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Older leaves edge purplin, and then turn yellow


New member
Ok as the title says, the edges are turnin purple and then the leave slowly turns yellow. Growth seems to be stunted.

PH of water in is 6.5, I'm using FoxFarms triple pack. Currently only in the big bloom and grow big, respectively 2tbl/gal and 3tsp/gal as recomended by foxfarm. Of course I add water 2times for every 1 feeding.

Temps range between 62 at night to 75+ during the day, I suspect that the temp spiking 79 a couple times toward the end of the day is my problem but I have brought it down at least 3 degrees...still needs work.

I have a couple fans going 24/7.

Runnin a 400wcmh from phillips.

Dirt is Fafard C-1P.

I have three seperate genetics under this light and the centered plant is showing the problems, the other two seem to have some problems too but no purplin, just some stunted growth and yellowin leaves.

If anyone is familiar with this kind of discoloration I'm very interested. I'll post picks asap, soon as I figure this sight out..


New member
Plants are clones that I planted in early december for the center worst off plant, and then middle of december for the outer two that are in better shape.


When were planing on switching those to flower?

With FF I found my plants liked a more consistent feeding schedule
like two feedings and then one water only. The addition of beneficial
myco/bacteria helped with FF. FF straight needs a little push, I
always used a little blackstrap molasses every third or fourth
feeding. The one in the middle kinda looks root bound maybe?

Did you test the runoff pH?

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
How long have they been in those pots? They look like they dried out or got overwatered, or both.


Run-off is okay. Might be root bound and showing multiple signs of deficiency because of it. Are the purple stems normal for that strain?


New member
I don't understand the term rootbound, I have had plants in the past that wadded up all around the outer pot and I never had a problem that looked like this.

The purple stems can be somewhat attributed to the cmh light from phillips that I am using.

Keep the ideas coming please I appreciatte allllllll comments.


New member
OK, so I over watered last night with the full strength FF, 3tspns, and 2tblspns. Haven't hit bloom yet...

I see a little growth and new growth seems to be more abundant. I noted that max temp only hit 77 today, usually I see closer to 79.... I think that maybe I have found something.

More nutes and less heat...


New member
So I got further issues, I've got the temp in line. MAX is 75, min hits 62.

Buying spring water at walmart, I've used 2.5 gallons so far, but it seems that problems are still occuring...

Is this possible a Mg deficiency, do I need some epsom salt. I've never experienced this before.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Well, I'm back to check on progress, but you didn't answer my question. I guess pot size and watering are not nearly as sexy as magneezium!


Active member
big time P def causing that purpling.
And the tops look like maybe an Fe def? obviously there's more than that. Makes me think you got a high pH problem. doubt 79 degrees would be a prob.


New member
Mr Greengeenes. These plants have been in the same containers since early december for the pissed off center plant, and mid december for the outer plants. I have 3 different genetics here and they are all acting differently. Of course they also sit in three different places. I water using the 'kick the bucket' method. Usually about every third day, when I water I drown them to make sure that the soil is saturated. I do see that the center plant is starting to get tight in the root space and plan on re-potting soon.

Rechecked the calibration on the pH meter, still right in line at 4.01 and 7.01. Water out of the Walmart spring water 2.5 gallon jug measures 7.2. I add less than 1/4 teaspoon of GH pH down and this moves my 1 gallon jug down to about 6.6. Then I add the FF in the heavy growth stage and then the pH goes to 6.2. Water runoff is consistently 6.8, a little higher than I'd like but...

I've raised the lamp another 6" to try and keep down some of the intensity as it's 400w cmh in a small area(3'x2'). I also added a dehumidifier to the area to keep things a little drier as the ceiling was slightly damp to the touch I noticed while moving the light higher.

The current distance from the tallest plant is 2' to the bulb, granted cmh is slightly cooler than equivalent hps or mh.

The funny thing is that the plant on the right seems to be diggin the whole scene. The middle plant has nice healthy lookin rootbundle but the leaves are still turnin purple and curlin up at the ends when dead. And the plant on the left is in the middle of the range.

Hmm maybe the pot difference is where it's at... we'll see after the transplant I guess.

Thanks for everyones advice I'll keep ya'll posted on the situation.:smokey::smokey::smokey:


New member
So as I was standing over the tops of the plants I started to notice that the most damaged leaves happened to be directly in the light of the bulb, while the parts that seem to be fairing better had less a less direct light... I think that maybe I'm killing them with brightness.

I currently have the lamp as high as it can go in the space permited. I may need less lamp, oh no.


New member
I'm apparently a large fool.

The issue at hand had to due with the lamp being too close.

Life is now taking over.


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