is as good or better!

Grass Lands

I just started using the AS..at what rate are you guys using it and how often, or do you follow the label...?


breathe deep
I think the aquashield and hygrozyme are products designed for different uses. The aquashield is as mentioned derived from poultry litter but is BACTERIA. Living.
The hygrozyme is an Enzyme product and if its like other Zyme products designed to breakdown dead matter like roots and such. Though Hygrozyme is organic and i don't know of another Zyme product that is so maybe it does what Aquashield does as well...
As you can see i am not really sure.


I've always used hydroguard/aquashield as a defense against disease. I apply it once when I plant seeds at 5ml/gallon, once when the seedlings first come up at 5ml/gallon, then once every four weeks after that at 12ml/gallon. The stuff really works wonders. I would get damping off every once and a while without it, but in the years I've used it I haven't had one single loss due to fungal disease.

It also works great for clones at the same rate of application.


just don't molest my colas..
I think the aquashield and hygrozyme are products designed for different uses. The aquashield is as mentioned derived from poultry litter but is BACTERIA. Living.
The hygrozyme is an Enzyme product and if its like other Zyme products designed to breakdown dead matter like roots and such. Though Hygrozyme is organic and i don't know of another Zyme product that is so maybe it does what Aquashield does as well...
As you can see i am not really sure.

This is correct. hydroguard/AS are the same product. it was all legal mumbojumbo is what made them have to pull it and change the label. It is a bacteria that colonizes the resevoir, so things like algae, and mold can't colonize and take over your medium. hygrozyme and nitrozyme and things like that are enzymes that break up micro nutrients and additives or materials in your medium so they are more accessible to your roots. At least this is my understanding of those two products. I use Aquashield in hydro and it keeps the res nice and clean!


This is correct. hydroguard/AS are the same product. it was all legal mumbojumbo is what made them have to pull it and change the label. It is a bacteria that colonizes the resevoir, so things like algae, and mold can't colonize and take over your medium. hygrozyme and nitrozyme and things like that are enzymes that break up micro nutrients and additives or materials in your medium so they are more accessible to your roots. At least this is my understanding of those two products. I use Aquashield in hydro and it keeps the res nice and clean!

Okay, so maybe thats what my plants are lacking. I've always used Aquashield, and now they are on hygrozyme instead! So they are lacking the beneficial bacteria. Should you use both products in conjunction on a regular basis? I have used Aquashield for a while as part of my regular feeding/nute schedule, always good results. SHould I always also use hygrozyme? Even if I don't know of any roots that are dead? Will the enzymes in the hygrozyme kill the bacteria in aquashield? SOrry, I need help on my other thread, and it seems this issues has lended some insight for me into what possibly is wrong!



just don't molest my colas..
after looking at your other thread what I feel your problem is, is the rockwool cubes are staying too wet and possibly rotting or growing fungus in the rootzone. I would suggest discontinuing the hygrozyme for now and get some SM90. This should stimulate root growth in affected areas, and get rid of the rot in the rockwool if thats what the problem is.


The false claims about products in this forum make my head spin.

"get some SM90. This should stimulate root growth in affected areas"
Sm90 does not 'stimulate root growth' and has never claimed to do so.


Sm90 does not 'stimulate root growth' and has never claimed to do so.

From the Nutrilife (makers of SM90) web site:

Encourages new root growth.

How it Works:
When added in small quantities directly to plant nutrient solutions, new root growth emerges.
Treated plants develop greater root area, root runs and exhibit generally healthier root development.


Ive never seen that, i thought it inhibited pathogens. ive had a bottle for years.

Inhibiting pathogens would/could indirectly help with root growth. I thought its 'active' ingredient was some oil (listed on bottle, im thinking coriander oil). but IMO that mode of action is not 'promoting' growth.

I apologize ticklemyballs, i didnt know nutrlife was claiming that


From Kelly Zastowny, owner of Nutrilife:
SM-90 was never intended for using in the reservoir but it has turned out to be quite a savior for many problems.
It was originally designed for "S"pider "M"ites on roses, in 19"90", hence the name.

SM90 acts as a wetting agent which promotes root growth.
In addition to spider mite eradication and prevention, it also prevents powder mildew when used as a foliar spray.


just don't molest my colas..
thanks for the apology. I actually didn't know that was a use for it either until about a year ago when I had some root rot problems in my ebb & grow buckets. It definitely has helped a couple of plants that had been struggling. I don't use it very frequently, but it's handy to have around. I always thought it was foliar, which is apparently what it was released as for roses.. thanks for the info dongle.


I have used SM-90 in my clean run in my res last week along side H2O2 and hygrozyme. Now I want to nurse em back to health w/o all that crap. SM-90 also warns that it will kill all the beneficial bacteria, so using it together with AquaShield is probably not a good idea!


That is a common misconception about SM90.
SM90 does not have a negative effect on beneficials.
I did some research a little over a year on the subject.
Many web sites are giving wrong info that SM90 kill beneficials.
Another blurb from Kelly:
I have spoken with the micro-biologist and he has assured me that the SM-90 was not interfering with colonization of beneficial's in the root zone.
I have also verified with a microscope.
He also told me that he is aware of the misinformation out there but it is on too many web sites to keep up with and correct.


That is a common misconception about SM90.
SM90 does not have a negative effect on beneficials.
I did some research a little over a year on the subject.
Many web sites are giving wrong info that SM90 kill beneficials.
Another blurb from Kelly:
I have spoken with the micro-biologist and he has assured me that the SM-90 was not interfering with colonization of beneficial's in the root zone.
I have also verified with a microscope.
He also told me that he is aware of the misinformation out there but it is on too many web sites to keep up with and correct.

Really? I though it said so on the bottle? I could be wrong. So I can use SM-90 with MC Fungus and AquaShield to build up my beneficials? I don't want to waste this stuff, shit is expensive!