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AB 390 passes!!!


Active member
so is it going to effect the rest of the country? the federal govt still says its illeagle right? then once the state actually gets tax money from it doesnt that effectivley make them dealers? so the feds either arrest everyone in there or throw their hands in the air and let each state deal with it individualy. its going to be intresting to see what happens


Active member
You just want any legal law for Mj to pass, you don't care if its structured properly or even beneficial for the people.
ANYTHING will be better structured than the current prohibition. Your education on the subject is severely lacking. I can't 'fix' that for you in a few sentences.

I'm freely protesting the legalization, its bad for people and anybody who doesn't see that doesn't see the big picture.
You sit there without an education on the subject and are talking out of your ass. Is this what your parents taught you to act like?
If you really believe you have a thorough eduction on the subject.... you're beyond delusional and I can't help. See previous statement.


so is it going to effect the rest of the country? the federal govt still says its illeagle right? then once the state actually gets tax money from it doesnt that effectivley make them dealers? so the feds either arrest everyone in there or throw their hands in the air and let each state deal with it individualy. its going to be intresting to see what happens

maybe if it really passed it would, but the Orginal Poster was mistaken in making the topic of this thread AB 390 Passes, because it didn't pass. It made it past the first hurdle of many that a bill must go through.

Considering that the session for this term ends tomorrow, the bill won't get a vote and then will die where it is at. Tom who wrote the bill has said he will get another bill put in as soon as next session starts to begin the process again.. but in reality nothing has changed for anyone at this point.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
ANYTHING will be better structured than the current prohibition. Your education on the subject is severely lacking. I can't 'fix' that for you in a few sentences.

You sit there without an education on the subject and are talking out of your ass. Is this what your parents taught you to act like?
If you really believe you have a thorough eduction on the subject.... you're beyond delusional and I can't help. See previous statement.

So personal attacks without substantiated proof is a good way to make your point more valid....? No its not

Prohibition doesn't exist for the medical community, don't you get it? Go get a medical card. If you're talking about some other state that has not medical, then we are not on the same page. In CALIFORNIA, where the bill is going to possibly pass, you don't need it to be legal because there is no prohibition.


Active member
maybe if it really passed it would, but the Orginal Poster was mistaken in making the topic of this thread AB 390 Passes, because it didn't pass. It made it past the first hurdle of many that a bill must go through.

Considering that the session for this term ends tomorrow, the bill won't get a vote and then will die where it is at. Tom who wrote the bill has said he will get another bill put in as soon as next session starts to begin the process again.. but in reality nothing has changed for anyone at this point.

ohhhh,well that puts a whole new paint job on things,better luck next year CA


maybe if it really passed it would, but the Orginal Poster was mistaken in making the topic of this thread AB 390 Passes, because it didn't pass. It made it past the first hurdle of many that a bill must go through.

Considering that the session for this term ends tomorrow, the bill won't get a vote and then will die where it is at. Tom who wrote the bill has said he will get another bill put in as soon as next session starts to begin the process again.. but in reality nothing has changed for anyone at this point.

Ah.. Consider that it shines a light on how out of touch we are from our own affairs.

In a way it is fair to say "It passed" as we became the first state to approve cannabis re-legalization. In that the statement "it passed" is true.
I had to spend a few days realizing this myself.
So while yes it isn't going to be a law soon; it did indeed pass.

So hey.. It passed.. My bad... Bang a Gong; Get it On.[\url]


I have a friend in the Valley with several houses producing well over 6 figures and works around 20 hours per week. He could succeed in any straight industry, btw, but chooses cannabis because it's "easy". For those working harder, I suggest there's an shortcoming somewhere, be it personal or otherwise. I have never worked in the cannabis industry.
i challenge you my friend, to have several houses, work 20 hours a week and make 6 figures. Unless your hireing people to do the dirty work, no way your going to be working 20 hours a week.


i challenge you my friend, to have several houses, work 20 hours a week and make 6 figures. Unless your hireing people to do the dirty work, no way your going to be working 20 hours a week.

I know coops owners...that started with renting a 3 bedroom and after 3 years...

WAREHOUSE!! u can always tell a warehose grow..GREEN PAINTED SKYLIGHTS!!

U gotta have yer shizt dialed in..and pay the real deal cuts.

sure..900 collectives in l.a..and with new rules l.a...wants only 70 coops..


U stay in the midwest..myself Id like to do... new mexico.. I here its really getting phat out there

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
He has several people that work for/with him.

There we go... ya, I don't have anything big and spend easily 20 hours a week maintaining my mothers, taking cuts and growing a very small amount of plants for bud.

In the past I've done 12k in a dedicated house with a partner, I spent way to much time there.... :dunno:


I don't consider it "fair" to pass on misinformation that can land people in a lot of trouble. People in this thread have already proven they don't research or understand the process by the way they are posting saying it "passed".

Do you want to feel responsible for landing people in jail because they heard on this forum something was true that isn't? The bottom line is there has been 0 change in the LAW from today, to a month ago. Was it a giant leap forward to get 4 out of 7 politicians to vote yes on AB 390? You bet!! Does that mean we "re-legalized" anything? Not even close.

Before we start telling people something passed to law, maybe we should think of the trouble we could be getting them into.

I'm with ya.. In General one thing in specific news to friends be clear..

Be responsible and have fun with the news.. Just don't lie!


Active member
Go get a medical card.

I HAVE a medical card. Prohibition of cannabis DOES exist in California though.

Can I talk to my neighbor about my grow? NO! (Not unless I'm retarded and don't care about getting ripped off.)

Can I share some cannabis with my neighbor because they don't like beer? NO!

Can I smoke a doob on my front porch? NO!

Can I sell my extra smoke to someone or trade openly? NO!

Fuck you and your "Prohibition doesn't exist in California B.S."

Prohibition of cannabis/hemp in ANY form is killing this country and you obviously don't have a clue.

Personal attacks? I'm just pointing out that you've not looked into the issue. It's OBVIOUS!

Here's the key.... We're talking about an animal in a box here. Everyone you know says there's a ferocious lion in there. The experts have all conceded that there's an animal in there with claws and a ferocious appetite.

Anyone that's actually LOOKED into the box knows there's only a freaking kitten in there.

Standing around the box you're going to find experts and tons of people that will swear up and down there's a lion in the box. YOU'LL EVEN FIND PEOPLE THAT SAY THEY'VE LOOKED IN THE BOX THAT STILL SWEAR THERE'S A LION IN THERE!

It's just a kitten. Do some actual research and then we'll laugh about how blind you were now. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Hydro-soil your extremist views aren't the norm.

Even if it was legal, you still couldn't talk about growing or anything of that nature because, depending on where you live, you would still be ripped off. Its still going to have value and if a theif is looking for value, its right there.

Just get used to Mj being a taboo and restricted subject among the general populous. You have no reason or need to be able to shove it in everyones face that you grow and smoke pot. Be content that you aren't being sentenced to death (china) and you can grow your weed & smoke it legally.


Active member
Just get used to Mj being a taboo and restricted subject among the general populous. You have no reason or need to be able to shove it in everyones face that you grow and smoke pot. Be content that you aren't being sentenced to death (china) and you can grow your weed & smoke it legally.

I think we are all too used to the prejudice surrounding herb. Personally I dont see why anyone should be content to have their rights trampled on, even if they are not literally trampled to death.

It is really a great thing the medical card, and for some it makes a world of a difference. But just because you are not feeling it at the moment, that doesnt mean prohibition do not exist.

Prohibition is in fact very real, and even in California the medical community is far from immune from attacks. Being content in a situation like that may equally well spell a backlash.

Quite frankly those fuckers deserve to have smoke blown in their face. I say smoke it openly and share it freely whenever you can, because you can - even if it is an offense to some.

And by all means, stay safe


I see hard core conservatives supporting cannabis reform. I see liberal hard cores sup[porting cannabis reform.

The two sides are the far right and the far-left that are dead set against it.

The only hate and disinformation piece I have read in the past week has been the "blanket" type of it causes cancer, insanity and boobies on men. Well Who know eh..

Anyway wtf.. we have to get folks registering to vote in California and elsewhere!

But true to the topic I call it "IT PASSED!" I know what i am saying tho..


Active member
Hydro-soil your extremist views aren't the norm.

Even if it was legal, you still couldn't talk about growing or anything of that nature because, depending on where you live, you would still be ripped off. Its still going to have value and if a theif is looking for value, its right there.
My views aren't the norm because people believe stupid crap that isn't true. Your views are unrealistic because you believe things will stay static, after the laws change.

How many micro brew hobbyists do you hear about getting jacked for their beer? None... because you can buy it in the store cheaply.

How many growers would you hear about getting jacked if you could cheaply buy decent cannabis in the stores... NONE!

Just get used to Mj being a taboo and restricted subject among the general populous..
No thank you. That's wrong and it hurts the population of any society that keeps that prohibition alive. Even more so because it's a HUGELY useful natural resource. The artificial substitutes are killing the planet and ourselves.

If you can't see that... you're missing the big picture.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
My views aren't the norm because people believe stupid crap that isn't true. Your views are unrealistic because you believe things will stay static, after the laws change.

How many micro brew hobbyists do you hear about getting jacked for their beer? None... because you can buy it in the store cheaply.

How many growers would you hear about getting jacked if you could cheaply buy decent cannabis in the stores... NONE!

No thank you. That's wrong and it hurts the population of any society that keeps that prohibition alive. Even more so because it's a HUGELY useful natural resource. The artificial substitutes are killing the planet and ourselves.

If you can't see that... you're missing the big picture.

You come off as an extremist and cannot communicate in a logically manner; you become emotional. Therefor, I believe your arguments and goals are mute.


My views aren't the norm because people believe stupid crap that isn't true. Your views are unrealistic because you believe things will stay static, after the laws change.

How many micro brew hobbyists do you hear about getting jacked for their beer? None... because you can buy it in the store cheaply.

How many growers would you hear about getting jacked if you could cheaply buy decent cannabis in the stores... NONE!

No thank you. That's wrong and it hurts the population of any society that keeps that prohibition alive. Even more so because it's a HUGELY useful natural resource. The artificial substitutes are killing the planet and ourselves.

If you can't see that... you're missing the big picture.



I can not wait until mj is legal. I will gladly pay my taxes on my sales. It's about time for a whole new crop of gardeners that are going to jump into the scene. The only people who should be worried are those with an inferior product. To the best of my knowledge cannabis takes a while to grow and while it is not rocket science, a perfectly grown crop is no easy task. Sink or swim baby, I love it!

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